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Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:罗云利 工商与公共管理学院.

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Presentation on theme: "Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:罗云利 工商与公共管理学院."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:罗云利 工商与公共管理学院

2 Taking Orders 点菜服务 Learning Objectives
Learn how to serve a Chinese breakfast; 学会如何提供中式早餐服务; Learn how to take a la carte orders for Chinese food; 学会如何提供中餐点餐服务; Learn how to take a la carte orders for western food. 学会如何提供西餐零点服务。




6 Dialogue 1 Serving a Chinese Breakfast
中式早餐服务 J=Jane (Waitress)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good morning, sir. Would you care to order from the menu? (The menu is already on the table.) S: Yes, I would. J: What kind of breakfast would you care for, sir? S: I want an English style breakfast, please. J: Would you like porridge or corn flakes? S: I think I’d prefer corn flakes. J: Very well, sir... And how would you like your eggs? S: Sunny-side up. J: And would you like your fried eggs with bacon, sausages or ham? S: Sausages, please. J: Would you like tea or coffee? S: Coffee, please. J: Thank you, sir. Your breakfast will be served in a minute. (The waitress starts to walk away, but the guest calls her back.) S: Excuse me. I’d also like a glass of water. J: I’ll bring a glass of water right away, sir.

7 Dialogue 2 Taking A la carte Orders for Chinese Food 中餐点餐服务
J=Jane (Waitress)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good evening, sir. Would you like to order? S: Yes. Can you recommend something for me? J: You want to try some white meat or red meat? There is steamed grouper, boiled shrimp; as for red meat, there is some brained meat, twice- cooked pork slices in brown sauce, Kung Pao chicken. S: Then I would like some boiled shrimp, fried vegetables, and twice- cooked pork slices in brown sauce. J: Well, anything else? S: No, that’s all. J: Well, here is your order. S: Yes, here they are. J: Your dish will soon be served. Please wait a moment. S: Yes, thank you. J: You are welcome. Enjoy the meal.

8 Dialogue 3 Taking A la carte Orders for Western Food 西餐点餐服务
J=Jane (Waitress)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: May I take your order, sir? S: Yes, please. I would like to start with a chef’s salad. J: Chef’s salad for starter. And what would you like to have for the main course? S: I’ll have sirloin steak. J: How do you like your steak done? S: Rare, please. J: What would you like to go with your steak? S: Broccoli and tomato. J: OK. How about the dessert, sir? S: No dessert. Give me a cup of coffee. J: Yes, sir. Please wait a moment.


10 1. Inquiring 咨询   I’ll bring you the menu, sir. 先生,我给您拿菜单。   Here are the menu and wine list. 这是菜单和酒单。   Would you like to order now? 您现在点菜吗?   May I take your order now? 我现在可以为您点菜吗?   Would you like Chinese food or Western food? 您要吃中餐还是西餐?   What would you like? 您想吃点什么?

11 2. Ordering 点菜   What do you want to eat today? 您今天想吃点什么呢?   What would you like to start with? 您先来点什么?   Would you like something to drink? 您想喝点什么吗?   What would you like for a drink? 您想喝什么?   Would you like an aperitif before lunch? 午饭前您想吃点开胃的东西吗?   What kind of Chinese food do you want? 您想吃哪种中国食物?   What kind of vegetables would you like? 您想吃什么蔬菜?   What kind of drink would you like? 您要点什么饮料?   What kind of juice do you want? 您要哪种果汁?   Would you like to try MaoTai—the best Chinese spirits? 您想尝尝中国最好的酒——茅台酒吗?   Would you prefer Shanghai cocktail? 您喜欢上海鸡尾酒吗?   How would you like your steak? 您喜欢几成熟的牛排?   What do you want to garnish? 您想要些什么配菜?

12 1. Table D’hote and A la carte 套餐和零点餐
  套餐(Table D’hote, 也称为客饭或者定餐),由餐厅配制好菜式组合,分为A、B餐等,价格比较大众化。可以问“Which kind of table d’hote would you prefer?”(您要哪一种套餐?)零点餐(A la carte)则由客人照菜单点菜,选择比较灵活,花费也比较高。中餐点菜较多采用这种形式。

13 2. Ordering 点菜   点菜就餐的典型次序是:找一张桌子坐下——看菜单——点菜——付钱——离开。英语语言的表达基本上也是依照此顺序。“订餐”在英文中有两种说法,即book a table 和make a reservation。在英国以及其他很多国家,餐厅一般划分为吸烟区和非吸烟区。一进餐厅,服务员会主动征询客人的意见,然后引领客人前往所选择的区域就餐。   餐厅点菜用语:


15 3. Menu 菜单

16 Exercise 1 Dialogue Completion
Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brackets and then read it in roles. J=Jane (Waitress) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: __________________________?(请问可以为您点菜了吗?) S: Yes. Could you recommend me something special? J: The beef stewed in red wine is very good. _________________________.(这道菜是我们厨师长的拿手菜。) S: OK. I’ll take it. J: _____________________?(来份青菜怎么样?) S: That’s a good idea. J: Would you like soup? I’d suggest our ____________.(招牌汤品) S: Hm, I’ll take it. J: __________________________?(您还要点别的吗?) S: No, thanks. May I have your order now This is our Chef’s Special How about vegetables house soup Would you like anything else

17 J=Jane (Waitress) S= Stephen Nobel (Guest) M= Mary Nobel (Guest)
Exercise 2 Role-play   诺贝尔夫妇到咖啡厅用早餐,要英式早餐,他们点了橘子汁、两个硬心煮蛋(hard boiled eggs)、烤面包片、蜂蜜、杏子汁(apricot juice)以及咖啡。你是餐厅的服务员,请你和你的同学准备这个对话,并在班上表演。 J=Jane (Waitress) S= Stephen Nobel (Guest) M= Mary Nobel (Guest) S: The menu, please. J: Here you are, sir. What would you like to have? S: Let me see. What do you think, darling? M: Oh, I don’t want much to eat. I like an English breakfast. I’m not very hungry…I think I’ll have orange juice and two hard boiled eggs. S: Hmm, I’m rather hungry. I’ll start with roast bread and honey. J: Yes, sir. Will you have anything to drink? S: I’ll have a cup of coffee, please. How about you, darling? M: Well, I like a cup of apricot juice. J: Yes. Please wait a minute. It will be served right now.

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