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An Introduction to IELTS

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1 An Introduction to IELTS

2 Outline: 1. What is IELTS speaking? 2. The procedure of speaking test
3. Four marking criteria 4. IELTS speaking scores

3 1.How many parts are there in the speaking test ?
2. What do you do in each part? 3. Are topics in each part related to each other ?

4 What is IELTS speaking? The test is 11 to 14 minutes long with three parts. In Part 1, you answer questions about yourself, your family, your work and your interests. In Part 2, you speak about a topic. You will be given a task card which asks you to speak about a particular topic and includes points that you can cover in your talk. You will be given 1 minute to prepare your talk. You will then speak for 1-2 minutes. In Part 3, you have a longer discussion on the topic. The examiner will ask you further questions connected to the topic in Part 2.

5 IELTS Center

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8 The examiners will follow these steps before they start :
1. Greeting 2. Cellphone 3. Check your information (ID) 4. Introduce the IELTS speaking part

9 In Part 1 candidates answer general questions about themselves, their homes/families, their jobs/studies, their interests, and a range of familiar topic areas.(4-5 m) Topics: Hometown Work/study Accommodation Animals Advertisement App Boat Foreign Food Dictionary Exercise Bored Friends Holiday/vacation Gift Newspapers Map Music Letter/ s Plants Rainy days Travelling Sleep Outdoor activity Teacher Save money Watch Punctuality Typing/writing Job

10 In Part 2 the candidate is given a verbal prompt on a card and is asked to talk on a particular topic. The candidate has one minute to prepare before speaking at length, for between one and two minutes. The examiner then asks one or two rounding-off Questions.(3-4 m) 常见的几个问题 1.做笔记的时候可以写中文吗? 2.笔记算分吗? 3.题目不会可以换话题吗? 4.卡片上的问题不会答, 可以吗? 5.说的时间不够2分钟,会扣分吗?

11 which are thematically linked to the topic prompt in Part 2. (4-5 m)
In Part 3 the examiner and candidate engage in a discussion of more abstract issues and concepts which are thematically linked to the topic prompt in Part 2. (4-5 m) E.g. Why do you think that fast food is so popular these days?

12 考试结束的时候你会说 ? A. See you ! B. Thank you, bye bye. C. Wo Cao ! D. I will always remember you !

13 口语考试流程总结

14 Q & A 1.什么时候参加考试最好的? 2.考官巨帅,怎么办??? 3.肢体语言重要吗,比如坐姿,手势,表情等?
4.口语提高一分要多久?200 hours ?! 5.到其他的地方考试,会不会更好? 6.复议成功率高吗? 7.考官在纸上写的数字是什么意思?是分数吗? 8. Part 1,Part 2 & Part 3 哪一个部分最重要? 9.如果没听懂?能让考官重复他的问题吗? 会扣分吗?听不懂的提问方法: Sorry ? What do you mean by "......"? What is the meaning of " " ? Could you say “......”again ? 10.为什么考官总是打断我?总是和我争?老是问很多why? 11. 为什么考官表现得不耐烦,老是打哈欠,我是不是凉透了?

15 The Marking Criteria : 1.Fluency and Coherence 2.Pronunciation 3.Grammatical Range and Accuracy 4.Lexical Resource

16 Homework: 1. AWL: Vocabulary Learning 2. Review the notes. 3. 剑10, Writing Preview.





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