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二零零八年五月十一日 緬甸熱帶氣旋(相當於強烈颱風)災情簡報最新訊息

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1 二零零八年五月十一日 緬甸熱帶氣旋(相當於強烈颱風)災情簡報最新訊息
二零零八年五月十一日 緬甸熱帶氣旋(相當於強烈颱風)災情簡報最新訊息  1 1

2 庇護所 仰光 重災區 拉普塔 伊洛瓦底三角洲災區

3 在拉普塔小鎮,災民等候人道援助組織發放物資。

4 當地處理屍體方法是推入河中。


6 來不及處理的屍首在烈日下曝曬。

7 這一家人的孩子在洪水中喪命。

8 軍方撤離倖存災民,但怕產生暴動,威脅村民聽話,否則進行武力鎮壓。

9 風災之後,緬甸總理在五月十日前往公投。

10 在Kunchankone小鎮,這個男孩的母親在風災中往生,父親早已離家,家破人亡之後,男孩成遊民四處流浪。

11 一位婦女用水溝水,煮食死掉的水牛,在Kunchankone這個地區,因風災至少往生了四千人。

12 女娃因為腹瀉嚴重脫水只能虛弱躺下,急需醫療援助。

13 這位婦女與她的孩子逃過一劫,在樹林中搭起簡陋安身處,但孩子目前嚴重腹瀉。

14 這位婦女盡一生積蓄,在上個月蓋好了新房,但在風災中毀於一旦,在kawmhu地區,約有二千人喪生。

15 這一家人因風災必需離開破碎的家,災區滿目瘡痍不知何處安身。

16 這座小學在一九九九年六月蓋好,約有二百六十位學生,風災中夷為平地,老師重返學校查看災情。

17 學校成一片瓦礫。

18 法師們返回寺院整理環境。

19 倖存的男孩在庇護所獨自安身,急需外界援助。

20 庇護所外觀。

21 仰光綜合醫院,設有急診及醫學院(未受災前)。

22 風災後淹水情況。(目前應已恢復)

23 風災後仰光市糧食物價飆漲,飲水價格上漲五倍,油、米價格上漲百分之六十。
Yangon: in just three days, the price of water has increased by over 500% Yangon is the most populated area of the country. The lack of water and the threat of food shortages in the region have led to a dramatic increase in the price of basic foodstuffs. "The price of rice and oil increased by 60% in just three days and the price of water increased by 500%," says Felix Leger, Action Against Hunger's Country Director in Myanmar. "Electricity pylons and homes have been destroyed or damaged, and people are queuing for water." The rise in prices comes at a time when the current global food crisis is already having a significant impact on the country. This increase in prices has highlighted the significance of the lack of drinking water and the pressure on food security in Yangon, especially as the cyclone has destroyed a region known as the 'granary of the country'. Action Against Hunger teams are currently assessing the immediate needs in the Yangon area.

24 仰光今日氣候:陰雨,最高溫度攝氏32度。 台灣.花蓮 緬甸.仰光

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