Area and Division Governor Training

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1 Area and Division Governor Training
高效率的分会执委培训 L区执委培训 二 黄国荣 卓越讲员 呈献 二零一五年 一月十日

2 宗旨 提供知识与工具. 接受培训的执委们将: 满足会员的需求, 优质的分会环境, 更多新会员, 更多卓越演讲会, 更多卓越区域.

3 什么时候培训? 第一次分会执委培训: 六月一日至八月三十一日 让新领袖学习与认识工作任务和责任,还有接触 区域领袖们. 第二次分会执委培训:
第一次分会执委培训: 六月一日至八月三十一日 让新领袖学习与认识工作任务和责任,还有接触 区域领袖们. 第二次分会执委培训: 十二月一日至二月二十八日(或二十九日) 至少四位执委出席培训,才能符合DCP 卓越演讲会 目标资格.

4 谁能参与培训? 邀请和鼓励现任和后任执委们出席培训. 讲演会会员们如果想了解和学习沟通与领导能力 也可参与培训. 尽量提高培训出席人数.

5 选择团队 筹委主席 财政 后勤工作人员 登记 – 请用以下格式.

6 选择团队 培训员: 有丰富经验. 有知识和专长. 培训员曾带领其分会获得 会长级卓越讲演会资格 . 娱乐性. 愿意采用国际演讲会的培训教材.
有知识和专长. 培训员曾带领其分会获得 会长级卓越讲演会资格 . 娱乐性. 愿意采用国际演讲会的培训教材. 如果课程有别于培训教材,必须商讨有关教材. 要保有管制教材的内容的权力.

7 课程计划 培训员必须用国际演讲会的培训教材. 素质.
呈现教材必须清楚,精炼及具逻辑性. 一致性. 确保统一所有培训教材,无论执委出席任何 培训课程,所学到的课程内容都一致.

8 第一个分会执委培训 第一课:创建高素质的分会 会员的经验, 分会的基础,团队的精神,国际演讲会的品牌.
第一课:创建高素质的分会 会员的经验, 分会的基础,团队的精神,国际演讲会的品牌. 第二课 2A-G: 分会执委分组培训讨论 由前任或现任分区总监及资深讲员带领各小组. 一起讨论常碰到的情景. (参考分会领导手册) 第三课:带领分会、迈向成功! 激励团队成员,分配任务,教导团队成员, 设定“现实”而又能 “实现”的目标 第四课:分区总监及分会执委讨论 总结 (在分区总监及分会执委讨论后)

9 分区讨论 – 第一个分会执委培训 寻找接班人 分区总监的目标 - 卓越分会计划 分区总监管理/ 分会里程表 分区理事会议– 至少两次.
造访分会– 分区总监报告, 30/11/14 & 31/5/15 筹备分区比赛 分会成功计划,达致卓越分会的目标 分会的挑战 讲演会的奖励 寻找接班人

10 第二个分会执委培训 有机会讨论碰到的困难,区域领袖分享经验. 培训内容以分会需求而定. 关键时刻, 让执委们分析会内情况,寻求改进.
卓越分会计划- 分会成绩表现差距分析,讨论和检讨各分会 表现报告. 增员计划 解决争端(自选) 各分区讨论

11 分区讨论– 第二个分会执委培训 分区总监的目标 - 卓越分会计划 分区总监管理/ 分会访会里程表 筹备分区比赛
分会成功计划,达致卓越分会的目标 提醒分会会员缴交会费 分会的挑战,分享解决方法 接班人选 分区各分会调动 New Alignment 奖励和激励

12 成功的因素: 以会员,讲演会为服务目标 加强卓越分会计划 委任培训筹委主席- 例如: 该区的助理教育及培训团队 利用培训寻找接班人.
委任培训筹委主席- 例如: 该区的助理教育及培训团队 利用培训寻找接班人. FIVE TIPS FOR SUCCESS As you plan your training, keep these tips in mind: Focus on helping the clubs, not the district. Too often districts will take the attitude that clubs exist to help the district meet its Distin guished District goals and training revolves around what the clubs can do to make the district Distinguished. The average club oftentimes doesn’t realize it is connected to a district. A club is focused on itself and its members and their personal growth. The district exists to serve clubs, helping them to function more effec- tively. Your training must focus on the clubs’ interests and how each club can better serve its own members. Reinforce the Distinguished Club Program. Healthy, successful clubs do well in the DCP because they are focused on the right things: helping members improve their speaking and leadership skills, and building membership. Throughout your training, encourage clubs to follow the DCP. Remember, when clubs do well in the DCP the district benefits as well. Appoint a training coordinator. Training requires careful planning and thought. A training coordinator can bear much of the responsibility for organizing training and selecting trainers. The coordinator also can train the trainers, orienting and supervising them. Assign training teams. Pair more experienced trainers with less experienced trainers. You will have better sessions and more experienced trainers from which to draw next time. Use training to identify future leaders. District leaders started out as club leaders. You should use club officer training as an opportunity to become acquainted with club officers. Identify those who have the potential to be good district leaders and cultivate them! Be their mentor and give them opportunities to become involved in district activities. Your district’s future depends on this.

13 颁发特别证书 培训评论报告 感谢状 出席证书 第15页

14 总结 万事起头难. 好的开始 就是成功的一半!

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