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求神領我 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 耶和華求祢帶領我 走過今世曠野路 我雖軟弱主有權能 願主聖手常扶助 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah pilgrim thro’ this barren land I am weak but Thou.

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Presentation on theme: "求神領我 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 耶和華求祢帶領我 走過今世曠野路 我雖軟弱主有權能 願主聖手常扶助 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah pilgrim thro’ this barren land I am weak but Thou."— Presentation transcript:

1 求神領我 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 耶和華求祢帶領我 走過今世曠野路 我雖軟弱主有權能 願主聖手常扶助 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah pilgrim thro’ this barren land I am weak but Thou art mighty hold me with Thy powerful hand

2 天上嗎哪 天上嗎哪 賜我飽足免饑餓 賜我飽足免饑餓 Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven Feed me till I want no more Feed me till I want no more

3 求主開通永生泉源 解我乾渴醫我傷 求主賜下雲柱火柱 始我道路得通暢 Open now the crystal fountain whence the healing stream doth flow Let the fire and cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey thro’

4 全能救主 全能救主 作我盾牌與力量 作我盾牌與力量 Strong Deliv’rer, strong Deliv’rer Be Thou still my strength and shield Be Thou still my strength and shield

5 當我來到死亡河邊 求主使我不恐懼 領我安渡洶湧波濤 進入天家得安居 When I tread the verge of Jordan Bid my anxious fears subside Bear me through the swelling current Land me safe on Canaan’s side

6 歌唱讚美 歌唱讚美 我要永遠讚美祢 我要永遠讚美祢 歌唱讚美 歌唱讚美 我要永遠讚美祢 Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to Thee I will ever give to Thee Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to Thee

7 感謝的詩/My Song of Praise 今願主耶穌與我同行 也願主的平安與我住 相信祂作我的救贖主 來保守我互我完全 I will walk with Jesus at my side  And the peace of God within my soul I will trust my Savior as my guide to keep me safe, to make me whole

8 我看見主疼痛極齊全 佇我身邊不時賜互我 大歡喜主的疼臨到我 互我快樂閣扶持我 I can find God's love in all I see It's around me everywhere I go I rejoice in all God gives to me to bring me joy, to help me grow

9 我一生要唱歌來謳咾主 來感謝主來謳咾主 這款的疼我愛播揚互全世界攏知 感謝的詩來吟 My life's a song I'll sing for the Lord  A song of thanks, a song of praise  A gift of love that I will share with people everywhere My grateful song I raise

10 踮佇信我攏無有驚惶 因為主的教我牽我行 我深信主有佇我身邊 互我盼望助我勇壯 I will live in faith and have no fear For the Lord will teach me right from wrong I believe that God is always near to give me hope, to make me strong

11 我一生欲盡心服事主 欲報揚主大權能言語 盡我所得恩賜與才能 互全世界識主的疼 I will serve the Lord in every way and proclaim the power of the Word I will use my talents every day to show God's love to all the world

12 我一生欲唱歌來謳咾主 來感謝主來謳咾主 這款的疼我愛報揚互全世界攏知 感謝的詩來吟 My life's a song I'll sing for the Lord  A song of thanks, a song of praise  A gift of love that I will share with people everywhere My grateful song I raise

13 我一生欲唱歌來謳咾主 來感謝主 來謳咾主 這款的疼我愛報揚互全世界攏知 感謝的詩來吟 感謝的詩 My life's a song I'll sing for the Lord  A song of thanks, a song of praise  A gift of love that I will share with people everywhere My grateful song I raise. My song of praise!

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