农村居民的信息需求与获取渠道研究 ——以云南省腾冲县为个案

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1 农村居民的信息需求与获取渠道研究 ——以云南省腾冲县为个案
Study on Rural Resident Information Needs and Acquire Channels ---Take Tengchong County,Yunnan as an example 云南大学 黄体杨 Huang Tiyang Yunnan University

2 大纲(Outline) 1 前期准备(Advance-phrase Preparation)
2 研究过程与分析(Research Progress and Analysis) 3 研究建议(Research Suggestions) 4 研究局限(Reseach limits)

3 1 前期准备(Advance-phrase Preparation)
1.1农村信息需求类型模型 1.1Rural information needs type model 1.2 农村居民的信息获取渠道 1.2Rural information acquire channel

4 (1.1Rural information needs type model)
农村信息需求类型模型 (1.1Rural information needs type model)

5 农村居民的信息获取渠道 (Rural information acquire channel )
信息源 (information source) 信息服务者 (information supplier) 广播,电视,图书,报刊,各种宣传册,展板/黑板报,电话,手机短息,互联网,政府工作人员,村寨基层干部,农民经纪人,信息服务员,农业专家,亲友邻里,农技员,农资销售人员,农村教师,其他 Broadcast,TV,book,magazine, brochure, blackboard newspaper,Telephone, text message,internet,neiboughs,government employee 电台、电视台,图书情报部门,生产资料生产与销售部门,农业专业协会,科委科协及研究机构,农技部门,政府部门,村委会,批发市场和集贸市场,各种培训、集会/会议,其它 broadcasting station, TV station,library information department, village neigborhood committee,ATM,Training .

6 2 研究过程与分析(Research Progress and Analysis))
2.1 受访者基本信息 2.1Basic information about interviewee 2.2 农村居民的信息需求 2.2 Information need of rural resident 2.3 农村居民的信息获取 2.3 Information acquire of rural resident

7 2 研究过程与分析(Research Progress and Analysis))
2.4 农村居民对信息服务的评价 2.4 Rural resident’s evaluation of information service 2.5 农村居民当前信息需求的满足状况 2.5 Current situation of rural resident’s satisfaction About information need

8 private entrepreneurs
2.1 受访者基本信息 (2.1Basic information about interviewee) 访谈量:42人 Sample:42 性别: Gender: 男,25人(60%); Male,25(60%)female, 女,17人(40%) 17(40%) 职业:Career 农民farmer 村干部 village offical 医务人员 medical personnel 商品经营者 Commodity operator 20 5 4 3 47.62% 11.90% 9.52% 7.14% 教师 Teacher 企业职员 Enterprise staff 学生 Student 私营企业主 private entrepreneurs 其他 others 2 1 4.76% 2.38%

9 2.1Basic information about interviewee
2.1 受访者基本信息 2.1Basic information about interviewee 学历: education 小学以下 Under primary school 小学 primary school 初中 middle school 高中/中专 大学及以上 university 2 8 16 7 9 4.76% 19.05% 38.10% 16.67% 21.43% 年龄:age 13-18 19-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 >60 2 10 14 9 4 3 4.76% 23.81% 33.33% 21.43% 9.52% 7.14%

10 (2.1Basic information about interviewee)
2.1 受访者基本信息 (2.1Basic information about interviewee) 家庭拥有信息设备情况表 信息 设备 InformationDevice 电视 TV 手机 cellphone 电话 telephone 电脑 PC 互联网 Internet 收音机 Broadcast 人数 (people) 42 39 10 6 5 2 比例 (percentage) 100.00% 92.86% 23.81% 14.29% 11.90% 4.76%

11 2.2 农村居民的信息需求 其一,从总体上看,农村居民的信息意识淡薄,信息需求不迫切。 First, generally speaking ,rural resident has little information awareness,do not have too much need of information. 其二,从个案上看,经营管理者的信息需求最为迫切,但缺乏信息获取能力。 Second,from the case perspective, those managers have an urgent need of information ,but lack of information acquire ability. 其三,农村居民的信息需求与其职业、学历和性别有关。 Third, rural residents’information need related to their career ,education and gender.

12 Information acquire of rural resident
2.3 农村居民的信息获取 Information acquire of rural resident 其一,农村居民习惯于从自己拥有的信息设备以及能接触到的途径获取信息。 First, rural residents are used to acquire information from their own devices and channels they could access to. 其二,农村居民的信息获取途径及部门与其职业有着密切关系。 Second,rural residents’ information acquire channel and supplier have substantial connection with their career.

13 Rural resident’s evaluation of information service
2.4 农村居民对信息服务的评价 Rural resident’s evaluation of information service (1)政府提供的信息服务(Information service provided by government) ① 政府与自己无关,不了解其提供什么信息服务。 We have nothing to do with government ② 政府是大公无私的。 Government is selfless. ③ 政府提供了一些信息,但还需要提供更多、更透明的信息。 Government has provided some information, but we need more.

14 “政府部门提供的信息可信度高,但竞争力不够,而企业和市场提供的信息有潜伏性危机,可信度不高,但适应性强。”
2.4 农村居民对信息服务的评价 (2)企业、市场提供的信息服务 (Information service provided by enterprise and market) “生意场上有真有假,主要靠个人判断。” There are ture and false information on the market,we have to judge it by ourselves. “政府部门提供的信息可信度高,但竞争力不够,而企业和市场提供的信息有潜伏性危机,可信度不高,但适应性强。”

15 Rural resident’s evaluation of information service
2.4 农村居民对信息服务的评价 Rural resident’s evaluation of information service 总结:农村居民对政府是一种既敌对又想从中获益的矛盾心理,能认识到从企业和市场上获取的信息有真有假,但辨别能力有待提高。 Conclusion:Rural resident feel ambivalence towards governement: hostile but want benefit.They could recognize the information acquired from market is true of false,but their ability of judgment should improve.

16 2.5 农村居民当前信息需求的满足状况 2.5 Current situation of rural resident’s satisfaction About information need 多数受访者能胜任自己的各项生产工作,对自己信息的获取状况表示满意。但当有特殊需要的时候,信息匮乏的弊端就显现出来了。 原因:农村居民的信息意识较差,信息源不足,还存在潜在的信息需求。

17 2.5 农村居民当前信息需求的满足状况 2.5 Current situation of rural resident’s satisfaction About information need Most interviewees think they be competent at their work,satisefy with their acquired informaiton.But when in need,the disadvantage of information lackage shows. Reasons:rural residents’information awareness is low,short of information source.There are potential needs.

18 3 研究建议(Research suggestions)
① 关注农村居民多样化的信息需求,优先满足经营管理者的信息需求。 Pay attention to the diversify information needs of rural resident,meet managers 'requirement first. ② 结合农村居民的信息获取能力与习惯开展信息服务。 While provide information service,please combine the information acquire ability and customs. ③ 建立“以用户为中心”的服务理念。user-centered service conceptions ④ 努力培训农村居民的信息素养。 Train rural resident Information Accomplishment

19 4 研究局限(Research limit) ? 研究者的局限 Limits of researcher ……
选择腾冲Choose Techong 研究的代表性不够 Low sample representativeness 随机访谈Rondom interview 农村居民信息意识淡薄 Info awareness is low 农村居民的真实情况 Real fact 仅一次访谈 Only one interview 本地人 缺乏访谈经验 Lack of interview experience 研究者的局限 Limits of researcher ……

20 谢谢!请指正 Thank you!

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