10/12 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)

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1 10/12 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)
I can speak, read and understand Lesson 15 Dialogue -- Allergies. Quiz: 赶快! 要不然看不到电影了。 Gǎnkuài! Yào bùrán kàn bù dào diànyǐngle. Hurry up! Otherwise (we will) miss the movie!

2 Q:你的房间为什么那么乱? A:因为我生病,所以我很懒。 Nǐ de fángjiān wèishéme name luàn
10/15 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz) Q:你的房间为什么那么乱? Nǐ de fángjiān wèishéme name luàn Why is your room so messy? A:因为我生病,所以我很懒。 Yīnwèi wǒ shēngbìng, suǒyǐ wǒ hěn lǎn I am lazy because I am sick.

3 Duì huà èr guò miň 对话二:过敏 Allergies

4 赶快 gǎnkuài right away; quickly; in a hurry adv

5 赶快 gǎnkuài (quickly, in a hurry, hurry up) adverb
赶: 赶飞机 (catch a flight)、赶功课、赶时间 你赶时间吗? Nǐ gǎn shíjiān ma Are you in a hurry? 快: 快乐 你喜欢开快车吗? 中国新年快到了

6 赶快 gǎnkuài (quickly, in a hurry, hurry up) adverb
赶快! 要不然看不到电影了。 Gǎnkuài! Yào bùrán kàn bù dào diànyǐngle. Hurry up! Otherwise (we will) miss the movie! 生病的时候得赶快_____________。 Shēngbìng de shíhòu dé gǎnkuài When you are ill, you have to hurry up…. 明天考试,你得赶快______。 Míngtiān kǎoshì, nǐ dé gǎnkuài There is a test tomorrow, you have to hurry up …..

7 lǎn Lazy adj

8 Luàn randomly; arbitrarily; messily; messy Adv; adj

9 乱 luàn (randomly, arbitrarily; messily / messy) adv; adj
我女儿很懒,都不整理她的房间,所以她的房间很___。 My daughter is very lazy. She does not tidy her room . Her room is very messy. Don’t randomly take/buy medicine.[That means to take/buy medicine without doctor’s prescription]. 不能自己乱吃/买药。

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