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新書通報 ABOUT THE BOOK : 台灣老年醫學會會員限定方案 訂 購 方 法

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1 新書通報 ABOUT THE BOOK : 台灣老年醫學會會員限定方案 訂 購 方 法
The most complete, authoritative guide available on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the elderly – now in full color and updated with a new global perspective ISBN-13: Format: Paperback Edition: 7 Pub Date: Dec/2016 Imprint: McGraw-Hill Medical Price: US$ 289  ABOUT THE BOOK • NEW full-color design with hundreds of color photographs • NEW chapters: Quality of Care in Older Adults, Common Non-Pain Symptoms in Older Adults, Strategies of Effective  Communication Around Advanced Illness, Palliative Medicine in the Continuum of Care Including Hospice, Coagulation Disorders, and Plasma Cell Disorders • MORE chapters on Palliative Medicine • NEW Learning Objectives and Key Points added to each chapter  • EVIDENCE-BASED through the use of the latest clinical practice guidelines , references to systemic reviews, and critically appraised topics  • UPDATED to reflect the most current clinical breakthroughs and advances for managing older adults in various settings 台灣老年醫學會會員限定方案 原價: 約NTD 9250 ,會員特惠: NTD 6400 【會員專屬】限量特價優惠,售完為止,欲購從速! 專案窗口: #202潘小姐 / 郵政劃撥帳號: /  戶名:合記書局有限公司 ATM繳費/銀行匯款:銀行代碼(013) 國泰世華銀行營業部 帳戶號碼: 戶 名 : 合記書局有限公司 完成匯款後請務必『來電』、『來信』或於『劃撥單』中寫明匯款人資料與寄書地址,並需註明〈台灣老年學暨老年醫學會〉會員編號。 訂 購 方 法 合記書局總代理

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