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A1 把这些事情做完 Goals: Vocab? Function? Grammar?

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1 A1 把这些事情做完 Goals: Vocab? Function? Grammar?

2 我们今天做什么 5' 对练:生词 (TB 216) Quiz each other 10' 对练:语法 (TB 218) (#1-2)
Read sentences through with comprehension; 中文和英文有没有不同? 有什么不同? 5' 老师提问 5' Quiz (词汇小测验 Cihui xiao ceyan) 15' 介绍新语法点:把字句 (p ) 15' 短片视听 (video story) 10' 练习 (p )

3 Review: V 在 哪里(position)
Non-motion, Static + Position 人坐在 人站在 东西放在 东西挂在 字写在 客厅里 房子外面 卧室里 书房里 墙上 地上 Treat 在as a verb suffix; nothing should go between V and 在

4 V 什么?Focusing on the object(s) Find an appropriate object to go with the Verb
一些礼物 一张茶几 几个盒子 两个纸箱 一个条子 一封信 两本书 几张照片 几张画 借/还

5 V 到 哪里(location ) 去/来 搬 放 去 送 到 带 来 拿 寄 不到 客厅里 房子外面 卧室里 书房里 朋友那儿 学校 北京
Movement from X to Y Action attempt Intended results/destination 客厅里 房子外面 卧室里 书房里 朋友那儿 学校 北京 东西 不到

6 V 给 谁person (recipient)
Sth. Transferred from Person 1 to Person 2 送给 带给 寄给 卖给 借给 朋友 学校(的人) 室友 生人 同学 东西 Treat 给 as a verb suffix; nothing should go between V and 给

7 应该用哪一个?(到、给、在) 送____我的同学 带____学校去 寄____她家去 卖____一个生人 搬____ 厨房里来
挂____ 门上 还____ 图书馆 东西

8 Get ready --请准备好 该考生词了!

9 Info Focus:The Handling of an obj. "Sth is handled/done in what way"
Topic, known new info, focus Absent 东西 放在盒子里 搬到客厅里去 送给一个朋友 寄到他家去 卖给一个生人 The Person (Agent) is absent.

10 Reinstating the Person (Agent) "Sb. handles the obj/does sth
Reinstating the Person (Agent) "Sb. handles the obj/does sth. in what way" Topic (Agent) Obj. new info, focus 放在盒子里 搬到客厅里去 送给一个朋友 寄到他家去 卖给一个生人 东西

11 Why 把?“把”有什么意思? (Noun) bà: handle
(Measure for) chair, umbrella, knife, ... (Verb) to hold, take by hand, grasp [take the obj. and do sth. about/to it] 麻烦你把这个东西拿到屋子里去。 我们把那张画挂在墙上吧。 你想把这个礼物送给谁?

12 把:Goal-driven Tasks Read P. 219-220 for 5 frequently used forms
Know when NOT to 把

13 B1 事情做得怎么样了? How are things going?
U 14 要做的事 B1 事情做得怎么样了? How are things going?

14 更多‘把’字句 with Elaborated Verb Phrases!
给 adds a stress to the V in the spoken form sth. (给) 收拾一下 (给) 收拾好 (给) 收拾完 (给) 收拾干净

15 更多‘把’字句 with Verb-了 Phrases!
忘了,卖了,吃了,扔了,丢了 ‘了’denotes the state of being gone/disposed-- past or future. (给) 忘了 (给) 卖了 (给) 吃了 (给) 扔了 (给) 丢了 sth. 别把 (没)把

16 更多‘把’字句 with Causative 搞/弄 Verb Phrases!
搞/弄: -丢了,-坏了,-错了,-好了 搞/弄:to render, make, cause to become used for an undefined action (no specific action verb is available) sth. (给) 弄丢了 (给) 搞坏了 (给) 搞错了 (给) 弄好了

17 Get ready --请准备好 该考生词了!

18 Describing the durative state with V 着
开着,关着,锁着 小偷为什么进得去? 小孩出得来出不来? 房间里有人吗?

19 Describing the durative state with V 着
在 PW V着 (坐着、 站着) 老师在教室里站着吗? 狗gou在外面吃东西吗?

20 Describing the durative state with V 着
在PW 挂着,放着,走着/跑着 我的自行车在地上放着, 他的在...... 那个人刚才在屋子里坐着,现在他在...... 我把书都收拾好了, 现在书都在......

21 在PW V着 [focusing on verb status] vs
在PW V着 [focusing on verb status] vs. V 在 PW [focusing on location/position] Read examples on p.233

22 R1 单元复习 Review & Integration
U 14 要做的事 R1 单元复习 Review & Integration

23 我们今天做什么 7' 读短文:(TB 242) 老师检查发音和认读 10' 老师提问:(TB 243) 中文怎么说 (A-E )
中文和英文有什么不同? 7' 老师小结:to 把 or not to 把 8' 小组练习 (TB ) Check for Accuracy 8' 老师提问检查 (PPT) 10' 小组练习(TB 244) 对话 (A-B) 5' 老师检查带练 (PPT) 10' 小组练习:Create a Tasks-to-Do List

24 To 把 or Not to 把 Do NOT use 把 if the Obj--rather than the Agent-- is the Topic The agent is absent. Verb Phrase 关了/锁了 搞丢了 放在桌子上 钱包 Obj as Topic (Obj as definite/known) Comment (new info about the Topic)

25 To 把 or Not to 把 2. Avoid using 把 when the Obj is not introduced or not referential (我想把一本书看完) 一个门 几本书 Verb Phrase 关了/锁了 搞丢了 New info Not introduced Not referential

26 To 把 or Not to 把 2. Avoid using 把 when the Obj is not introduced or not referential (我想把一本书看完) 一个门 一本书 Verb Phrase 关了/锁了 搞丢了 New info Not introduced Not referential

27 To 把 or Not to 把 3. Do not 把 when the verb does not indicate any degree, result, direction, location, recipient, etc. 把 forms w/ elaboration V一下(or V V) RVs (also V了) V在 PW V给 recipient V到 PW 去 Simple Vs or VOs w/o elaboration 做、写,放 丢、扔、寄,带 关门、做作业 收拾,练习

28 (2) Correct the Sentences
TB 语法小测验 (1) Mark each sentence ... X for a non-把 sentence 把 for a 把sentence (2) Correct the Sentences

29 To 把 or Not to 把 X 1) I want to read a book/do some reading today.
X 2) I want to read that book today. X/把 3) I want to read that book a bit today. 把 4) I want to finish reading that book today. 把 5) I want to manage to understand that book today. X 6) [As for] that book, I have understood it. 把 7) I've put that book on the desk. X 8) That book is lying on the desk.

30 1) 我今天要把作业做。 >> ...... 做完/做一下
2) 我把作业没做完。>> 没把...... 3) 我不把作业做完。>> 没把...... 4) 我把这些作业做不完。>> (not for 把) 这些作业我做不完 5) 她放了那个电脑在桌子上。>> 把X放在.....了 6) 她没把那个电脑卖。>> 卖了 7) 今天她想把一封信/那封信寄。>> 把那封信寄了/出去/走 8) 那张画 挂着在 墙上。>> 挂在PW (or 在PW 挂着) 9) 他 坐着在 客厅里。>> 坐在PW (or 在PW 坐着) 10) 他 坐了很久 在客厅里。>> 在PW 坐了很久

31 TB Dialogs (对话) Work in pairs or groups ...

32 TB Dialogs (对话) Part A: Could you

33 麻烦你帮我把房间收拾一下好吗? 好的。你想要我做些什么? Could you please tidy up the room for me?
OK. What do you want me to do? 好的。你想要我做些什么?

34 Take the painting off the wall and
give it away. 把墙上的画拿下来,送给别人。 Give it away? To whom? 送给别人?送给谁?

35 送给谁都可以, 或者你也可以(把它) 卖了。 好吧。你想把那把旧椅子扔了吗?
To whomever. Or you can sell it. 送给谁都可以, 或者你也可以(把它) 卖了。 OK. Do you want to throw away that old chair? 好吧。你想把那把旧椅子扔了吗?

36 Don't throw it away. Put it in my study. Take the books off the shelf.
Then put them into those boxes. 别把它扔了,把它放在我的书房里。 把书架上的书拿下来,放在那些盒子里。 OK. I can get these things done this afternoon. 好的,我今天下午可以把这些事做完。

37 Part 2: How are things going?
TB Dialogs (对话) Part 2: How are things going?

38 你事情做得怎么样了?做完了吗? 还没有,我还在收拾着你的书架呢。 How are things going? Are you done?
Not yet. I'm in the middle of cleaning up your bookshelf. 还没有,我还在收拾着你的书架呢。

39 怎么那张画还在那里挂着? 谁也不要,所以我会把它带回家去。 How come that painting is still
hanging there? 怎么那张画还在那里挂着? No one wants it, so I'll take it home with me. 谁也不要,所以我会把它带回家去。

40 好吧。你把那把椅子 放在我书房里了吗? 我搬的时候把椅子弄坏了, 我就把它(给)扔了。
OK. Did you put the chair in my study? 好吧。你把那把椅子 放在我书房里了吗? I somehow broke it as I moved it, so I threw it away. 我搬的时候把椅子弄坏了, 我就把它(给)扔了。

41 That was a very valuable chair!
You threw it away? That was a very valuable chair! 你把它扔了?那是一把很贵的椅子! But you didn't tell me! 可是你没告诉我啊!

42 读一下汉字复习单上的句子 U13-U14

43 Create a Things-to-do List
What's the focus of the sentence? (non把) V什么; V 多少/多久的 O Do what Do how many / how long (of...) 把什么 V____________ Do it in what way Do it to what extent Do it to bring what result

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