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翻譯習作報告 王建民Chien-Ming Wang

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1 翻譯習作報告 王建民Chien-Ming Wang
蔡佩倫 老師指導 朱雅萱 薛淑媛

2 只要有王建民的比賽,他的球迷就會聚精會神的觀看比賽。(P.151<6>)
As Wang pitched for the game, his fans were bending an ear to his game. 大家都屏息以待的期待王建民的勝利 Everyone was expected Wang’s victory in an anxious way. (P.41)

3 在期待王勝利時,每個人心中都局促不安 As it expected a victory of Wang, everyone was on tenterhooks in their heart. (P.45<3>) 市府官員也勞師動眾的提供市府大廳給大家觀看球賽。(P.32) The administer of government raised a big rumpus that accommodated lobby to watch the game.

4 不分黨派,不分你我,大家都一團和氣的觀看比賽。
irrespective of parties, you and me , everyone was in a completed harmony to watch the game.(P.33) 看到王拿勝利時,每個人無不歡天喜地。 When the victory was belonging to Wang's, everyone was filled with joy.(P.47<1>) 飯店打鐵趁熱的推出王建民套餐. (P.63<32>) The hotel was promoting Wang’s dishes which really made hay while the sun shines.

5 而王建民則一掃前場陰霾,將這次的勝利掌握在手中(P.15)
Wang sent dark clouds away, he controlled this victory by his hand. 對於王建民的表現,他的老師胸有成竹的肯定他的努力。(P.155) As a performance of Chien-Ming Wang’s, his teacher had a card up his sleeve in his effort. 這次的轉播吸引了成千上萬的觀眾來觀賞比賽。(P.62<12>) This outside broadcast attracted thousands upon thousands of audience to watch the game.

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