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Internet-Based execise (p334)

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1 Internet-Based execise (p334)
管科 吳佳杬 工工 周佳宜

2 Telecommuting work

3 ●Telecommuting work 指透過資訊科技的電子溝通方式可以用來代替因上班工作的車輛通勤往返。

4 ●好處、優點 【對員工與管理者】 1.整體營運成本降低 2.雇用與留住優秀人材 3.減少工作時精神渙散的情形 4.通勤時間的縮短
5.家人相處時間增加 6.辦公室空間的減少 7.生產力提高

5 ●好處、優點 【對社會與國家】 1.能源的節省 2.交通問題的解決 3.空氣污染的降低

6 (JetBlue Airways Corp.)
●遠距工作成功例子 【捷藍航空公司】 (JetBlue Airways Corp.) 捷藍航空有大約10,000名僱員,支援服務是由在家中工作的僱員提供,為捷藍航空省下一大筆成本。 捷藍約有七百名訂位服務員,全都在家裡工作。捷藍航空20%機票都是經過電話出售,其餘的則經過網路銷售。 →省下成本,機票主打低價位

7 ●優勢 某年發生暴風雪,他家航空公司費盡千辛萬苦,要員工冒著大風大雪趕往話務中心,答覆憂心忡忡的旅客的各種問題。
捷藍卻不必這麼麻煩,他的訂位服務員只要下床,馬上可以上工。 →在家辦公的員工,工作滿意度通常比較高,生產力據估計提升25%。

8 best companies to work for

9 ●CNN money Fortune 100 Best companies to works for。 RANK COMPANY NAME
JOB GROWTH No. of Employees 1 Google, Inc N.A. 34,311 2 SAS 5.6% 6,373 3 CH Healthcare Services 4.7% 1.378 4 The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 18.6% 2,314 5 Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. 8.3% 43,927

10 What makes Google so great?
The Internet juggernaut takes the Best Companies crown for the fourth time, and not just for the 100,000 hours of subsidized massages it doled out in 2012. New this year are three wellness centers and a seven-acre sports complex, which includes a roller hockey rink; courts for basketball, bocce, and shuffle ball; and horseshoe pits.

11 What makes SAS so great? With two artists in residence on staff, the perk-friendly, privately held data analytics firm takes creativity seriously. One employee cites SAS's "creative anarchy" as conducive to innovation. New this year: an organic farm for SAS's four cafeterias.

12 What makes CHG Healthcare Services so great?
Employees of this medical staffing firm compete in talent shows, trivia contests, and activities like a Dress As Your Favorite President competition. Extra paid time off is given to sales teams that meet their goals. New this year: two on-site health centers.

13 比較 →性質不同, 規模也不同。 公司名稱 規模 性質 Google Large 跨國科技公司 SAS Medium 私人軟體公司
CH Healthcare Services Small 招聘公司 →性質不同, 規模也不同。

14 分析 為什麼這3家公司會是“of the best companies to work for”的前3名? 生理層面→員工福利佳。

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