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第 1 章 : 資訊科技與資訊年代 Information Technology and the Information Age

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Presentation on theme: "第 1 章 : 資訊科技與資訊年代 Information Technology and the Information Age"— Presentation transcript:

1 第 1 章 : 資訊科技與資訊年代 Information Technology and the Information Age
S.4-5 CS&IT CE Course 中四及中五電腦與資訊科技會考課程 CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

2 資訊科技的應用 Applications of Information Technology
包括Include: 教育 Education 公共服務 Public Services 商業應用Business and Commerce CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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I. 教育 Education 學與教 Learning and Teaching 電腦輔助學習 Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) 程序可幫助學生學習不同的科目,並以多媒體方式展示內容 Programs assist students to learn different subjects and display content in multimedia format CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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教師可透過資訊科技的幫助,使用電腦圖形、模擬和動畫等,在學生面前展示概念,或示範實驗的過程 Teachers can make use of IT to present concepts or demonstrate experiments through computer graphics, simulation and animation CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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學校行政 School Administration 電腦系統儲存並處理大量有關學校行政和管理的數據 Large amounts of data are stored in computerised systems for processing CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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II. 公共服務 Public Services 公共服務電子化網站 Electronic public services 公共資訊亭 public information kiosk CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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III.商業應用 Business and Commerce 辦公室應用軟件 Office Applications 商業資訊系統 Business Information Systems 工資計算系統 Payroll system 銷售點系統 Point-of-sale (POS) system CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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電子交易 Electronic Transactions 電子轉賬系統 Electronic Funds Transfer System: 容許款項透過電子方式從一個賬戶轉入另一個賬戶,例如易辦事系統(EPS) Allows electronic transfer of money from one bank account to another, e.g. Easy Pay System (EPS) 電子貨幣 Electronic Money 例如:八達通卡Octopus Card CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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電子交易 Electronic Transactions 電子銀行服務 Electronic Banking 1. 自動櫃員機 Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) 2. 電話銀行服務 Phone banking services 3. 網上銀行服務 Internet banking services 網上購物 On-line shopping CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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IV. 其他方面 Other Areas 遠程通訊Telecommunications 長距離地傳輸及接收信息 Transmission and collection of information over long distance 娛樂 Entertainment  電腦遊戲 Computer games 電視和電影製作 Television and movie production CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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交通運輸 Transportation 交通控制 Traffic control 全球定位系統 Global Positioning System (GPS) CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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專家系統 Expert Systems 模擬專家或專業人員的思考過程來作出決策 Decision-making processes of human experts or professionals 機器人學 Robotics CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

13 資訊年代 The Information Age
資訊科技和日常生活 隨著資訊科技應用的迅速發展,我們隨時隨地都會接觸到資訊科技 Information technology and our daily life Nowadays, IT applications grow rapidly, they are used widely everywhere S.4-5 CS&IT CE Course 中四及中五電腦與資訊科技會考課程 CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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活在資訊年代 People in Information Age 我們應學習應用資訊科技的新知識,以裝備自己 People have to equip themselves with updated knowledge in using information technology 我們要為終身學習做好準備,以維持競爭力 People have to prepare for a life-long education, and retrain themselves constantly to remain competitive CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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堂課 Classwork P.15 MC Q.1-6 CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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功課 Homework P.15 Q.1-5 CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Sec Sch

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