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27萬代之神 God of Our Fathers 萬代之神,用你全能聖手,美化穹蒼, 舖張錦繡宇宙;燦爛輝煌,日月星光紛呈,

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Presentation on theme: "27萬代之神 God of Our Fathers 萬代之神,用你全能聖手,美化穹蒼, 舖張錦繡宇宙;燦爛輝煌,日月星光紛呈,"— Presentation transcript:

1 27萬代之神 God of Our Fathers 萬代之神,用你全能聖手,美化穹蒼, 舖張錦繡宇宙;燦爛輝煌,日月星光紛呈,
1/4 萬代之神,用你全能聖手,美化穹蒼, 舖張錦繡宇宙;燦爛輝煌,日月星光紛呈, 敬向寶座,獻上感恩歌聲. God of our fathers, whose almighty hand Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise.

2 27萬代之神 God of Our Fathers 真神慈愛,歷代引導眷顧,在此樂土, 安享自由幸福;願主統領,引導護守安穩,
2/4 真神慈愛,歷代引導眷顧,在此樂土, 安享自由幸福;願主統領,引導護守安穩, 你言你道,是我所法所遵。 Thy love divine hath led us in the past, In this free land by Thee our lot is cast, Be Thou our Ruler, Guardian, Guide and Stay, Thy Word our law, Thy paths our chosen way.

3 脫離戰爭兇危; 願你聖道在眾心中滋長,你的良善,使我眾享安康。
27萬代之神 God of Our Fathers 3/4 願你聖臂,永作我眾護衛, 免遭災禍, 脫離戰爭兇危; 願你聖道在眾心中滋長,你的良善,使我眾享安康。 From war’s alarms, from deadly pestilence, Be Thy strong arm our ever sure defense; Thy true religion in our hearts increase, Thy bounteous goodness nourish us in peace.

4 道路艱難,求主甦你百姓; 從此黑暗,導進永遠光明; 使我生活蒙主恩愛充滿;
27萬代之神 God of Our Fathers 4/4 道路艱難,求主甦你百姓; 從此黑暗,導進永遠光明; 使我生活蒙主恩愛充滿; 頌讚榮耀,歸主直到永遠。 Refresh Thy people on their toilsome way, Lead us from night to never ending day; Fill all our lives with love and grace divine, And glory, laud, and praise be ever Thine.

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