Idioms about money.

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1 Idioms about money

2 I do not know anyone who is loaded(富有的), or extremely rich.
Some even live from hand to mouth(糊口度日). They struggle to earn enough money to bring home the bacon(成功,谋生). Sometimes, poor people even get caught short(身无分文).

3 Or they have to spend or lay out(花钱) more money than they want for something.
When this happens, poor people have to tighten their belts(勒紧腰带) and live on less money than usual. However, other people are on the gravy train(轻易发大财的工作). 活在北京最省钱

4 These people make a bundle(赚了一大笔钱).
They really rake in the cash(轻易赚很多钱) they make so much money that they can live high off the hog(过阔绰舒适的生活). Sometimes they pay an arm and a leg for something(花一大笔钱以购买一些东西).

5 Because money is no object (钱不是问题)to wealthy people
they even pay through the nose(被勒索). I did not make a killing(突然赚得一大笔钱) when I buy a lottery. 一初中男生被勒索

6 my friends and I will chip in(共同出钱) or pay jointly for a fun night out.
When we go to restaurants the meal is Dutch treat(各付己帐). the owner of a restaurant gave us a dinner on the house(由店家负担费用).

7 I admit that we had to grease someone‘s palm(贿赂某人).
it was a buy off(贿赂,收买). the meal did not set me back(花费) at all.

8 That’s all ! Thank you !

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