文法教學 PPT 關係子句(關代當受詞).

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1 文法教學 PPT 關係子句(關代當受詞)






7 一、關係代名詞當受詞 1. 關係代名詞當主詞、受詞的差異 (1) 上一單元教授的是關係代名詞當「主 詞」的用法,本課教授的是關係代名詞
當「受詞」的用法。 (2) 關係代名詞 who、which、that 當主詞 時,不可省略;但是關係代名詞當「受 詞」時,由於不會混淆句意,因此可以 省略。

8 二、關係子句形成步驟 1. 先行詞是「人」 句構: …先行詞+(who / whom / that) +動詞…

9 二、關係子句形成步驟 例:句 a. The girl is my sister. 句 b. Terry likes the girl .
步驟 1 找出指同一「人」的名詞 the girl。 例:句 a. The girl is my sister. 句 b. Terry likes the girl .

10 二、關係子句形成步驟 例:句 a. The girl is my sister. 句 b. Terry likes . the girl
步驟 2 將句 b 的 the girl 改為關係代名詞 who 或 that,並移到句首。 例:句 a. The girl is my sister. 句 b. Terry likes the girl who / that

11 二、關係子句形成步驟 例:句 a. The girl is my sister.
步驟 3 將句 b(關係子句)放在先行詞 the girl 後,再將關係子句和句 a 合併。 例:句 a. The girl is my sister. 句 b. (who / that) Terry likes . 關係子句

12 二、關係子句形成步驟 例:The girl (who / that) Terry likes is my sister. 步驟 4
完成關係子句。 例:The girl (who / that) Terry likes is my sister.

13 二、關係子句形成步驟 2. 先行詞是「事 / 物」 句構: …先行詞+(which / that)+動詞…

14 二、關係子句形成步驟 例:句 a. I want to buy the computer . 步驟 1
句 b. We’re talking about the computer .

15 二、關係子句形成步驟 例:句 a. I want to buy the computer . 步驟 2
將句 b 的 the computer 改為關係代名詞 which 或 that,並移到句首。 例:句 a. I want to buy the computer . 句 b. We’re talking about the computer which / that

16 二、關係子句形成步驟 例:句 a. I want to buy the computer . 步驟 3
將句 b(關係子句)放在先行詞 the computer 後面,將關係子句和句 a 合併。 例:句 a. I want to buy the computer . 句 b. (which / that) we’re talking about . 關係子句

17 二、關係子句形成步驟 步驟 4 完成關係子句 例:I want to buy the computer (which / that) we’re talking about.

18 二、關係子句形成步驟 3. 補充說明 關代當「受格」,關係子句中的動詞變化由 關係子句中的主詞決定,與先行詞無關。
例:(1) I know the girl (who / that) the boys are looking for. →由於關係子句的主詞是 the boys,為複數, 所以關係子句的 be 動詞須用 are。 (2) I know the girl (who / that) the boy is →由於關係子句的主詞是 the boy,為單數, 所以關係子句的 be 動詞須用 is。

19 Practice  用關係代名詞合併句子 1. The movie is really interesting.
I watched the movie today. The movie (which / that) I watched today is really interesting. 2. Sam fell in love with the girl. He met the girl at the party last month. Sam fell in love with the girl (who / that) he met at the party last month.

20 Practice the teacher / the kids like a lot  用關係代名詞完成句子 Ms. Li
Ms. Li is the teacher (who / that) the kids like a lot.

21 Practice Kim often visits / is famous  用關係代名詞完成句子 toy shop
The toy shop (which / that) Kim often visits is famous.

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