Business Letters & Correspondence

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1 Business Letters & Correspondence
Lesson 1

2 Learning gist the whole process of international trade
practical knowledge of international trade correct application of correspondence

3 Process of international trade
Developing potential customers (fair & B to B websites) Inquiries and replies Offers and counter-offers (price, term of payment, insurance, commodity inspection) Acceptance and contract (order & sales contract) Communication about production (packing, manufacturing process, material, delivery time,etc) Shipment (shipping advice, packing list, Invoice, B/L etc) Payment and settlement Complaints, claims and adjustments

4 Famous B to B websites 第一站阿里巴巴
第二站:全球商会 第三站:Ebay 第四站:中国制造网 第五站:环球资源网 第六站:EC Plaza 第七站:克雷格表格 第八站:久大 第九站:万国商业网 第十站:龙之向导 第十一站:tradekey

5 Practical knowledge of international trade
外贸平台的博客 福步外贸论坛 E-commerce Forum

6 Correct application of correspondence
Type of writing (formal, neutral, informal) Useful expressions Structure Layout

7 Writing assignments You will play the role of a salesperson in a foreign trade company and write all the correspondence in the given scenarios. Task 1: Search the e-commerce websites and choose a foreign trade company. Collect related information (material, function, price, packing) about certain products and be prepared to develop potential customers.

8 Assessment考核方案 学习态度:出勤;遵守课堂纪律 (10%) 课堂表现:预习复习;课堂发言;课堂内实践交流(10%)
课堂表现:预习复习;课堂发言;课堂内实践交流(10%) 作业成绩:课后写作练习(20%) 期末成绩:笔试闭卷(60%) 总评成绩:平时成绩(学习态度10% + 课堂表现10% + 作业成绩20%)+期末成绩60%

9 Writing practice 尊敬的先生/女士, 经史密斯先生介绍,我方欣悉贵公司的名称和地址。我
公司专营中国纺织品出口,很乐意在平等互利的基础上与贵 公司建立业务关系。 为使贵方对我方产品有全面的了解,我方另函寄去一份 最新目录册及价目表,仅供参考。 如对目录中所列之商品感兴趣,请具体询价,我方会尽 快向贵方报优惠盘。 望早日答复。 签名

10 Writing sample Dear Sir/Madam,
On the recommendation of Mr. Smith, we have learned with pleasure your name and address. We wish to inform you that we specialize in the export of Chinese textiles and shall be glad to enter into direct business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. To give you a general idea of our products, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue together with a price list for your reference. Please let us have your specific inquiry if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue. And we will make a favorable offer as soon as possible. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, XXX

11 Homework Preview unit 1 and do Ex. 2 on P.21.

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