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Profile of Library Associations and their roles 图书馆专业组织及其作用简介

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1 Profile of Library Associations and their roles 图书馆专业组织及其作用简介
Karen T. Wei 陈同丽 美国伊利诺伊大学亚洲图书馆馆长 2011年5月 中国 长沙 福州

2 Why Join Library Associations 为甚么要参加图书馆协会组织
了解新发展 扩展职业联系 推展研究,标准,数据 解决共同面对的问题 促进合作 改善形象,地位,和成员的利益 Learn about new developments 了解新发展 Extend professional contacts 扩展职业联系 Research, standards, statistics 研究,标准,数据 Solve mutual problems 解决共同面对的问题 Foster cooperation 促进合作 Improve image, status, welfare of members 改善形象,地位,和成员的利益

3 图书馆专业组织简介 美国图书馆协会 (ALA) 美国公共图书馆协会(分支机构,PLA) 美国大学与研究图书馆协会(分支机构, ACRL)
美国华人图书馆员协会(附属机构,CALA) 伊利诺伊州图书馆协会 (ILA) 东亚图书馆协会 (CEAL) 国际图书馆协会联合会 (IFLA) ALA = Library Society of China 中国图书馆学会 ILA = Hunan Provincial Library Association 湖南省图书馆学会

4 American Library Association 美国图书馆协会简介
成立于1876年, 是世界上历史最悠久也是最大的图书馆协会。其成员包括高校图书馆,公共图书馆,学校图书馆,特殊图书馆,及联邦或州立的图书馆。 截至2010年7月31日止,有会员61,403名,包括分布在115个国家的二千多名国际会员。 会员组成:图书馆工作人员(94%);其它则为组织或团体会员 宗旨: 旨在为发展,促进及改善图书馆服务及为图书馆专业提供领导方向,并以此促进全民学习, 确保人人享有公平的信息 *ALA is the oldest and largest library association in the world, with members in academic, public, school, government, and special libraries. **As of July 31, 2010, the ALA had 61,403 members, with members in the United States of America, Canada, and over 115 other countries. As of August 2010, there are an estimated 122,101 libraries of all kinds in the United States. ***Approximately 94% of those members are personal members, with the remaining being organizational or corporate members. ****The mission of the ALA is to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all. **

5 美国图书馆协会 美国图协组织结构: --总部设在芝加哥 --11个直属分会 --25个办公室 --18个代表不同兴趣的圆桌团体
--57个州与地区分会 --24个附属组织 *Divisions: PLA; ACRL; Assn. for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS); Assn. for Library Service to Children (ALSC); Library and Information Technology Assn. (LITA); Reference & User Services Assn. (RUSA); The Young Adult Library Services Assn. (YALSA); Assn. for Library Service to Children (ALSC) **Offices: ALA Publishing; Chapter Relations Office; Development Office; International Relations Office; Library; Office for Accreditation; Office for Diversity; Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment; Office for Information Technology Policy; Office for Intellectual Freedom; Office for Library Advocacy; Office for Literacy and Outreach Services; Office for Research and Statistics; Office of ALA Governance; Office of Government Relations; Public Information Office; Public Programs Office; ***Round tables: Learning Round Table (LearnRT); Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange (EMIERT); Exhibits (ERT); Federal and Armed Forces Libraries (FAFLRT); Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered (GLBTRT); Government Documents (GODORT); Intellectual Freedom (IFRT); International Relations (IRRT); Library History (LHRT); Library Instruction (LIRT); Library Research (LRRT); Library Support Staff Interests (LSSIRT); Map and Geography, (MAGERT); New Members (NMRT); Retired Members Round Table (RMRT); Social Responsibilities (SRRT); Staff Organizations (SORT); Video (VRT) *CALA, APALA, REFORMA

6 ALA的核心价值 在美国和全世界扩展图书馆服务 为各类图书馆服务:学术/公共/学校/专业图书馆
代表所有的图书馆员、图书馆辅助人员、董事会、和为改善图书馆服务的个人和团体 会员服务 开放、包容、合作的环境 专业精神和诚信 优秀与创新 知识自由 社会责任和 公众利益 在美国和全世界扩展图书馆服务Extending and expanding library services in America and around the world 为各类图书馆服务—学术\公共\学校\和专业图书馆. All types of libraries - academic, public, school and special 代表所有的图书馆员、图书馆辅助人员、董事会、和为改善图书馆服务的个人和团体All librarians, library staff, trustees and other individuals and groups working to improve library services 会员服务 Member service 开放、包容、合作的环境 An open, inclusive, and collaborative environment 专业精神和诚信 Professionalism and integrity 优秀与创新 Excellence and innovation 知识自由 Intellectual Freedom 社会责任和 公众利益Social responsibility and the public good

7 美国图书馆协会 约250名工作人员 年度经费来源 FY10 年度会议 年会通常在每年六月底或七月初举行, 约 25,000 人参加
28.8% 出版品收入 23.9% 年度会议收入 16.9% 会员费 14.9% 基金与捐款 9.4% 杂项收入 3.6% 其它产品 2.5% 投资收入 年度会议 年会通常在每年六月底或七月初举行, 约 25,000 人参加 冬季中期会议在每年一月举行, 约 13,000 人参加 各分会也召开自己的会议

8 美国图书馆协会 Total ALA FY10 Budgeted Revenues
    Treasurer’s Annual Report  **Publishing: advertising, subscriptions and the sale of books and other materials. **Meetings/conferences includes registration, exhibit space rental, meal functions and program advertising, as well as, donations associated with conference activities. **Dues: includes personal, organizational, corporate and dues for the Divisions and Roundtables. **Grants/Awards:基金与捐款 include significant projects such as the Gates Sustaining Library Symposium, NEH Perfect Union, Gates Fund Technology Access Study, Dollar General to name a few. Member and community needs, programming efforts and support for the Scholarship Bash are also reflected. **Miscellaneous:杂项收入 includes donations, various fees and royalties **Products and Promotions (Graphics): promotion of libraries, reading and literacy. Revenue results from the sale of posters, pamphlets, reading materials, bookmarks etc. **Long-Term Investments (Interest Income): generated from interest and dividends earned on ALA's operating cash and long-term investments (endowment fund).

9 美国图书馆协会 项目规划与服务 宣传 学术研究 会议 出版物 制定行业标准 专业持续发展 职业和就业服务 主要活动领域 为图书馆和专业做宣传
为图书馆和专业做宣传  提倡多元化 倡导教育和终身学习 公平地获取信息和图书馆服务 提倡知识自由 扫盲 完善组织 转变图书馆 项目规划与服务 宣传 学术研究 会议 出版物 制定行业标准 专业持续发展 职业和就业服务 **Key action areas: Advocacy for Libraries and the Profession; Diversity; Education and Lifelong Learning; Equitable Access to Information and Library Services; Intellectual Freedom; Literacy; Organizational Excellence; Transforming Libraries Advocacy for Libraries and the Profession The association actively works to increase public awareness of the crucial value of libraries and librarians, to promote state and national legislation beneficial to libraries and library users, and to supply the resources, training and support networks needed by local advocates seeking to increase support for libraries of all types. Learn more... Diversity Diversity is a fundamental value of the association and its members, and is reflected in its commitment to recruiting people of color and people with disabilities to the profession and to the promotion and development of library collections and services for all people. Learn more... Education and Lifelong Learning The association provides opportunities for the professional development and education of all library staff members and trustees; it promotes continuous, lifelong learning for all people through library and information services of every type.   Learn more... Equitable Access to Information and Library Services The Association advocates funding and policies that support libraries as great democratic institutions, serving people of every age, income level, location, ethnicity, or physical ability, and providing the full range of information resources needed to live, learn, govern, and work. Learn more... Intellectual Freedom Intellectual freedom is a basic right in a democratic society and a core value of the library profession. The American Library Association actively defends the right of library users to read, seek information, and speak freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Learn more...  Literacy The American Library Association assists and promotes libraries in helping children and adults develop the skills they need-the ability to read and use computers-understanding that the ability to seek and effectively utilize information resources is essential in a global information society. Learn more... Organizational Excellence The association is inclusive, effective and responsive to the needs of ALA members. Learn more... Transforming Libraries ALA provides leadership in the transformation of libraries and library services in a dynamic and increasingly global digital information environment. 

10 ALA2011-2015年目标 在宣传、资金、和公共政策上:支持和引领图书馆和与之相关的论题讨论的专业推动者
在专业建设上:促进图书馆领域的优质和多元化。 在图书馆转型方面:在图书馆和图书馆服务转型上起领导作用。 与会员的关系上:为所有会员提供有机会参与、贡献、以及通过与协会的密切关系获益的良好环境。 组织的完善方面:在协会的运作上有效率又有创造性,以富有社会责任感的方式去完成协会的宗旨。

11 Public Library Association 美国公共图书馆协会
成立于1944年, 是美国图书馆协会的分支机构; 现有超过11,000名的会员。是成长最快的分支机构。 其宗旨是要加强公共图书馆并为他们所服务的社区作出贡献 (2010年的主要目标)。 是一个成员驱动的组织,它的存在是为了提供一个交流,出版,宣传各种方案,提倡并提供继续教育机会,并为其成员和对在公共图书馆服务发展感兴趣的人做项目计划。 培训并颁发公共图书馆管理人员证书 *The Public Library Association (PLA), with more the oldthan 11,000 members, is one of the fastest growing divisions of the ALA *Founded in 1944, PLA is a member-driven organization that exists to provide a diverse program of communication, publication, advocacy, continuing education, and programming for its members and others interested in the advancement of public library service. **PLA Goals (2010) Advocacy and Awareness: PLA is an essential partner in public library advocacy. Leadership and Transformation: PLA is the leading source for learning opportunities to advance transformation of public libraries. Literate Nation: PLA will be a leader and valued partner of public libraries' initiatives to create a literate nation. Organizational Excellence: PLA is positioned to sustain and grow its resources to advance the work of the association.

12 PLA的核心价值 提供对开放的新思想有前瞻性的引导 致力于终身学习 致力于会员的需求并做出回应 追求信息的免费和开放交流并积极合作
尊重不同意见和社区的需求 致力于优质和创新

13 PLA优先考虑的问题 为公共图书馆寻求充足的资金 改善公共图书馆管理 认识到在提供高质量服务上公共图书馆工作人员的重要性
公共图书馆员的雇佣、教育、培训和报酬 知识自由 改善图书馆资源获取途径 与非图书馆界人的有效交流

14 大学与研究图书馆学会(ACRL) 会员12,000+, 是 ALA 最大的分支机构 其宗旨在于加强学术图书馆为高校教学与科研服务的能力
隔年举行全国会议 制订学术图书馆的标准及各种指南 提供继续教育机会 奖励优秀图书馆及图书馆员 **(ACRL) is a professional association of academic librarians and other interested individuals. It is dedicated to enhancing the ability of academic library and information professionals to serve the information needs of the higher education community and to improve learning, teaching, and research. has promoted, supported, and advanced the values of academic librarianship with the higher education community. ACRL, the largest division of the American Library Association, is a national organization of academic and research libraries and librarians with more than 12,000 members representing librarians working with all types of academic libraries—community and junior college, college, and university—as well as comprehensive and specialized research libraries and their professional staffs. More: 专业图书馆协会(Special Library Association, SLA 医学图书馆协会 Medical Library Association (MLA) 法律图书馆协会(American Association of Law Libraries AALL)

15 美国华人图书馆员协会(CALA) 成立于1973年,是ALA 附属机构。现有七个分会;会员425名,包括美国,加拿大,中国,新加坡等地。
在国际交流中起领导作用 为协会成员提供优质服务 为协会成员提供专业发展机会 宣传促进为使用中文资料,了解中国文化的读者的服务 ** **Started in 1973 in mid-west. In 1976, Mid-West CALA was expanded to a national organization as CALA.

16 美国华人图书馆员协会(CALA) 每年举行两次年会,与ALA年会同时 活动项目: 出版品:
CALA 21st Century Librarian Seminar Series Mentorship Program Think Globally, Act Globally 出版品: CALA Newsletter CALA Occasional Paper Series Journal of Library and Information Science CALA E-Journal 架起中美文化的橋梁— 華人圖書館員協會回眸三十年, (2004)  *CALA 21st Century Librarian Seminar Series 21世纪图书馆讲座系列 *Mentorship Program *Think Globally, Act Globally:US-China Librarian Collaboration 放眼全球行诸全球:中美图书馆界的沟通,合作和交流 *CALA Newsletter: CALA 通讯 *CALA Occasional Paper Series:不定期论文系列 *Journal of Library and Information Science:圖書資訊學研究 *CALA E-Journal:CALA电子期刊 *架起中美文化的橋梁— 華人圖書館員協會回眸三十年, (2004)

17 伊利诺伊州图书馆协会(ILA) 成立于1896年,是伊利诺伊州的图书馆及其数百万依靠他们的喉舌。
现有成员3,700名,包括公共,高校,中小学校,特殊图书馆的图书馆员,图书馆助理,学生和图书馆的供应商。 宗旨: 倡导公众的利益 推进卓越与创新 管理好现在并为未来做准备 The Illinois Library Association Since 1896, The Illinois Library Association is the voice for Illinois libraries and the millions who depend on them.   Its membership is made up of public, academic, school, and special libraries as well as librarians, library assistants, trustees, students and library vendors. It is a not-for-profit educational organization with over 3,700 members. It provides leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library services in Illinois and for the library community in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all. This access is essential for an open democratic society, an informed electorate, and the advancement of knowledge for all people.  Its primary goals are: **Its primary goals are: Advocating for the Public Interest develop and promote strong public policy related to libraries, literacy and lifelong learning; defend intellectual freedom and access to information; increase public awareness of the value of libraries to society. Promoting Excellence and Innovation provide outstanding programs of continuing education and leadership development; support the recruitment, retention and professional development of a culturally and racially diverse workforce for libraries; produce high quality publications and communications; celebrate the achievement of excellence and innovation on behalf of the membership. Managing the Present to Prepare for the Future In order to achieve these goals, ILA will use its resources wisely and maintain a flexible structure that promotes the diverse interests and broad participation of members.

18 东亚图书馆协会(CEAL) Council on East Asian Libraries
是亚洲研究学会(Association for Asian Studies)的分支机构;由东亚图书馆员组成 包括中日韩专业,会员约200名 主旨: 提供为东亚图书馆界共同关心的问题进行讨论的一个论坛 制定发展东亚图书馆资源,人才,服务,以及对所有类型的记录信息和知识作有系统的组织方案 促进馆际和国际东亚图书馆的合作 A. To serve as a forum for the discussion of East Asian library issues of common concern. B. To formulate programs for the development of East Asian library resources, personnel, services, and systematic organization of all types of recorded information and knowledge. C. To promote interlibrary and international cooperation in East Asian librarianship.

19 东亚图书馆协会(CEAL) 中文资料委员会 日文资料委员会 韩文资料委员会 公共服务委员会 技术服务委员会 会员委员会 技术委员会
统计委员会 出版委员会

20 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)国际图书馆协会联合会
1927年创立于苏格兰的爱丁堡,现有遍布于150个国家的会员1,600名 是代表图书馆和信息服务及其用户利益的主要国际机构 图书馆和信息专业的全球代言人 改进方法,技术手段和标准 网址 Leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users 代表图书馆和信息服务及其用户利益的主要国际机构 Global voice of the library and information profession  图书馆和信息专业的全球代言人 Improving methods, technical means and standards 促进方法,技术手段和标准 Members in 150 countries 成员遍布150个国家 Aims IFLA is an independent, international, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization. Our aims are to: Promote high standards of provision and delivery of library and information services Encourage widespread understanding of the value of good library & information services Represent the interests of our members throughout the world.

21 IFLA Programs国际图联计划 不同的部门,特殊兴趣和讨论小组 以图书馆为基点的发展行动 强调保存和保护 数字策略联盟
国际标引核心活动 版权和其他法律事项 自由获取信息和言论自由 Sections, Special Interest and Discussion Groups 不同的部门,特别兴趣和讨论小组 Action for Development Through Libraries 以图书馆为基点的发展行动 Preservation and Conservation 保存和保护 Alliance for Digital Strategies 数字策略联盟 UNIMARC Core Activity 国际标引核心活动 Copyright and other Legal Matters 版权和其他法律事项 Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression 自由获取信息和言论自由

22 Membership Benefits会员的利益
Networking (IFLANET, lists, Annual Congress) 建立联络网 IFLA Journal and Newsletters图联杂志和通讯 Books and other Publications专书和其他出版物 Use of IFLA Vouchers 图联的优惠券 Up-to-date Professional Information最新专业信息 Shape Professional Work, Standards, and Guidelines 塑造专业工作,标准和准则

23 图书馆协会的作用 提供相互交流/联络的平台 提供领导方向 代表图书馆服务的共同声音 提供教育与专业发展机会 制订各种标准与最佳实践模式
寻求发展合作伙伴 促进宣传图书馆的价值和作用

24 图书馆学会链接 American Library Association (ALA)
Public Library Association (PLA) Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Illinois Library Association (ILA) Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

25 Thank You! 谢谢! 欢迎提问 Karen T. Wei 陈同丽 Head, Asian Library
Professor of Library Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学亚洲馆馆长, 教授

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