客户服务 售后服务.

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Presentation on theme: "客户服务 售后服务."— Presentation transcript:

1 客户服务 售后服务

2 课程目录 剖析买家心理 满足客户需求

3 订单来了

4 下单—未付款

5 了解买家 - 闻 查看其它卖家对买家的评价

6 了解买家 - 望

7 知己知彼 金牌买家,喜欢网购。 对速卖通有一定的了解。 不是一个爱贪便宜的家伙。 注重有信誉的卖家进行交易。 有热情,愿意积极做评价的

8 了解买家 - 问 Dear Valuable Customer, Thank you for the order. The item you selected is A high quality one with competitive price. You would like it. Instant payment can ensure earlier arrangement to avoid short of stock. Thank you and awaiting your payment. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us. No matter what kind of problem I will try my best to solve it, please just let me know, Thank you! Sincerely

9 了解买家 - 切 图1 上下两张图中有什么不同? 图2 图1买家要求跟换物流方式 —— Bpost

10 面对客户的要求 交易是你情我愿的,平等! 有分寸、有原则地谦让

11 下单—未付款

12 问候-关怀客户 Dear valuable customer, Thanks you for choosing our products.
I have to say that you're a really good buyer with good taste. you have chosed vention products with the highest quality And plenty of inventory. We will try our best to make sure that you would like it when you receive. Once funds are Approved,we will arrange the item within hours. Thanks for your purchase again and we will update courier NO. to you soon. Sincerely

13 下单-未付款

14 催款模板 Dear Valuable Customer, Thanks for your order,
The item you selected is a high quality one with competitive price. You would like it. Instant payment can ensure earlier arrangement to avoid short of stock. Thank you and awaiting your payment. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us. No matter what kind of problem I will try my best to solve it, please just let me know, Thank you! Sincerely

15 未付款小结 未付款的情况: 解决方案: 1、客户有疑问需要我们解决。 2、客户还在犹豫 1、努力沟通促进成交,增加销售。

16 订单又来了

17 已付款-审核未通过

18 问候-关怀客户 •Dear Valuable Customer, •Thanks for your order,
有话好好说--态度问题决定一切 •Dear Valuable Customer, •Thanks for your order, •But we are so sorry to tell you that funds are not approved, •Whether there is a problem for your bank card? •We are looking forward to your reply. •Thank you again. •Sincerely

19 已付款-审核通过

20 已付款-审核通过 望闻问切

21 问候-关怀客户 Dear valuable customer, Thanks you for choosing our products.
I have to say that you're really a good buyer with good taste. you have chosed vention products with the highest quality and plenty of inventory. We will try our best to make sure that you would like it when you receive. we will arrange the item within hours. Thanks for your purchase again and we will update courier NO. to you soon. Sincerely

22 已付款小结 已付款的情况: 解决方案: 1、资金审核有问题,未能通过。 2、资金审核通过。 1、态度问题决定一切,跟进客户。

23 总结-订单处理 未付款有3种情况,已付款有2种情况。 5种情况用5种不同的邮件模板问候客户。 态度决定一切,细节决定成败。
客户需要被关怀,做到人文关怀。 交易是公平的,是你情我愿的。 做好客户的分类登记以备后用。

24 物流流程 顺利完成发货 N Y 订单 处理 核对 包装 信息 打印 分拣 打印单 拣货 质检 称重 销售单 与 地址单 录入 数据 张贴
(物流单) 录入 数据 重量 运单号 顺利完成发货

25 物流发货 按照流程流畅的发货,需要ERP软件配合 软件N多种,选择适合自己的 客服告知仓库需要留意的订单(客户有备注的)
仓库完成发货告知客服,客服通知客户已发货 客服跟踪物流关注物流动态,提前告知客户物流动态(避免物流纠纷)

26 关怀客户-发货 Dear Valuable Customer,
Thanks for your order. The product has been arranged with care. You may trace it on the following website After two days: Kindly be noticed that international shipping would take longer time. we hope it can arrive fast. And you can be satisfied with our products and services. meanwhile, we would appreciate very much if you may leave us five-star appraisal. If you have any problem, please communicate with us forpossible solutions before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We treasure your business very much and looking forward to serving you again in the near future. Sincerely

27 关怀客户-物流动态 Dear customers, Thanks for your patient waiting.
we'd like to inform you that your order has been Arrived in your country. So pleases kindly pay much more Attention to your order. Your attention helps us to track order status in A better way. We're really appreciate that you could contact us in advance if have Any question. Your satisfaction is our goal. Wish you have a nice day! Sincerely

28 订单完成-收货 物流签收 物流等待签收 追好评 引导好评

29 物流签收-确认收货 Dear Valued customer,
Thank you for shopping on our store, we hope you are enjoying your purchase. Your happy shopping experience is very important for us and our customer service. We would like to invite you to leave positive feedback on products and service. Your real feedback would help others make purchases like yours. Thanks for your support, and we look forward to providing you with the best purchase experience again on Aliexpress! Best regards, Vention

30 物流签收-引导好评 Dear Valued customer, We’re sorry to see that you’ve left negative feedback relating to your recent purchase experience from our store. We felt very sorry about letting you down. Pls contact us at any time so we can find out why you were unhappy and resolve your problems. We hope then you can revise your feedback into a positive feedback for us. Your support is our motivation, and we look forward to providing you with the best purchase experience again on Aliexpress! Best regards, Vention

31 订单完成-反馈

32 组建售后服务团队总结 勤发邮件和站内信 发件同时把握时间点 建立多种邮件模板给客服用 注意客服的功能,不要串岗
客服是沟通和安抚,需要幕后的支持和配合 态度决定成果,细节决定成败

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