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Travel Agency Tour Reservations.

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1 Travel Agency Tour Reservations

2 中国传统的三大旅行社 中国国际旅行社 China International Travel Service(CITS)
中国旅行社China Travel Service(CTS) 中国青年旅行社China Youth Travel Service(CYTS)

3 Cultural Tips : booking flight tickets
In many places, people book their flight tickets through travel agencies, but not directly from airports. This is because travel agencies usually provide a lot of convenience, and what’s more, they can give a good discount on the air fare.

4 Listen to the dialogue about air ticket reservation and rearrange the order of the following sentences. A: Is that Wendy? B: How can I help you today, Mr. Stern? C: Home Based Travel Agency. D: When are you planning to leave? E: I’d like to make air ticket reservations for three to Hawaii. F:OK, Mr. Stern. I’ll call you back as soon as I have made the reservation. G: Yes, it is. H: This is Alex Stern. I: I’d like to leave on the tenth and come back on the thirtieth. I’d like first class tickets.

5 Key C—A—G—H—B—E—D—I—F
Tapescript Wendy: Home Based Travel Agency. Alex: Is that Wendy? Wendy: Yes, it is. Alex: This is Alex Stern. Wendy: How can I help you today, Mr. Stern? Alex: I’d like to make air ticket reservations for three to Hawaii. Wendy: When are you planning to leave? Alex: I’d like to leave on the tenth and come back on the thirtieth. I’d like first class tickets. Wendy: OK, Mr. Stern. I’ll call you back as soon as I have made the reservation.

6 make a reservation (for) 预定
travel agency(travel service) 旅行社 first class ticket  头等舱机票 make a reservation (for) 预定  相关单词:to book(动词),to reserve(动词)  例:All reservations must be made two weeks in advance. 所有的房间必须提前两星期预定。 first class 头等舱  机票通常按照价格分为三等:first class 头等舱,business class商务舱,economy class  经济舱。

7 Cultural Tips Travel fares to the same place vary according to the time. Usually in holiday season it costs much higher, because many people go there at the same time.

8 Question: a) What information will the clerk get from you? (time, place, etc.) b) What information would you like to get at the travel agency? c) Where else can you get the information?

9 Tapescript :Planning a tour to Spain
Agent: Good morning. Can I help you? Woman: Yes, I’d like some information, please. My husband and I want to go to Spain. Agent: Well, when do you want to go? Woman: We really don’t know. June, or maybe July. But I’d like to know the air fare(机票价格) to Madrid first. Agent: Let’s see. In May and June the fare is 3,200 yuan. But it’s less in March and April. It’s only 2,800 yuan. Woman: What about July? Agent: It’s more. 4,500 yuan. Because July is the holiday season(旅游旺季) in Spain. Woman: Oh… Can you give me a brochure, please? I’ll think about it. Agent: Of course. Here you are.

10 (F) 1. The couple will go to Spain in July.
2. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (F) 1. The couple will go to Spain in July. (T) 2. Money is a question when the couple are deciding on the time to go   to Spain. (T) 3. The air fare in April is lower than that in May. (F) 4. In July the air fare to Madrid is 480 dollars.

11 3.Work in pairs and role-play the situation below
Agent: Good morning. Everyday Travel Agency. Can I help you? Customer: Do you have any interesting program for the two-day weekend? Agent: Yes. We have lots of interesting programs for the weekend. You wouldn’t like a long trip, would you? Customer: No, I wouldn’t. I feel tired after a week’s work. Agent: Then, what about St. Monica Beach? There you can swim, lie in the sun on the soft sand, and play beach volleyball. Customer: (It) Sounds like a good idea. What about the price? Agent:$200 for one person. Customer: Thanks. I will think about it.

12 Cultural Tips Putuo Mountain is a famous tourist resort in East China. It is located in Zhejiang Province. 普陀山位于浙江省,是中国东部的一个著名旅游胜地。

13 4. Read and listen to the conversation. Then complete the itinerary
Key Itinerary Day 1: take the 5 o’clock ship Day 2: visit the famous spots on Putuo Mountain Day 3: visit Xishan resort in the morning and free activities in the afternoon Day 4: arrive in Shanghai at about 8:00 a.m.

14 5. Read the ad and do the exercise

15 How many types of tour do you know?
FIT=Independent/individual tour(散客旅行) GIT=group inclusive tour(组团旅行) Demestic tour(国内旅行) International tour (国外旅行) Honeymoon tour(蜜月旅行) Package tour(包价旅行)

16 自从1982年以来,我们一直在努力使您的旅游梦想成为现实。
Chinese Version 欢迎来到KIDS TRAVEL旅行社。 自从1982年以来,我们一直在努力使您的旅游梦想成为现实。 我们的网站是您随时获取旅游信息的“有效渠道”。 我们为您提供最好的服务,为您量身打造旅游计划。 我们专门从事:     ●  团队旅行——组团、散客;国内、国外。     ●  蜜月旅行——我们会为您安排最适宜的行程!     ●  机票预定——国内国际航班。     ●  酒店预定及汽车租赁。

17 的格式 1.表头 表头包括了From(发信人姓名)、To(收信人姓名)、Cc(副本收信人)、Blind Cc(隐匿副本收信人)及Subject(主题)5个项目,其余的项目通常可视使用人的需要,增加或者删减。 ①From :(发信人地址/姓名) 这一项所记载的是发信人姓名或发信人的电子邮件地址(E-m ail ad d ress),或两种的组合。但通常发出的信件会自动插入发信人姓名或邮件地址,所以也可将之省去。如果在Netscape上设定From :这个项目,如下所示就是自动显示事先设定的使用者姓名及电子邮件地址: From :Virginia Someya <> 发信者:(登录使用者)姓名电子邮件地址 ②To:(收信人地址/姓名) 根据软件的不同,本项目的表头有的只显示To(寄往),有的则以Mail to显示。无论如何,在这部分都会要输入收信人的电子邮件地址。例如,现在要传送邮件给Mike这个人,他的电子邮件地址是,就将这些符号输入此项目中。 Mail 收信人的电子邮件地址 在本例中只输入 address,但根据设定方法的不同,也可以和From项目一样;以[收信人姓名(权名)+电子邮件地址]的形式表示: ③Cc(副本收信人地址/姓名) 在发信给某人的同时,有时会想将同一封信发给其他人。例如发给A一封有关某计划书的信时,有时也会想将同一封信发给B、C、D,这时你不必一一写信再寄出去,只要在发给A的书信上的Cc:栏内,输入B、C、D的地址,电脑就会自动将文书的副本分别传送到你指定的副本收信人处。 利用Cc功能分发的信件,原收信人及副本收件人都知道这封信分发给了哪些人,而且,回信时也可以同时发给全体相关人员,让彼此保持更密切的联系和沟通,使工作更有效率地开展。

18 ④Blind Cc(隐匿副本收信人地址/姓名)
在某些情况下,不想让原收件人知道副本的收件人,这时就要运用Blind Cc:功能(有些软件没有这项功能,有些不以Blind Cc:表示,而写成Bcc:或 bcc:,或以大写表示)。 以Blind Cc:功能发出信件副本,原收信人将无法得知寄件人同时也将信发给第三者。当然,收件人所得到的信件上,也将表明这封信是由bcc发出的。 不过,使用bcc应特别留意。因为bcc的特色就在于“机密性”,为了保密而发出隐匿副本给某人时,对方如果不了解bcc的意义,而将信的内容或bcc又寄给第三者,就会引发意外的麻烦。 ⑤Subject(文件名/信件主题) 对电子邮件而言,设定适当的“信件主题”格外重要。 一般而言,电子邮件软件在程启动时,会出现收件一览表,其显示方式也会因不同的收件软件而有所区别,但它一般包括发件人、主题、日期、内容等几部分。 另外,在信件主题列中通常会显示:Re:,这是什么意思呢?将来信显示在书面上或打印出来看时,就会看到在主题列中的Re:,原本为拉丁文中介系词,相当于about或regarding,在一般的商业文书中常用于取代subject,作为信件主题列的表头,所以subject:和Re:通常不会重复使用。

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