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Module 4 The natural world

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1 Module 4 The natural world
Oxford English Module 4 The natural world 11 Trees

2 What can trees do? Trees make our city beautiful.
We get a lot of things from trees. Trees can keep the air clean. Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:自由讨论 活动目的:训练学生思维和组织语言的能力,巩固关于树的知识。 操作方法:教师带领学生朗读关于树的三个句子,然后让学生小组讨论该如何保护树木。

3 Discuss How can we protect trees in danger? We should … We shouldn’t …

4 The bird and the tree The bird and the tree are friends.
Pre-task preparation 2: 活动内容:朗读故事。 活动目的:复习故事,巩固所学知识。 操作方法:学生齐读故事。 The bird and the tree are friends. The bird often sings songs in the tree.

5 The bird and the tree Autumn comes. The bird has to fly to the south.
Bird: See you next spring, Mr Tree. Tree: See you, Miss Bird. I’ll miss you. Spring comes. The bird comes back, but she cannot see the tree. Bird: Where’s Mr Tree? Grass: Some workers cut him down and took him to a factory.

6 The bird and the tree The bird flies to the factory.
Bird: I’m looking for my friend Mr Tree. Where is he? Gate: The workers cut him into wood. They used the wood to make matches. Then they took the matches to a village.

7 The bird and the tree The bird flies to the village and sees a girl beside a fire. Bird: Hello! Are there any matches in your home? Girl: There were many matches, but now there aren’t any. I used the last one to make the fire.

8 The bird and the tree The bird sings a sad song to the fire and then flies away.

9 The bird and the tree Pre-task preparation 3: 活动内容:复述故事。
活动目的:通过复述故事复习上节课内容。 操作方法:学生根据图片进行复述。

10 Review the words wood match Pre-task preparation 4:
活动目的:通过拼读单词,加深对已学单词的记忆。 操作方法:看图,拼读单词。 wood match

11 Why are trees important?
Think and say Why are trees important? While-task procedure 1: 活动内容:Think and say 活动目的:通过头脑风暴,激发学生思考。 操作方法:学生以小组为单位,进行mind-map的梳理。

12 make our city beautiful keep out wind and dust important trees ?
Brainstorm keep the air clean make our city beautiful keep out wind and dust important trees ? cool the air give us wood 操作方法:学生自我梳理之后,教师可以给出部分答案。 give us fruit

13 Think and say Do we need trees or not? Talk in groups and tell your classmates why. While-task procedure 2: 活动内容:Think and say 活动目的:通过小组讨论,激发学生思考。 操作方法:学生以小组为单位,进行论述。 Yes. No.

14 Reasons to plant trees:
Trees make streets more _________. Trees make streets less __________. Trees make our air _________. 5. Trees give us a lot of ________ things. beautiful noisy clean 操作方法:学生分组讨论完后,填空完成这八句话。 其他建议:less noisy为拓展内容,教师仅让学生了解含义即可。 cool useful

15 Think and say What can we get from trees?
What can we usually make from trees? While-task procedure 3: 活动内容:Think and say 活动目的:通过小组讨论,激发学生思考。 操作方法:学生以小组为单位,进行论述。

16 We get wood from trees. What do we use wood for? Give a report.

17 Give a report. We get wood from trees.
We use wood to make a lot of things. We use wood to make … We also use wood to make …

18 Kinds of trees Things for us
Do a survey. What can these trees give us? Complete the form. Kinds of trees Things for us apple tree rubber tree cocoa pine olive While-task procedure 4: 活动内容:Think and write 活动目的:完成表格,了解树木给予了我们什么。 操作方法:在前面的基础上,小组讨论完成表格。 其他建议:关于树名称的单词仅让学生了解含义即可。

19 Kinds of trees Things for us
Check the answers. Kinds of trees Things for us apple tree apples rubber tree rubber cocoa coconut pine furniture olive olive oil 操作方法:显示参考答案。

20 Think and say What can we get from the trees? Complete the spidergram below. things we get from trees use drink eat wear While-task procedure 5: 活动内容:Make and say 活动目的:通过小组讨论,激发学生思考。进一步了解树木的重要作用。 操作方法:学生以小组为单位,进行讨论。

21 Give a report We get … from trees. We ... We …
things we get from trees use drink eat wear We get … from trees. We ... We …


23 tr tree try trousers train traffic triangle While-task procedure 6:
活动内容:Learn the sounds 活动目的:学习tr和dr的发音。 操作方法:出示单词,跟读。 traffic triangle

24 dress drop dr dry drive drink draw

25 Think and say Trees are in danger. Why? Post-task activity 1:
活动内容:Free talk 活动目的:让学生写一写自己该如何保护树木。 操作方法:看图思考To protect the trees, what can we do?

26 Think and say What will our Earth be like if there are no trees?
What should we do to protect our Earth?

27 Think and write We can … Things we can do 操作方法:学生在一张便签纸上写下自己可以做些什么。

28 Think and discuss Things we can do
In groups, talk about what you can do to save trees. Things we can do 操作方法:归总到小组,进行筛选和优化。

29 Our promises Things we can do write on both sides of the paper
do not cut down trees plant more trees do not use throwaway chopsticks 操作方法:教师将一些值得借鉴的promises公布出来,让学生了解并照做。

30 Look and read Proverbs One tree does not make a forest.
As the tree, so the fruit. Like tree, like fruit. A tree is known by its fruit. A tall tree catches the wind. Post-task activity 2: 活动内容:Look and read 活动目的:补充内容(与树木相关的谚语),拓展学生知识面。 操作方法:齐读,摘抄。 其他建议:本页为拓展内容,教师可根据实际情况选用。 Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. A tree falls the way it leans.

31 Homework 1. Read Student’s Book pages 78 and 79.
2. Talk about things we get from trees. 3. Finish Workbook pages 66 and 67.

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