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Chapter 7 市場區隔、目標市場 選擇與定位
Global Marketing Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green
市場區隔 指的是根據共同特性努力對顧客或國家群體進行的辨識與分類
The first few slides are added to ensure that the students have an understanding of the basic terms that will be discussed in the chaper.
目標市場的選擇 評估市場區隔並專門針對一個有重大潛力的國家、區域或一群人進行行銷努力的流程
全球市場區隔 可被定義為確認具同質性,並可能對行銷組合產生相似反應的潛在顧客,進行特定區隔(不論是國家或個人消費群體)的過程
As noted in earlier chapters, two decades ago Professor Theodore Levitt advanced the thesis that consumers in different countries increasingly seek variety, and that the same new segments are likely to show up in multiple national markets. Thus, ethnic or regional foods such as sushi, falafel, or pizza might be in demand anywhere in the world. Levitt suggested that this trend, known variously as the pluralization of consumption and segment simultaneity, provides an opportunity for marketers to pursue one or more segments on a global scale. Global market segmentation is based on the premise that companies should attempt to identify consumers in different countries who share similar needs and desires. A. Coskun Samli has developed a useful approach to global market segmentation that compares and contrasts “conventional” versus “unconventional” wisdom. This is shown on the next slide
全球市場區隔的觀點比較 傳統觀點 假設國與國之間異質 假設單一國家內是同質的 在總體層次下,高度重視文化差異 極度依賴以國家作為市場區隔
認為國內的微區隔市場是次要的 非傳統觀點 假設市場區隔是超越國界的 認為國家內部存在著差異性 在個體層次的價值觀及消費型態下,強調差異性及共同性 以性質相似的地區作為區隔,不限於同一國家 高度重視以消費者行為特性來劃分的微區隔市場
全球市場區隔(續) 人口統計變數 心理統計變數 行為特徵變數 利益追尋變數
Today, global companies (and the research and advertising agencies that serve them) use market segmentation to identify, define, understand, and respond to customer wants and needs on a worldwide, rather than strictly local, basis. As we have noted many times in this book, global marketers must determine whether a standarized or adapted marketing mix is required to best serve those wants and needs. By performing market segmentation, marketers can generate the insights needed to devise the most effective approach. The process of global market segmentation begins with the choice of one or more variables to use as a basis for grouping customers. This slide shows the most common segmentation categories. The following slides will discuss them more deeply.
人口統計區隔 所得 人口總數 年齡分布 性別 教育程度 職業 What are the trends?
全球人口統計趨勢 西方先進國家的老年人口數量愈來愈多、開發中國家擁有龐大的工作年齡人口 亞洲有5億名16歲以下的消費人口
以所得與人口數進行區隔 所得一向是最有用的市場區隔變數 人口統計這類宏觀的市場潛力資料,未必只能用來作為評估有沒有市場機會
全球65%的國民生產毛額由三級地區所創造 三級地區國家只佔全世界人口10% 人口統計這類宏觀的市場潛力資料,未必只能用來作為評估有沒有市場機會 低成本的消費商品和服務,更適合以人口數量作為區隔的變數
以年齡進行區隔 全球青少年:12歲至19歲的年輕人 全球菁英:包含一群享有高級待遇的富裕消費者,他們有足夠的錢消費與形象相當的稀有、頂級商品
從世界各地隨機選出的青少年仍有許多相同的品味喜好 全球菁英:包含一群享有高級待遇的富裕消費者,他們有足夠的錢消費與形象相當的稀有、頂級商品 Young consumers may not yet have conformed to cultural norms; indeed, they may be rebelling against them. This fact, combined with shared universal wants, needs, desires, and fantasies (for name brands, novelty, entertainment, trendy, and image-oriented products), make it possible to reach the global teen segment with a unified marketing program. This segment is attractive both in terms of its size (about 1.3 billion) and its multi-billion dollar purchasing power. Coca-Cola, Benetton, Swatch, and Sony are some of the companies pursuing the global teenage segment. The global elite is normally associated with older individuals who have accumulated wealth over the course of a long career, it also includes movie stars, musicians, elite athletes, and others who have achieved great financial success at a relatively young age.
心理區隔 依據人的態度、價值觀和生活型態進行分類 保時捷的案例 SRI International
出類拔萃者 (27%):野心勃勃、企圖心強,看重權力,希望能被注意 傑出優秀者 (24%) :年紀大但有錢。車子再貴也只是一台車 充滿自信者 (23%) :車子是辛苦工作的報償 享受生活者 (17%) :車子能夠增加其刺激感 喜好幻想者 (9%) :車子是逃避現實的象徵 Data are obtained from questionnaires that require respondents to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a series of statements. Psychographics is primarily associated with SRI International, a market research organization whose original VALS and updated VALS 2 analyses of consumers are widely known.
心理區隔(續) 歐洲消費者: 成功的理想主義者:主要是在專業或物質上獲得成功,而且對抽象或社會責任理想有著高度期許,約占總人口的5%至20%
富裕的物質主義者:主要是商界人士,具有進取心、渴求地位,多半喜歡購買炫耀性商品來展現自己的成功 The following characteristics come from a research team at D’arcy Massius Benton & Bowles. They focused on Europe and produced a 15-country study entitled: “The Euroconsumer: Marketing Myth or Cultural Certainty?” They identified four lifestyle groups which are highlighted on the next two slides.
心理區隔(續) 歐洲消費者: 安逸的順其自然者:約占一個國家人口的25%到50%,這個區隔和全球統計中的適應者及傳統者類似,多半具有守舊的特質,滿足於家庭、家人、朋友和社群的舒適感 不滿的倖存者:缺乏權勢和財富,組成這個區隔的人大多比較不積極進取,容易抱怨和屈服,主要居住在城市中高犯罪或貧窮地區。雖然沒有社會地位,但其態度仍影響 社會
行為區隔 針對人們購買或使用產品與否,及其購買頻率與消費金額等變數進行區隔 也可依照消費的狀況來區分
不均衡法則或柏拉圖定律:一家公司80%的營收與利潤,主要來自20%的產品或客戶 Behavior segmentation focuses on whether or not people buy and use a product, as well as how often, and how much they use or consume. Consumers can be categorized in terms of usage rates: for example, heavy, medium, light, and non-user. Consumers can also be segmented according to user status: potential users, non-users, ex-users, regulars, first-timers, and users of competitors’ products.
利益區隔 利益區隔著重於價值方程式V=B/P中的B
種族區隔 許多國家的人口是由數個種族組成 美國有三大種族區隔:非裔、亞裔和西班牙裔
一半以上的墨西哥美國人居住在加州,且稅後所得高達1,000億美元 十年後,全美青少年中西班牙裔的比例,將由12%增加到18% From a marketing point of view, these groups offer great opportunity. Companies in a variety of industry sectors, including food and beverages, consumer durables, and leisure and financial services are recognizing the need to include these segments when preparing marketing programs for the United States.
評估市場潛力 必須特別注意中潛在的危機或困難 傾向於誇大單一國家市場的規模與短期吸引力
來自股東或競爭者的壓力,以致管理高層不能「錯過」某個策略機會 各管理高層之間的聯繫網絡會因為某個主要目標市場標準而合併 After segmenting the market by one or more of the criteria just discussed, the next step is to assess the attractiveness of the identified segments. This part of the process is especially important when sizing up emerging country markets as potential targets. It is at this stage that global marketers should be mindful of several potential pitfalls associated with the market segmentation process.
評估市場潛力(續) 三項基本準則 現有區隔的規模和成長潛能 潛在競爭 配合性與可行性
選擇目標市場的架構 除了評估人口統計資料外,可以考量其他以市場為導向的規模和成長潛力 產品市場 由產品類型定義的市場 行銷模式的驅動因素
公司能夠紮根與成長的關鍵要素 可執行狀況 是結構性市場的特質,關係到所選的行銷模式能否成功 Global marketing expert David Arnold has developed a framework that goes beyond demographic data and considers other, marketing-oriented assessments of market size and growth potential. Instead of a “top-down” segmentation analysis beginning with, say, income or population data from a particular country, Arnold’s framework is based on a “bottom-up” analysis that begins at the product-market level. After marketing-model drivers and enabling conditions have been identified, the third step is for management to weigh the estimated costs associated with entering and serving the market with potential short- and long-term revenue streams. Does this segment or country market merit entry now? Or, would it be better to wait until, say, specific enabling conditions are established?
九個基本問題 哪些人會買我們的產品或品牌? 哪些人不會買我們的產品或品牌?
我們的產品要滿足哪些需求或提供哪些服務?我們的產品有強調這樣的需求嗎? 有哪些市場需求是目前的產品或品牌所不能滿足的? 我們的產品能解決哪些問題? 目前消費者都購買哪些產品來滿足特定需求或解決問題,而這些正是我們產品的目標? 他們以什麼價格購買目前的產品? 消費者何時會購買我們的產品? 他們會在什麼地方購買我們的產品?
進入目標市場策略 標準化全球行銷 集中化全球行銷 差異化全球行銷 類似在單一國家市場所採取的大量行銷策略 無差異目標市場行銷
針對利基設計行銷組合 每個單一全球區隔市場就是一個利基市場 差異化全球行銷 針對二個或多個區隔市場採取不同的行銷組合
定位 讓一個品牌在顧客心目中建立不同於競爭者品牌看法的行動,主要是以品牌屬性和提供利益來判別 屬性或利益 品質與價格 用途或使用者 競爭者
定位策略 全球消費者文化定位 國外消費者文化定位 界定一個品牌作為特定全球文化或區隔象徵的策略
現有區隔的規模和成長潛能 現有市場區隔的規模是否足夠?能否為公司賺取利潤?
如果市場規模不夠大或欠缺獲利成長空間,公司是否仍願意採取長期策略? Return
潛在競爭 現有市場區隔是否競爭激烈? 競爭是否因為價格或品質的劣勢? Return
配合性與可行性 產品是否必須因應市場而調整?如果是的話,調整後的預期銷售量符不符合經濟效益?
會不會因為進口限制、高關稅及本國貨幣升值,影響產品在當地市場的價格,造成產品需求降低? 在當地採購是否可行?如果在當地進行採購,然後再出口到其他地方,如此作法是否合理? Return
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