I Love You, Lord 神我愛祢 PT-27. I Love You, Lord 神我愛祢 PT-27.

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Presentation on theme: "I Love You, Lord 神我愛祢 PT-27. I Love You, Lord 神我愛祢 PT-27."— Presentation transcript:


2 I Love You, Lord 神我愛祢 PT-27

3 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice 神我愛祢 全獻我歌聲
神我愛祢 全獻我歌聲

4 to worship You O my soul, rejoice 祟拜恩主 心靈共鳴
祟拜恩主 心靈共鳴

5 Rejoice, My King In what You hear 容我讚美傳進祢心中

6 May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear 但願我仿似音符 悅祢心意

7 神我愛祢 全獻我歌聲 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice
神我愛祢 全獻我歌聲 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice

8 祟拜恩主 心靈共鳴 to worship You O my soul, rejoice
祟拜恩主 心靈共鳴 to worship You O my soul, rejoice

9 容我讚美 傳進祢心中 Rejoice, My King In what You hear
容我讚美 傳進祢心中 Rejoice, My King In what You hear

10 但願我仿似音符 悅祢心意 May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear

11 神我愛祢 全獻我歌聲 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice
神我愛祢 全獻我歌聲 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice

12 祟拜恩主 心靈共鳴 to worship You O my soul, rejoice
祟拜恩主 心靈共鳴 to worship You O my soul, rejoice

13 容我讚美 傳進祢心中 Rejoice, My King In what You hear
容我讚美 傳進祢心中 Rejoice, My King In what You hear

14 但願我仿似音符 悅祢心意. May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear.


16 Lord, You Are Worthy 主祢配受讚頌

17 Lord, I love You And I worship You You are worthy to be praised
主我愛祢 我來敬拜祢 祢是極配受讚頌

18 Lord, I love You And I worship You You are worthy to be praised
主我愛祢 我來敬拜祢 祢是極配受讚頌

19 Lord, I love You And I worship You You are worthy to be praised
主我愛祢 我來敬拜祢 祢是極配受讚頌

20 You are worthy, worthy Worthy to be praised 祢是配得 配得 極配受讚頌

21 Lord, I love You And I worship You You are worthy to be praised
主我愛祢 我來敬拜祢 祢是極配受讚頌

22 Lord, I love You And I worship You You are worthy to be praised
主我愛祢 我來敬拜祢 祢是極配受讚頌

23 Lord, I love You And I worship You You are worthy to be praised
主我愛祢 我來敬拜祢 祢是極配受讚頌

24 You are worthy, worthy Worthy to be praised 祢是配得 配得 極配受讚頌

25 You are worthy, worthy Worthy to be praised. 祢是配得 配得 極配受讚頌.


27 I Want To Be Where You Are 我盼望與​​祢同在 Words and music by Don Moen

28 I just want to be where You are Dwelling daily in Your presence
我只盼望與​​祢同在 天天活在祢的面前

29 I don’t want to worship from afar Draw me near to where You are
我不要在遠處敬拜 引我親近祢身旁

30 I just want to be where You are In Your dwelling place forever
我只盼望與​​祢同在 在祢居所直到永遠

31 Take me to the place where You are I just want to be with You
領我進入祢的同在 我盼望與祢相依

32 *I want to be where You are Dwelling in Your presence
我盼望與祢同在 活在祢的面前

33 Surrounded by Your glory
Feasting at Your table Surrounded by Your glory 與祢一同坐席 祢榮耀四面環繞

34 That’s where I always want to be
In Your presence That’s where I always want to be 在祢面前 是我一生所願

35 I just want to be with You 我只盼望…

36 I just want to be where You are Dwelling daily in Your presence
我只盼望與​​祢同在 天天活在祢的面前

37 I don’t want to worship from afar Draw me near to where You are
我不要在遠處敬拜 引我親近祢身旁

38 You are my strength and my song
O my God You are my strength and my song 哦 我神 祢是我力量詩歌

39 And when I’m in Your presence Though I’m weak, You’re always strong
每當我在祢面前 我雖軟弱祢剛強

40 I just want to be where You are In Your dwelling place forever
我只盼望與​​祢同在 在祢居所直到永遠

41 Take me to the place where You are
I just want to be… 領我進入祢的同在 我只盼望…

42 I just want to be with You.


44 Spirit of the Living God 永生神的靈 CP - 248

45 Spirit of the living God
Fall fresh on me 懇求永生神的靈 來澆灌我

46 Spirit of the living God
Fall fresh on me 懇求永生神的靈 來澆灌我

47 Break me, melt me, mold me, use me Spirit of the living God
Fall fresh on me 碎我、熔我、陶我、用我 懇求永生神的靈來澆灌我

48 Spirit of the living God
懇求永生神的靈 來澆灌我 Spirit of the living God Fall fresh on me

49 Spirit of the living God
懇求永生神的靈 來澆灌我 Spirit of the living God Fall fresh on me

50 Break me, melt me, mold me, use me Spirit of the living God
碎我、熔我、陶我、用我 懇求永生神的靈來澆灌我 Break me, melt me, mold me, use me Spirit of the living God Fall fresh on me


52 Spirit of the living God
懇求永生神的靈 來澆灌我 Spirit of the living God Fall fresh on me

53 Spirit of the living God
懇求永生神的靈 來澆灌我 Spirit of the living God Fall fresh on me

54 Break me, melt me, mold me, use me Spirit of the living God
碎我、熔我、陶我、用我 懇求永生神的靈來澆灌我. Break me, melt me, mold me, use me Spirit of the living God Fall fresh on me.


56 Create In Me a Clean Heart 求祢為我造個清潔的心 Psalm 詩篇 51:10-12

57 Create in me a clean heart
O God 神啊 求祢為我造個清潔的心

58 And renew a right spirit within me

59 Create in me a clean heart
O God 神啊 求祢為我造個清潔的心

60 And renew a right spirit within me

61 Cast me not away from Thy presence
O Lord 不要丟棄我 使我離開祢的面

62 And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me

63 Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation

64 And renew a right spirit within me
賜我樂意的靈 扶持我

65 Create in me a clean heart
神啊 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create in me a clean heart O God

66 And renew a right spirit within me
使我裡面重新有正直的靈 And renew a right spirit within me

67 Cast me not away from Thy presence
不要丟棄我 使我離開祢的面 Cast me not away from Thy presence O Lord

68 And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me
不要從我收回祢的聖靈 And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me

69 Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
求祢使我仍得救恩之樂 Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation

70 And renew a right spirit within me
賜我樂意的靈扶持我 And renew a right spirit within me

71 Create in me a clean heart
神啊 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create in me a clean heart O God

72 And renew a right spirit within me
使我裡面重新有正直的靈 And renew a right spirit within me

73 Cast me not away from Thy presence
不要丟棄我 使我離開祢的面 Cast me not away from Thy presence O Lord

74 And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me
不要從我收回祢的聖靈 And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me

75 Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
求祢使我仍得救恩之樂 Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation

76 And renew a right spirit within me
賜我樂意的靈扶持我 And renew a right spirit within me

77 Create in me a clean heart
O God 神啊 求祢為我造個清潔的心

78 And renew a right spirit within me

79 Create in me a clean heart
O God 神啊 求祢為我造個清潔的心

80 And renew a right spirit within me

81 Cast me not away from Thy presence
O Lord 不要丟棄我 使我離開祢的面

82 And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me

83 Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation

84 And renew a right spirit within me And renew a right spirit within me.
賜我樂意的靈 扶持我 賜我樂意的靈 扶持我.


86 每當神決定去作偉大的工作時,祂先要祂的子民去禱告。
C H Spurgeon: “Wherever God determines to do a great work, He first set His people to pray.” 每當神決定去作偉大的工作時,祂先要祂的子民去禱告。

87 與上─為你們的領袖們禱告 Partnership With God By Praying For Your Leaders
Exodus 出埃及記 17:8-16 John 約翰福音 16:23-24 Ephesians 以弗所書 6:12 Pastor Timothy Chan 陳國添牧師

88 John 約 16:23-24 (MSG) 23 You'll no longer be so full of questions. "This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I've revealed to you. 23到那日、你們甚麼也就不問我了.我實實在在的告訴你們、你們若向父求甚麼、他必因我的名、賜給你們。

89 John 約 16:23-24 24 Ask in my name, according to my will, and he'll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks! 24向來你們沒有奉我的名求甚麼、如今你們求就必得著、叫你們的喜樂可以滿足。

90 Exodus 出 17:8-16 (NIV) 8 The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. 8 那時亞瑪力人來在利非訂、和以色列人爭戰。

91 Exodus 出 17:8-16 9 Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands." 9摩西對約書亞說、你為我們選出人來、出去和亞瑪力人爭戰.明天我手裡要拿著 神的杖、站在山頂上。

92 Exodus 出 17:8-16 10 So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. 10 於是約書亞照著摩西對他所說的話行、和亞瑪力人爭戰.摩西、亞倫、與戶珥、都上了山頂。

93 Exodus 出 17:8-16 11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 11摩西何時舉手、以色列人就得勝、何時垂手、亞瑪力人就得勝。

94 Exodus 出 17:8-16 12 When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 12但摩西的手發沉、他們就搬石頭來、放在他以下、他就坐在上面.亞倫與戶珥扶著他的手、一個在這邊、一個在那邊、他的手就穩住、直到日落的時候。

95 Exodus 出 17:8-16 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword. 13約書亞用刀殺了亞瑪力王和他的百姓。

96 Exodus 出 17:8-16 14 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven." 14 耶和華對摩西說、我要將亞瑪力的名號、從天下全然塗抹了、你要將這話寫在書上作紀念、又念給約書亞聽。

97 Exodus 出 17:8-16 15 Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner. 15摩西築了一座壇、起名叫耶和華尼西。〔就是耶和華是我旌旗的意思〕

98 Exodus 出 17:8-16 16 He said, "For hands were lifted up to the throne of the LORD. The LORD will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation." 16又說、耶和華已經起了誓、必世世代代和亞瑪力人爭戰。

99 Mature leaders… 成熟的領袖…

100 Ministers in the field are engaged in a spiritual battlefield

101 Exodus 出 17:9 Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands." 摩西對約書亞說、你為我們選出人來、出去和亞瑪力人爭戰.明天我手裡要拿著 神的杖、站在山頂上。

102 What are some of the challenges of being a leader? 作領袖會面對什麼挑戰?

103 What are some of the challenges of being a leader? 作領袖會面對什麼挑戰?
Weariness 困倦

104 What are some of the challenges of being a leader? 作領袖會面對什麼挑戰?
Weariness 困倦 Loneliness 孤單

105 What are some of the challenges of being a leader? 作領袖會面對什麼挑戰?
Weariness 困倦 Loneliness 孤單 Distraction 分心

106 What are some of the challenges of being a leader? 作領袖會面對什麼挑戰?
Weariness 困倦 Loneliness 孤單 Distraction 分心 Temptations 誘惑

107 Victory depends on teamwork in the spirit of humility. 勝利是依賴於謙卑地互相合作。

108 Exodus 出 17:12 When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it… 但摩西的手發沉、他們就搬石頭來、放在他以下、他就坐在上面…

109 Prayer is critical to every ministry. 禱告對每個事工來說都是重要的。

110 What happens up in the mountain impacts what happens in the battlefield. 在山上發生的事影響著在戰場上發生的事。

111 Exodus 出 17:11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 摩西何時舉手、以色列人就得勝、何時垂手、亞瑪力人就得勝。

112 Exodus 出 17:15-16 Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner. 摩西築了一座壇、起名叫耶和華尼西。〔就是耶和華是我旌旗的意思〕

113 Exodus 出 17:15-16 He said, "For hands were lifted up to the throne of the LORD. The LORD will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation." 又說、耶和華已經起了誓、必世世代代和亞瑪力人爭戰。

114 The people of God must recognize (both for engaging in warfare and for praise afterward) that victory comes only with the power of God. It is urgent because the warfare is spiritual – believers do not wrestle against flesh and blood. So only God’s power will bring victory through intercessions. 為著爭戰、和爭戰之後的讚美,神的子民必須確認:得勝只因神的大能。這是迫切的,因這爭戰是屬靈的─信徒不是去抵抗血肉之軀。所以,通過代禱,只有神的大能才能帶來勝利。

115 John Wesley 約翰 衛斯理: “Give me 100 preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergy or laymen, such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven on earth. God does nothing but in answer to prayer.” 給我一百個除了罪惡別無所懼、除了神別無所慕的講道人﹐不管他們是正式的傳道人或是平信徒─他們將要震動地獄之門﹐在地上建立天國。神所作的一切﹐都是對于祈禱的應允﹐除此以外別無他為。

116 Oh Lord, Have Mercy On Me Words and music by Carl Tuttle

117 Oh Lord Have mercy on me And heal me

118 Oh Lord Have mercy on me And free me

119 *Place my feet upon a rock Put a new song in my heart

120 In my heart Oh Lord, have mercy on me

121 Oh Lord Have mercy on me And heal me

122 Oh Lord Have mercy on me And free me

123 *Place my feet upon a rock Put a new song in my heart

124 In my heart Oh Lord, have mercy on me

125 May Your love and Your grace
Oh Lord May Your love and Your grace Protect me

126 May Your ways and Your truth
Oh Lord May Your ways and Your truth Direct me

127 *Place my feet upon a rock Put a new song in my heart

128 In my heart Oh Lord, have mercy on me.


130 The Everlasting Arms 真神永遠膀臂 Hymns of Life 生命聖詩 332

131 Art thou sunk in depths of sorrow Where no arm can reach so low?
你是否在憂愁淵中 人雖伸手救不起?

132 There is One whose arms almighty Reach beyond thy deepest woe
但救主有大能膀臂 能從深坑拉起你

133 God th’Eternal is thy refuge Let it still thy wild alarms
永生主是你避難所 倚靠祂穩妥無比

134 Underneath thy deepest sorrow Are the everlasting arms
你雖然極憂愁悲傷 主永遠膀臂扶持

135 Underneath thee, underneath thee Are the everlasting arms
祂能扶你 祂能扶你 是真神永遠膀臂

136 Everlasting, everlasting Are the everlasting arms
永遠膀臂 永遠膀臂 是真神永遠膀臂

137 Other arms grow faint and weary These can never faint nor fail
人的手臂軟弱無力 神的膀臂永不倦 Other arms grow faint and weary These can never faint nor fail

138 Others reach our mounts of blessing These our lowest, loneliest vale
環境好時人親近你 神的恩惠不中斷 Others reach our mounts of blessing These our lowest, loneliest vale

139 O that all might know His friendship O that all might know His charms
願萬人明白主恩愛 願萬人見主榮美 O that all might know His friendship O that all might know His charms

140 O that all might have beneath them Jesus’ everlasting arms
願萬人常蒙主扶持 有耶穌永遠膀臂 O that all might have beneath them Jesus’ everlasting arms

141 Underneath thee, underneath thee Are the everlasting arms
祂能扶你 祂能扶你 是真神永遠膀臂 Underneath thee, underneath thee Are the everlasting arms

142 Everlasting, everlasting Are the everlasting arms
永遠膀臂 永遠膀臂 是真神永遠膀臂 Everlasting, everlasting Are the everlasting arms

143 Underneath us – O how easy We have not to mount on high
靠主大能膀臂扶助 不用己力能升高 Underneath us – O how easy We have not to mount on high

144 But to sink into His fullness And in trustful weakness lie
只投進主豐盛能力 己雖軟弱主可靠 But to sink into His fullness And in trustful weakness lie

145 And we find our humbling failures Save us from the strength that harms
前失敗叫我能明白 不再靠自己能力 And we find our humbling failures Save us from the strength that harms

146 We may fail, but underneath us Are the everlasting arms
雖失足,主來扶起我 是耶穌永遠膀臂 We may fail, but underneath us Are the everlasting arms

147 Underneath thee, underneath thee Are the everlasting arms
祂能扶你 祂能扶你 是真神永遠膀臂 Underneath thee, underneath thee Are the everlasting arms

148 Everlasting, everlasting Are the everlasting arms.
永遠膀臂 永遠膀臂 是真神永遠膀臂. Everlasting, everlasting Are the everlasting arms.


150 Hide Me In Your Holiness 將我藏在祢聖潔裡 Steve Ragsdale Colossians 歌羅西書 3:1-3

151 Hide me, Lord, in Your holiness
Ev’ry sin I now confess 主,將我藏在祢聖潔裡 一切罪我要認清

152 Praise to You, forgiving Lord Hide me in Your holiness…
讚美祢,赦免的主 藏我在你聖潔裡…

153 Hide me in Your holiness


155 Hide me, Lord, in Your holiness
Ev’ry sin I now confess 主,將我藏在祢聖潔裡 一切罪我要認清

156 Praise to You, forgiving Lord Hide me in Your holiness…
讚美祢,赦免的主 藏我在你聖潔裡…

157 Hide me in Your holiness

158 *Hide me Hide me Hide me Lord 藏我 藏我 藏我在你聖潔裡

159 Won’t you hide me Hide me Hide me in Your holiness…
藏我 藏我 藏我在你聖潔裡…

160 Hide me in Your holiness.


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