290救主像牧人領我路 Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us

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Presentation on theme: "290救主像牧人領我路 Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us"— Presentation transcript:

1 290救主像牧人領我路 Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us
1/3 懇求大牧導我前行,我真需要主關心, 懇求引到快樂草場,預備羊欄安我身, Savior, like a shepherd lead us, much we need Thy tender care; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use Thy folds prepare.

2 290救主像牧人領我路 Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us
1/3 賜福救主, 賜福救主, 我們蒙救作主民, 賜福救主, 賜福救主, 我們蒙救作主民, Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast bought us, Thine we are.

3 290救主像牧人領我路 Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us
2/3 雖然我們多罪困貧,主已應許收我靈, 主有慈悲普救愛心,釋放權能洗滌恩, Thou hast promised to receive us, poor and sinful though we be; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, grace to cleanse and power to free.

4 290救主像牧人領我路 Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us
2/3 賜福救主,賜福救主,我願早日歸家庭,賜福救主,賜福救主,我願早日歸家庭, Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! We will early turn to Thee. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! We will early turn to Thee.

5 290救主像牧人領我路 Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us
3/3 我願早蒙主的深恩,早奉主命向前奔 敬求救主,獨一救主,將你妙愛充我心. Early let us seek Thy favor, early let us do Thy will; Blessèd Lord and only Savior, with Thy love our bosoms fill.

6 290救主像牧人領我路 Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us
3/3 賜福救主,賜福救主,永遠溫柔愛我們, 賜福救主,賜福救主,永遠溫柔愛我們. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! We will early turn to Thee. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! We will early turn to Thee.

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