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Zhong Caishun 13699529035 The Latest Development of English Language Education in Chinese Middle Schools Zhong Caishun 13699529035.

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1 Zhong Caishun 13699529035
The Latest Development of English Language Education in Chinese Middle Schools Zhong Caishun

2 1. what is the role of English in curriculum for middle school students?

3 2. Why do we incorporate English into the curriculum?
当今世界正处在大发展和大调整的变革时期,呈现出世界多极化和经济全球化以及信息化的发展态势。作为一个和平发展的大国,中国承担着重要的历史使命和国际责任与义务。英语作为全球使用最广泛的语言之一.已经成为国际交往和科技、文化交流的重要工具。学习和使用英语对吸取人类文明成果、借鉴外国先进科学技术、增进中国和世界的相互理解具有重要的作用。在义务教育阶段开设英语课程能够为提高我国整体国民素养,培养具有创新能力和跨文化交际能力的人才,提高国家的国际竞争力和国民的国际交流能力奠定基础。 在义务教育阶段开设英语课程对青少年的未来发展具有重要意义。学习英语不仅有利于他们更好地了解世界,学习先进的科学文化知识,传播中国文化,增进他们与各国青少年的相互沟通和理解,还能为他们提供更多的接受教育和职业发展的机会。学习英语能帮助他们形成开放、包容的性格,发展跨文化交流的意识与能力,促进思维发展,形成正确的人生观、价值观和良好的人文素养。学习英语能够为学生未来参与知识创新和科技创新储备能力,也能为他们未来更好地适应世界多极化、经济全球化以及信息化奠定基础。 《义务教育英语课程标准》

4 3. What is curriculum? How is it constructed?
a defined and prescribed course of studies, which students must fulfill in order to pass a certain level of education

5 4. What is the teacher’s role in curriculum?
To promote learning for all learners Developing Activities Teachers develop new activities continually to help bolster the curriculum. These activities help the teachers meet state standards. Developing Assessment Products Teachers develop tests, layered curriculum projects, and portfolios as assessment products. These assessment products ensure that the students are learning the curriculum. Differentiate Instruction Teachers will differentiate the curriculum for their students. Teachers will revise and adapt the curriculum so that all learning modalities are met. They will also adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of students of various abilities in the classroom

6 5. How do we learn? How do we acquire language?
Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructionism

7 6. What is language? a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar

8 7. How do we learn language?
Acquisition vs. learning Nature vs. nurture

9 8. How to teach language? Structure vs. function
Teacher centered vs. student centered acculturation vs. enculturation

10 Course syllabus

11 Summary

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