主全能神是他的名 The Lord Almighty is His Name

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1 主全能神是他的名 The Lord Almighty is His Name
慕創047 主全能神是他的名 The Lord Almighty is His Name 那位能叫太陽白日放 光 He who appoints the sun to shine by day 叫月亮星辰 黑夜發 亮 Who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night 又攪動大海叫浪澎 湃 Who stirs up the seas, its waves to roar 主全能神是祂的名 The Lord Almighty is His Name

2 主全能神是祂的名 那位披上亮光威嚴尊 榮 乘駕風的翅膀向前 行 又彰顯奇妙無比大 能
慕創047 那位披上亮光威嚴尊 榮 He who is clothed with light and majesty 乘駕風的翅膀向前 行 Who rides forth upon the wings of the wind 又彰顯奇妙無比大 能 Who displays His power so marvelous 主全能神是祂的名 The Lord Almighty is His Name

3 聽啊全能神已掌權 一切被造向他讚美 我要俯伏稱頌你 全能神我救主 Hear now! The Lord Almighty reigns
慕創047 聽啊全能神已掌權 Hear now! The Lord Almighty reigns 一切被造向他讚美 All of creation sings His praise 我要俯伏稱頌你 We will bow and bless Your Name 全能神我救主 Righteous God and Savior

4 那從高天降下來拯救 我 由大水深淵他拉起 我 從仇敵手中他救贖 我 主全能神是祂的名
4/5 慕創047 那從高天降下來拯救 我 He who reached down from high and rescued me 由大水深淵他拉起 我 Who has drawn me out of waters deep 從仇敵手中他救贖 我 Who delivered me from my enemy 主全能神是祂的名 The Lord Almighty is His Name

5 那位將用公義審判這 地 他所行一切正直誠 實 在高處掌權直到永 遠 主全能神是祂的名
5/5 慕創047 那位將用公義審判這 地 He who will judge the earth in righteousness 他所行一切正直誠 實 Who is just and true in all His ways 在高處掌權直到永 遠 Who will reign on high for endless days 主全能神是祂的名 The Lord Almighty is His name

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