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分詞片語(Participial Phrase)的標點方式

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1 分詞片語(Participial Phrase)的標點方式
1. 非限定分詞片語的標點方式︰ (1)非限定分詞片語︰分詞片語是用來補充說明特定對象或整句所指之事或情境,即使該分詞片語不存在,亦不影響全句意義,不會令人對主要表達之意有所誤解或產生模糊不清之意。

2 The blue book borrowed from Lisa is very interesting.

3 (2)非限定分詞片語置於句中,其前後均必須加上“,”。
Mammoth (長毛象), Yukagir (尤卡基爾)and Oymiakon(歐米亞空), found in Siberia(西伯利亞), has been exhibited in Chiang Kai Shek (C.K.S.) Memorial Hall from July 11 to November 4, 2008. (3)非限定分詞片語置於句尾,其前面必須加上“,”之後再加“‧” She is a productive writer, amounting on an average to ten million words a year.

4 2. 分詞片語置於句首,其後必須加上“,”再加主要子句,此時的分詞片語是代替合句(Compound Sentence)。合句(Compound Sentence)中同一主詞同時發生二個動作,其中任一動作均可改分詞片語,主動的用現在分詞片語,被動的用過去分詞片語,此乃為增加文章裡句型的變化。

5 Looking at her son, she asked why the mirror was broken.
=She looked at her son, and asked why the mirror was broken. =She looked at her son, asking why the mirror was broken.

6 《註》句尾的分詞片語不一定是非限定分詞片語或由合句(二動作同時發生)改變而來,有時也為第一個動作的結果(此狀況通常將第二個動作改為分詞片語)。
The policeman fired, killed the robber. (殺了搶匪是開槍的結果)

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