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Swinburne University of Technology 2018年4月8日(周日) 下午16:00

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1 Swinburne University of Technology 2018年4月8日(周日) 下午16:00
武汉物数所理论交叉学术交流系列报告 (第一八七期) Two recent developments on collective modes of a strongly interacting atomic Fermi gas Prof. Hui Hu Swinburne University of Technology 2018年4月8日(周日) 下午16:00 磁共振楼10楼 报告厅 报告人简介: 胡辉现任Swinburne University量子光学中心的教授,曾获得QE-II fellowship、Future Fellowship。以往学习和工作经历:1996 清华大学学士学位,2001清华大学博士学位(凝聚态物理); 先后在意大利国际理论物理中心和比萨高师从事博士后;2005澳大利亚昆士兰大学访问学者; 中国人民大学物理系责任教授。2009-至今,Swinburne University。研究兴趣:主要从事超冷原子气体的研究,包括强相互作用的费米气体和玻色爱因斯坦凝聚体;致力于发展量子流体理论。 报告摘要: Low-lying collective excitations play a fundamental role in understanding quantum many-body systems. The recent realization of ultracold atomic Fermi gases provides a unique setting for investigating various intriguing collective phenomena. In this talk, I will briefly introduce two on-going experimental activities on collective modes of a strongly interacting Fermi gas [1, 2] and the relevant theoretical challenges [3, 4, 5]. References: [1], M. W. Zwierlein, Spin and Mass Transport in Strongly Correlated Fermi Gases; A talk at Bose-Einstein Condensation Frontier in Quantum Gases, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September 5, 2017). [2], T. Peppler et al., Quantum anomaly and thermodynamics of a 2D Fermi gas via collective oscillations; A poster presentation at Bose-Einstein Condensation Frontier in Quantum Gases, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September 2nd-8th, 2017. [3], Peng Zou, Hui Hu, and Xia-Ji Liu, arXiv: (2017). [4], Hui Hu, Peng Zou, and Xia-Ji Liu, Physical Review A 97, (2018). [5], Umberto Toniolo, Brendan C. Mulkerin, Xia-Ji Liu, and Hui Hu, Breathing mode frequency of a strongly interacting Fermi gas across the 2D-3D dimensional crossover, in preparation. 主办单位:武汉物数所理论与交叉研究部

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