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Published byNguyễn Vinh Modified 6年之前
Hot Issue 2013 Policy Address 熱點事件 – 醫療美容事件 回到通識教育科網上資源平台 瀏覽內容
February Hot Issue: 2013 Policy Address
Introduction February Hot Issue: 2013 Policy Address Earlier last month, the Chief Executive delivered his first Policy Address, in which there were issues related to the Liberal Studies curriculum and worthy of consideration and enquiry. Some people think that the Policy Address has proposed a fair amount of constructive suggestions, for example, the strategies on increasing the supply of land and housing are conducive to alleviating the housing problem, thereby improving the quality of life of Hong Kong people. (Continued on Next Page)
However, some others think that the Policy Address focused too much on housing policy and failed to tackle other urgent and pressing social problems and livelihood issues, and therefore did little to resolve the different types of problems that are plaging Hong Kong. The Government responded to criticisms by saying that it will take into account both the interests of individuals and the whole society when prioritizing the demands of different groups.
Background Information
請按下方圖片瀏覽相關資料 Background Information Enquiry Questions 1. Which major aspects of the quality of life are being addressed by the 2013 Policy Address? Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? 2.How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 3. How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Reference – Background
Background Information (Last modified date: 2013/2/21) 2013年施政報告 2013年施政報告-重點 2013 Policy Address 2013 Policy Address - Highlights >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Expectations and Views from various sectors of the community Government Responses
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference Background Information (Last modified date :2013/2/21) 新浪新聞中心(2013年1月16日)<梁振英:解決市民住房問題是首要任務>(取自: 新浪新聞中心(2013年1月16日)<施政報告:短中期增加房屋土地供應 > (取自: 新浪新聞中心(2013年1月16日)<梁振英今發表首份施政報告 稱系未來5年藍圖>(取自: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference- Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? Which major aspects of the quality of life are being addressed by the 2013 Policy Address? Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) 明報社評(2013年1月16日)<房屋供應不宜望梅止渴 梁振英要有行動顯決心> (另見: 明報社評(2013年1月18日)<短期樓市紓困無望 填海拓地庇蔭後人> (另見: 星島社論(2013年1月18日)<虛火難持久實火招降溫> (另見: 星島社論(2013年1月18日)<齊秀峰:少見民粹 眼鏡滿地> (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference- Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? Which major aspects of the quality of life are being addressed by the 2013 Policy Address? Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) 明報社評(2013年1月21日)< 36%滿意24%不滿 梁振英管治危機稍紓> (另見: 明報社評(2013年1月21日)<善用棕地 三方共贏> (另見: 明報社評(2013年1月22日)<加大力度工廈轉住宅 地盡其用有助解困局> (另見: <胡亂派糖浪費公帑 善用盈餘投資未來>,《明報》,2月4日 (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference- Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? Which major aspects of the quality of life are being addressed by the 2013 Policy Address? Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) <太古城施政報告後兩破頂>,《明報》,2月2日 (另見: <3天假商界支持 勞工界泛民嫌少 政府擬侍產假支薪八成>,《新報》,1月25日(另見: <為未來政制發展做好準備>,《成報》,2月4日 (另見: <施政方向正確 重在盡快落實>,《成報》,2月3日 (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference- Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? Which major aspects of the quality of life are being addressed by the 2013 Policy Address? Do you think the Policy Address has responded to the most urgent demands of the society? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Mingpao, 16th January. (Refer to: No Immediate Relief from Housing Shortage, Mingpao, 18th January. (Refer to: Crisis has somewhat cooled, 2013, Mingpao, 21st January. (Refer to: Making Good Use of Brown Land, 2013, Mingpao, 21st January. (Refer to: Industrial building conversion, 2013, Mingpao, 22nd January. (Refer to: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Legislative Council Members/ Executive Council Members 新浪新聞中心(2013年1月5日)<議員共識施政報告無驚喜> (取自: <黃國健:施政報告無大驚喜>(2013),《明報》,1月16日 (另見: <議員轟調控樓市不力 財爺:有需要必出招>(2013),《頭條日報》, 2月1日(另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Legislative Council Members/ Executive Council Members <林大輝批施政報告「有攻勢無實際」>,《星島日報》,1月31日(另見: <梁家傑批施政報告無膽色無規劃>,《星島日報》,1月31日(另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Legislative Council Members/ Executive Council Members <議員批施政報告房屋政策無實效>,《星島日報》,1月31日(另見: <陳志全指施政報告 輕視文化創意產業>,《香港電台》,1月30日(另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Legislative Council Members/ Executive Council Members <胡志偉指梁振英施政報告沒兌現競選承諾>,《香港電台》,1月30日 (另見: <行會張志剛開腔挺梁>,《成报》,1月29日 (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Legislative Council Members/ Executive Council Members <林煥光讚施政報告有魄力有層次 政府正視問題向虎山行>,《商報》,1月20日 (另見: <議員指梁房策「不能救近火」>,《星島日報》,2月1日 (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Business 生活副刊(2013年1月18日)<施政報告反映的樓市危與機> (取自: 新浪新聞中心(2013年1月30日)<人口老化 樓市長線需求減弱> (取自: <力挺施政報告樓市措施 陳啟宗:每招絕對正確>,《成報》,2月1日 (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Scholars 亞視新聞(2013年1月16日)<劏房戶對施政報告失望學者認為建屋目標合理>(取自: <曾淵滄:政府不應坐視樓價飛漲>(2013),《大公報》,1月18日 (另見: <蔡涯棉:施政報告全面解決房屋土地問題>,《信報》,1月30日 (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Organization/ political party <民陣「不要行騙報告」遊行>(2013),《頭條日報》,1月27日 (另見: <多個政黨贊許急市民所急>,《香港商報訊》,1月17日 (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Citizens <香港市民對施政報告感不滿>(2013),《大紀元》,1月18日 (另見: 新浪新聞中心(2013年1月30日)<市民對解決房屋問題信心偏低> (取自: 中大香港亞太研究所民調(2013年1月30日)<施政報告房屋政策 未解房屋不足困憂>(取自: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? 2. How do various sectors of the community express their views and expectations on the Policy Address? Which aspects of the quality of life do they value the most? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Citizens <市民對施政報告滿意度續跌>(2013),《星島日報》,1月31日 (另見: <團體集4200簽名卡撐施政>,《香港商報》,1月30日 (另見: >More information Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community
Reference -How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address? 3. How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address? (Last modified date:2013/2/21) Government Official <重提租金管制 容許居屋出租 張炳良:未見其利 先見其害>,《新報》,1月30日(另見: <林鄭月娥:施政報告並非毫無亮點>,《now.com新聞》,1月30日(另見 Background Information Policy Address-Highlights Views from various sectors of the community How does the government respond to the public’s views on the Policy Address?
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