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全球化與「你」 Globalization and “You” Course Supervisor: 黃榮源 開南大學公共事務管理學系副教授

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1 全球化與「你」 Globalization and “You” Course Supervisor: 黃榮源 開南大學公共事務管理學系副教授

2 未來三十年會發生什麼事? 能源枯竭、溫室效應、電動車充斥、全球人才流動、貧富差距、綠色經濟 ……。
西化vs.傳統;現代化vs.反現代化;一覺醒來,兔子就發現獅子就睡在牠旁邊!這隻兔子不然就突變,不然就毀滅,否則根本活不下去。現代文明如此,全球化也如此,你根本無從選擇! Ex. 網路發展,技術改變,部落客、公民記者都可以取代專職寫手,大學還需不需要教採訪寫作?三十年後可能根本沒有記者這個行業了,那還要拿什麼去教學生?其它行業呢?

3 何時開始全球化? 廣義來說:人類有歷史即開始,人類開始向外探索世界就已經開端。阿拉伯人、中國人、歐洲人航海探險哥白尼的太陽中心論文藝復興的人本思想印刷術、機械鐘發明時區的劃定工業革命、資本主義興起資訊革命、網路時代,每一階段都讓人類社會關係作了一些變革。 狹義來看:資訊傳播革命、網際網路出現之後,現今人們所謂的全球化時代於是降臨。

4 Is “globalization” a big idea ? : 1987(0)  2001(211s)  2010(15,537s) 1990 (0)  2010 (50,600,000s in Yahoo)  2010 (24,000,000s in Google)

5 What globalization is? 全球化不是一個單一的過程,它包含了四個明顯形式的「改變」(changes):
1. 延伸(Stretches) (social, political, economic activities across political frontier, regions, and continents.) 2. 強化(Intensified) (our dependence on each other, as flows of trade, migration and culture increase.) 3. 加速(Speeds up) (the world. Including ideas, goods, information, capital and people.) 4. 深化(Deeper) (distant events have a deeper impact on our lives.)

6 「全球化之布」 建構全球畫圖像的六根線索:(Cohen & Kennedy, 2000) 時空概念的變化 文化互動的增加 相互聯繫和依存
問題的共同性 跨國行動及擴散 全方位的一體化

7 時空概念的變化 Berlin Airport: The AA broadcasts its flight and boarding information from American headquarter. Nowadays, we can easily work with our partners together at the same time but in separate countries. The world is flat. Or at least the time, spatial and distant has been compressed. Q 國際化 vs.全球化? --- (平面 vs. 立體) (個別點線面關係 vs. 整體相互依存關係) (國家角色突出 vs.弱化) (政治疆域=社經領域 vs. 疆域概念被相對化) 今日,政經已不密合! 時間 空間 距離的壓縮 (扁平化)10大推土機 鐘的發明  時區形成 網際網路  視訊  Skype (留英打國際電話轉變) 人 車 船 飛機  ?

8 時空概念的變化 Facebook/開心農場
起致力營救數十名受困60多天礦工,全球人類跨區、空時空,在不同平台上,一起關心,一起感動!(20年前就有困難。) Facebook/開心農場

9 文化互動的增加 復活節島(Easter Island)上的石雕
復活節島 (Easter Island) 為荷蘭人 Jacob Rogeveen 於 1722 年的復活節星期日那天發現的,因此得名,但在此之前,島上的巨石像早已立在那兒不曉得多少年了!   當地人稱此島為 Rapa Nui,據說是1860年代,來自大溪地的航海者所命名的。復活節島上只有一個小鎮,叫做 Hanga Roa,但這幾年來島上開始發展觀光事業,您可以搭乘波音747到島上觀光,一星期有兩個班次。   島上古老的民族豎立了九百多尊巨石像,島民把巨石像叫做 maoi,其中有些重達八十噸,到底石像是誰建的?而建石像的動機及方法又是什麼?至今仍是未解的謎團。   許多島民仍然相信,巨石像是由一種叫做 mana 的超自然力量搬動的,近來則有人認為巨石像是由外星訪客以地球外的文明科技所炸出來的。 復活節島(Easter Island)上的石雕

10 相互聯繫和依存 Similarly, the so-called Butterfly effect,
Some distant events will impact on people lives far away . We are no where to escape from certain global influences, even if you live on the other side of earth.

11 相互聯繫和依存 Also, it is impossible for us to get away from the financial crisis that was derived from the bankruptcy of Wall Street banks. 1997亞洲金融風暴、2008-9全球金融海嘯。 最明顯例證:我太太過去睡到自然醒,現在每天晚上11點半,早上7點都準時上網關心全球金融發展!

12 問題的共同性 Antarctic penguin were poisoned due to decades of air pollution result from industrialized countries. 南極有毒的企鵝肉 – 工業國家長久的污染造成 全球問題日增  AIDS 全球暖化 臭氧層破洞 核子污染 跨國組織犯罪 洗錢 恐怖主義全球化…… 跨國、跨域治理乃成為必然且迫切! The word “globalization” itself implies that it is about universal rather than regional, national, or local process. Thus, everybody is affected, no matter where you reside on the globe. There seems to be something inevitable and irreversible about “globalization.”

13 問題的共同性 The environmental and ecosystem deterioration in global level

14 問題的共同性 It has shifted towards the imperative of addressing global climate change, to adapting to the new realities of cutting greenhouse gas emissions and developing our renewable, sustainable energy resources. 開徵能源稅:1.趨勢(碳足跡、碳交易、碳補償carbon offset);平衡、配套。 2.決策過程 政策行銷前段(討論、教育)

15 問題的共同性 有專家預測台灣在2037年的地圖。我家是被淹了,貴校呢? (但這是指毫無改善和預防的作為下) 2037年的台灣?

16 跨國行動及擴散 Many diseases globally proliferation

17 Can Twitter and Wiki Maps Help Humanitarian Aid ?
Can Twitter/Plurk and Wiki Maps(Wiki Mapia=Google Maps+Wiki)Help Humanitarian Aid? What if there were a way to connect almost instantaneously by sending a text message to a website that indicated your location, status and needs on a map available to anyone in the world? This is what organizations like WikiMapAid are trying to make happen. Many humanitarian organizations are considering these user-based mapping systems, some of which integrate Twitter(微型部落格,140字,撲浪), SMS, and collaborative wiki software to create interactive maps that track everything from poverty and infectious disease to natural disasters and political protests.

18 What globalization is? A “big idea” or cliché?
Can we give it more precisely? Interconnectedness of everybody? The absence of hierarchies in global networks? What limits on the power of government? What role of individual will be? We have seen the tendency is about the relocation of authority. 國家權威、社會和個人的再定位

19 Yes, it’s you! Time Magazine 2006年度風雲人物
2006 Time’s person of the year. Individual role in the era of glo has become salience. Microelectronic Technologies expands peoples’ horizons on a global scale; They also enable like-minded people to be in touch with each other anywhere in the world. 視野開闊; 心意相通 臭味相投 Time Magazine 2006年度風雲人物

20 全球化是一個 “合理的悖論” Fragmegration = Fragmentation + Integration
Globalization is a reasonable paradox 政治和規則制定的全球化(regime) + 參與治理的多層化(超國、國家、跨國、地方)和分割化(公、私、第三部門) 全球逐漸“一體化”後,仍有“碎裂化”增強的現象。因此,以「區域」為基礎的集團紛紛興起。 James Rosenau:全球化是fragmegration 碎裂+整合;more and more problem-solving regimes have appeared; norms & rules are more and more density and integrated on the one hand, but there have been Organizational Explosion (proliferation) on the other hand. 上海匯豐銀行:全球金融 地方智慧 (源於日本1980s的全球行銷策略) 楊雪冬:全球化是一個合理的悖論(二律背反)

21 Global governance:inclusive words
Global order Integration Authority Fragmentation Global governance:inclusive words 21

22 Micro Macro Global governance flow Individual actor
(J. Rosenau, 2000) Micro Macro Global governance flow Changing patterns of global life Changing patterns of global order interaction Individual actor 22

23 The fact is….. Cultural differences continue to matter.
Incompatible between globalized cultural standards and local standards  “decoupling”: you talk the talk, but you do not walk the walk. Hybrid cultures (‘Glocalized’ cultures) are the likely result.

24 Glocalization Glocalization or global localism
Think globally, act locally 全球觀點隨地方環境調整

25 Glocalization Glocalization or global localism
Think globally, act locally 全球觀點隨地方環境調整 嬰兒死亡率50% 馬拉松 基金會募款 Tarahumara, Mexico

26 Glocalization 三峽老街一個承繼傳統的創新肥皂店,在不定時的時間,就有戴著斗笠、披著毛巾、穿著阿公汗衫、木屐,挑著扁擔竹籃叫賣的年輕人,吸引觀光客的注目。

27 Glocalization 台北縣平溪天燈節

28 如何面對全球化? R. Robertson 接受 調適 排斥
T. Friedman Lexus與Oliver tree健全均衡 (例:印度核試爆 vs. 穆迪信用評等公司) 李家同:發展雲端科技,也需要先以基礎科學紮根做起!

29 Governance dilemma In many ways, the so-called global governance has already meet some awkward situation.

30 * 全球不公(Global inequality):
* 民主赤字(Democracy deficit): Who is participating in? Who should take responsibility? * 全球不公(Global inequality): Ungovernable  regime change needed

31 The linkage of regime and governance
Institutional linkages Institutional linkages Global governance regime regime The reality of our world is: Governance under “regimes network,” rather than one single global governance system. That is, we don’t have the constitution of global society. Regimes network 31

32 後語 Global governance appears to suggest a world system or world society; Increased regulated character of transnational relations; Concentrated in particular issues areas; Go beyond capacities of states; Need for collaboration among governments.

33 To be continue ……

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