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Bluetooth (藍牙) 靜宜大學資管系 楊子青

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Presentation on theme: "Bluetooth (藍牙) 靜宜大學資管系 楊子青"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bluetooth (藍牙) 靜宜大學資管系 楊子青

2 藍牙 技術始於Ericsson(愛利信)公司的1994方案 支持短距離通訊(10m ~100m)的無線網路技術
研究手機和其他配件間進行低功耗、低成本無線通訊連線的方法,解決使用者間互不相容的裝置 1997年獲得行動裝置製造商支援 支持短距離通訊(10m ~100m)的無線網路技術 能在包括行動電話、PDA、無線耳機、NB等眾多設備間進行無線訊息交換

3 1. 開啟藍牙及進行配對 Pair a Bluetooth device
Open your phone or tablet's Settings menu . Under "Wireless & networks," touch Bluetooth. Make sure Bluetooth is turned on and your device is set to visible. Your device will scan for and display all available Bluetooth devices in range under "Available devices." Android 4.4 and lower: If your mobile device stops scanning before your Bluetooth device is ready, touch Search for devices at the bottom of the screen. Android 5.0 or higher: If your Bluetooth device isn't showing in the list, touch the Menu icon Menu, then touch Refresh. Touch the name of the Bluetooth device you want to pair your device with. Follow the instructions to complete the pairing. If you're prompted to enter a passcode, try entering 0000 or 1234 (the most common passcodes), or consult the documentation that came with the device. If the pairing is successful, your device connects to the device.

4 2. 主畫面:藍牙伺服器端與用戶端

5 3. 藍牙伺服器端

6 藍牙伺服器端:連線 自行命名

7 藍牙伺服器端:關閉連線

8 藍牙伺服器端:傳送及接收文字 檢查是否連線 如果有收到文字 每秒鐘檢查是否有對方傳來之訊息

9 4. 藍牙用戶端

10 藍牙用戶端:選擇藍牙連線裝置

11 藍牙用戶端:連線

12 藍牙用戶端:關閉連線

13 藍牙用戶端:傳送及接收文字

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