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Down & Feather Supply Chain Shandong Bohai Down Products Co. , Ltd

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1 Down & Feather Supply Chain Shandong Bohai Down Products Co. , Ltd

2 Other e.g. fresh food market
D&F Supply Chain 羽绒供应链 Industrialized Farm 大型养鸭场 Individual 农户散养 Duck 鸭子 Imported RM 进口羽绒 Small Farm 小型养鸭场 Slaughter house 屠宰场 Other e.g. fresh food market 其它,如活禽市场 D&F manufactory 羽绒制品厂 Retailer 零售商 Washing 水洗厂 Stitching 制品厂 Dealer 中间商 Collectors 羽毛收购商 Domestic 内销 Washing Plant 水洗厂 Domestic 内销 Export 出口

3 我们在做好产业的同时,也要人道地对待动物,坚决反对虐待动物的行为。
The red arrow shows the D&F supply chain for our company and we do not live pluck at all. 红色箭头所示为渤海羽绒制品有限公司羽毛供应链类型,与活拔绒毫无关系。 We support ethical treatment of animals and oppose cruelty/torture of animals. 我们在做好产业的同时,也要人道地对待动物,坚决反对虐待动物的行为。

4 Shandong Bohai Down Products Co., Ltd. 山东渤海羽绒制品有限公司
Established in 2004 成立于2004年 Daily Capacity: 60 T (raw materials) 日产能:60吨(原毛) Top & Medium Grade: 6 T 中高档绒:6吨 Lower Grade: 22 T 低档绒:22吨 Feather: 18 T 毛片:18吨

5 Locations of Slaughter Houses 屠宰场分布图
Tianjin 天津 Hebei 河北 Shandong 山东

6 Washing Plant 水洗厂(渤海羽绒) Slaughter house 屠宰场

7 Distances between washing plant and slaughter houses
水洗厂与屠宰场之间的距离 Max: 300 km (4 hours drive) 最远:300公里(4小时车程) Min: 10 km (30 minutes drive) 最近:10公里(30分钟车程) Note: For freshness, all collected D&F raw material from slaughter houses will be delivered to washing plant in 24 hours. 注:24小时内将从屠宰场采集的原料送到水洗厂加工,保证羽毛的新鲜度和品质。 All these slaughter houses supply their 100% capacity to the washing plant 这些屠宰场的产能全部供渤海制品有限公司

8 Slaughtering & Processing 屠宰加工流程
Fleshy Ducks 活鸭 Hanging 挂鸭 Bleeding 出血 Scalding 浸烫 Denuding 脱毛

9 Down & Feather Processing 羽绒加工流程
Add detergent to wash, dry and cool. 加入洗涤剂,搅拌、烘干、冷却。 Apply to D&F with pre-washed and sorted. 适用于粗洗、分毛完成后的羽毛。 Apply to D&F with fine washed. 适用于精洗后的羽毛 。 RM 原料 Pre-wash 粗洗 Sorting 分毛 Fine wash 精洗 Sorting 分毛 Mixing 拼堆 According to different requirements, separate pre-washed raw materials into feather, lower, medium and top grades. 按照不同要求,将粗洗过的羽毛分成毛片、低绒、中绒和高绒 。 According to customers’ requirements, mix semi-finished product with different down content. 根据客户要求,按照不同的羽毛比例进行拼堆。

10 Washing Plant 水洗厂 Slaughter Houses 屠宰场 D&F manufactory 羽绒制品厂

11 Down & Feather Traceability System 羽绒原料追溯体系
The whole process, from D&F raw materials to finished products, has unified code and strict distinction. 羽绒从原料到成品,每个加工环节都统一编号,严格区分。 Be able to trace back to sub-suppliers (slaughter houses), delivery date of raw materials and other related info. 可以从制品追溯到相应原料的供应商(屠宰场)、送货日期等信息。

12 Procedures Examples Remarks 追溯流程 举例说明 备注 XX-0893 羽绒制品订单号 AWDF3-0810-38
order number of D&F products XX-0893 XX:客户代码 08:08年 93:编号 羽绒制品订单号 finished D&F batch number (after mixing) AWDF A:水洗后 W:白 D:鸭 F3:毛片长度为3CM 0810:08年10月 38/55:编号 成品生产批号(拼堆后) semi-finished D&F batch number (after washing & sorting) AWDF …… 半成品生产批号 (水洗、分毛后) B:水洗前 080102/080930:收货日期 AA/AF:供应商代码 0878/1157:编号 BWDF AA0878 BWDF AF1157 …… raw material batch number (RM from slaughter houses) 羽绒原料批号 (来自屠宰场)

13 Conclusion 总结 The model of Bohai is unique and innovative in Chinese D&F industry. It is complete different from existing D&F supply chain. 渤海模式是独特的,在中国羽绒行业内是一种创新,它完全不同于原先的羽绒供应链模式。 This model is without any risks of live plucking down. 这种模式与活拔绒毫无关系。 The model is mature and reliable. It has been in running for several years. 这种模式是成熟、可靠的,并且已经运行了几年。 This model is controllable. 企业自己可以对这种模式进行掌控。

14 Thank you! 谢谢! Shandong Bohai Down Products Co., Ltd.山东渤海羽绒制品有限公司
18 Bohai Road, Qingyun County, Bohai City, Shandong Province , China 山东省德州市庆云县渤海经济技术开发区渤海路18号,253700 Phone电话: Fax传真:

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