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林玳玳 北京交通大学 Lin Daidai Beijing Jiaotong University

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Presentation on theme: "林玳玳 北京交通大学 Lin Daidai Beijing Jiaotong University"— Presentation transcript:

1 林玳玳 北京交通大学 Lin Daidai Beijing Jiaotong University
经济转型期 中国最低工资制度与和谐社会建设 The Minimum Wage and Construction of Harmonious Society in China during Economic Transition 林玳玳 北京交通大学 Lin Daidai Beijing Jiaotong University

2 政府通过最低工资制度把低技能劳动者的工资提高到市场均衡工资水平之上,从而改善这些劳动者的收入状况。对于处于经济转型期的中国而言,在劳动力供大于求的情况下,最低工资制度的实施将有利于维护劳动者的权益,促进社会的和谐发展。本文讨论了经济转型期中国实施最低工资制度的必要性,并对中国最低工资制度的现状进行了分析,基于此提出政策建议。

3 The minimum wage is introduced by the government to raise the wage of low-skill workers above the equilibrium wage, and it can improve the income condition of these workers. The minimum wage will help to protect the interests of the employees and promote the harmonious development of society in China during economic transition when labor supply exceeds labor demand. This paper studies the necessity of the minimum wage in China during economic transition, and analyzes the current situation of China’s minimum wage. Finally some suggestions are given to policy makers on improving the minimum wage.

4 Ⅰ经济转型期 中国实施最低工资制度的必要性分析 Ⅰ Necessity of the minimum wage in China during economic transition

5 最低工资制度在中国诞生于1993年,其初衷是为了“保障劳动者个人及其家庭成员的基本生活” 。但最低工资制度的实施却招致了部分学者的批评,这些学者(张五常,2000;林行止,2002;薛兆丰,2004)认为最低工资制度会使得低技能工人找不到工作,并不能真正提高他们的收入。经济转型中国是否有实施最低工资制度的必要呢? The minimum wage to secure the basic life of workers and their families was introduced in China in However, many scholars(Zhang,2000;Lin,2002;Xue,2004) criticized it because they considered the minimum wage would cause employment losses of low-skilled workers but not increase their income. Is the minimum wage necessary for China during economic transition?

6 最低工资制度与劳动者权益保护 The minimum wage and securing workers’ right
在计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,雇主在工资决定中拥有了更大的自主权。市场经济的本质决定了劳资双方的力量存在差距,雇主凭借着对资本的所有权决定着企业内部的收入分配规则。 During the economic transition, employers have more freedom in wage decision. Employers who possess capital decide the rule of wage distribution in enterprises because of the strength disparity between employers and employees,which is determined by the essence of market economy.

7 最低工资制度与劳动者权益保护 The minimum wage and securing workers’ right
在中国目前劳动力供过于求的情况下,底层劳动者所获得的报酬有可能不足以维持其自身和所赡养家属基本生存的需要,政府有必要采取某种形式的保障政策对劳动者获取合理劳动报酬的权益给予保护。 Low-skill workers may earn inferior wage which cannot afford minimum subsistence of themselves and their families in China when the labor supply exceeds labor demand, and the government needs to protect the right of employees to get reasonable wage through some policies.

8 最低工资制度与劳动者权益保护 The minimum wage and securing workers’ right
中国目前的集体谈判制度还很不完善,不能从根本上起到保障劳动者权益的作用。经济转型期中国劳动力市场的现状决定了政府有必要采取最低工资立法的形式对收入分配进行调整,以保护劳动者的权益。 The collective bargain which needs improvement can not secure the rights of laborers. The current situation of China’s labor market determines the government needs to enforce a legal minimum wage to protect laborers’ interests.

9 最低工资制度与就业 The minimum wage and employment
按照传统经济学理论,在完全竞争劳动力市场中,当最低工资制度施行后,劳动力的价格被强制地提高到其均衡水平之上,这将导致那些低技能工人就业可能性的降低。 According to traditional economic theory, when the minimum wage is introduced in a perfectly competitive market, the wage is raised above the equilibrium wage, which will reduce the probability of low-skill workers to be employed.

10 最低工资制度与就业 The minimum wage and employment
但现实中完全竞争的劳动力市场几乎是不存在的,垄断力量和摩擦(matching frictions)的存在使劳动力市场偏离了完全竞争状态。在存在劳动力市场买方垄断时,最低工资对企业的影响会有所不同,最低工资标准的提高有可能使垄断企业增加雇佣量(Stigler, George J. 1946)。 However, the perfectly competitive market does not exist because of monopsony power and matching frictions. In a monopsony situation, the minimum wage which influencing firms in another way will make firms recruit more workers (Stigler, George J. 1946).

11 最低工资制度与就业 The minimum wage and employment
而在存在摩擦的劳动力市场中,最低工资水平的提高使企业提供给劳动者的工资水平相应提高,在一些情况下失业水平会有所降低(Burdett,Kenneth,and Dale T. Mortensen, 1989)。 The presence of matching frictions in labor market will reduce unemployment in some conditions when the minimum wage force firms to raise workers’ wage.

12 最低工资制度与就业 The minimum wage and employment
在经济转型的过程中,大量剩余劳动力从第一产业释放出来,因此有学者认为我国具有无限的劳动力供给,在此情况下政府规定最低工资标准只会使下层劳动者找不到工作,无法实现维护低收入工人权益的意图。 During the economic transition, a lot of surplus laborers transfer from the primary industry, and some scholars argue there exists infinite labor supply in China. Therefore, enforcement of legal minimum wage leads to more unemployment of low-skill workers. Low-skill workers’ right cannot be protected.

13 最低工资制度与就业 The minimum wage and employment
但是,事实上,我国目前的劳动力供给并非是无限供给,近年来东部沿海地区出现的“民工荒”已经证实了这一点。在工资偏低的情况下,许多农民工不愿外出工作,因而出现了招工难的问题。这说明,只有提高工资,才会吸引更多的劳动力,政府有必要通过最低工资立法等手段对企业进行引导。 In fact, labor supply is not infinite at present, which is proved by” shortage of the migrant labor ”in south-east coastal areas. Many migrant labors are reluctant to work far from home because of low wage. Thus it is necessary for the government to enact relevant laws to instruct firms’ practice.

14 最低工资制度与公平收入分配 The minimum wage and fair income distribution
在经济转型的过程中,我国居民的收入差距不断拉大,基尼系数迅速攀升。根据国家统计局测算,1990年我国的基尼系数是0.343,1995年是0.389,2000年是0.417。目前中国基尼系数虽然存在不同版本,但共识是已达到或超过0.45。我国收入差距过大的事实已经威胁到社会和谐,而造成这一现状的原因之一就是底层劳动者的收入尤其是广大农民工的收入长期维持在很低的水平上。 The income discrepancy become dramatic, and Gini Coefficient rockets during economic transition. According to National Statistical Bureau, China’s Gini Coefficient was in 1990 , in 1995,and in Scholars have different viewpoints on Gini Coefficient, but they agree that Gini Coefficient has reached or exceeded The income of low-skill workers especially peasant workers maintaining in a low degree for long term is one of major reasons.

15 最低工资制度与公平收入分配 The minimum wage and fair income distribution
我国目前有数以亿记的农民工进城打工,大部分农民工的工资水平偏低。广东是农民工流入的大省,据广东团省委2002年的调查显示,有53.3%的农民工的月收入在400-500元之间。过去10年广东经济持续增长,外来青年民工对广东省GDP增长的贡献率高达25%以上,但10年间广东农民工工资才增长了60多元钱,扣除物价上涨因素,实际上工资是下降的。 There are hundreds of millions peasant workers moving into cities, and most of them earn low wages. Guangdong Province is one of the biggest regions attracting migrant laborers. Statistics show that 53.3% migrant laborers’ monthly income is 400-500 RMB. Migrant laborers’ contribution to Guangdong Province’s GDP accounts for 25% in the last 10 years. On the other hand, migrant laborers’ income just increase 60 RMB, and the real income decreases considering price index.

16 最低工资制度与公平收入分配 The minimum wage and fair income distribution
由于农民工始终处于劳动力市场的底层,施行最低工资保障制度并适当提高最低工资标准将有效提高这部分农民工的收入,使社会全体成员都能够公平享受经济发展成果,在一定程度上缓解我国目前收入分配差距过大的现状。 Because peasant workers are always in the bottom of the labor market, the minimum wage will increase their real income. This will make them share the social and economic progress, and mitigate the apparent income discrepancy.

17 最低工资制度与人力资本投资 The minimum wage and human capital investment
人力资本投资是一种有支付能力要求的投资,许多劳动者由于无法负担高额教育和专业培训成本,而不得不屈从于低技能职业。在经济发展的过程中,对技能的需求不断提升,低技能劳动力的工资水平相对于社会平均工资水平来说必然越来越低,他们的人力资本投资能力必然会越来越低,其人力资本形成变得更加困难。 People need to pay for human capital investment .Many workers have to work at low-skill jobs because they cannot afford the expense of education and training. Workers are required to have more skill with the development of economic, and low-skill workers’ wage will become much lower compared with the average wage, which will lessen their ability of human capital investment.

18 最低工资制度与人力资本投资 The minimum wage and human capital investment
领取最低工资的劳动者很大一部分是进城务工的农民工,低工资使得很多农民工只能勉强维持基本生活,遑论个人和子女的人力资本投资。这会导致这些农民工因为劳动力素质一直没有提升在无法承担繁重的体力劳动时而再次回到农村,而他们的子女也会因为人力资本投资不足走上父辈的老路。通过提高最低工资标准提高这部分低收入人群的人力资本投资能力,是帮助他们摆脱贫困的重要途径,也是构建和谐社会的一个重要方面。 Most of workers who earn the minimum wage are peasant workers. Many of them can just maintain basic life, but cannot afford human capital investment of themselves and their children because their wage is rather low. These peasant workers will go back to their home when they cannot assume heavy workload and their children will have the same fate. Increasing the minimum wage will improve their ability to invest in human capital, and help them shake off poverty .

19 Ⅱ经济转型期中国最低工资制度现状 Ⅱ Current situation of China’s minimum wage during economic transition

20 最低工资与平均工资 The minimum wage and average wages
本文选取1994—2004年各省市最低工资标准与职工月平均工资的数据,对这一期间最低工资与平均工资的增长率和两者的比值数据进行了分析。从图1中可知,1994—2004十年间我国各省市最低工资的增长率均低于平均工资的增长率。这就导致了与1994年的情况相比,2004年全部省市的最低工资与平均工资比值均有不同程度的下降,如图2所示。 This paper analyzes the minimum wage and average wages in China from 1994 to Figure 1 shows the growth rate of minimum wages is lower than that of average wages in different regions , and Figure 2 presents the ratio of minimum wages to average wages in 1994 and 2004, which dropped a lot .

21 最低工资与平均工资 The minimum wage and average wages
图 —2004年各省市最低工资与平均工资年均增长率 Figure 1 Average growth rate of minimum wages and average wages in different regions from 1994 to 2004

22 最低工资与平均工资 The minimum wage and average wages
图 、2004年各省市最低工资与平均工资比重 Figure 2 Ratio of minimum wages to average wages in different regions in 1994 and 2004

23 最低工资标准与平均工资 The minimum wage and average wages
目前实施最低工资制度的国家,其最低工资标准大多为平均工资的40—60%,只有少部分国家最低工资与平均的工资的比值在40%以下。中国目前最低工资与平均的工资的比值要大大低于国际通行水平。 The ratio of minimum wages to average wages is about 40—60% in most countries, and this ratio is below 40% only in a few countries. In China this ratio is below the level generally accepted.

24 最低工资标准与居民消费 The minimum wage and average wages
本文对1994-2004年各省市城市居民消费物价的增长情况和最低工资标准的增长情况进行了比较分析。如图3所示,十年间各省市最低工资的年均增长率均高于城市居民消费价格指数年增长率,但高幅很小,平均高幅为5.5个百分点。其中福建的高幅最低,最低工资年均增长率与城市居民消费价格指数的年均增长率相比仅高出0.8个百分点。 This paper analyzes the average growth rate of minimum wages and consumer price indices in different regions from 1994 to Figure 3 shows the growth rate of minimum wages is higher than that of consumer price indices in different regions. However the difference is small, and the average difference is 5.5 percent. Among these regions, the difference in Fujian Province is the smallest, which is just 0.8 percent.

25 最低工资标准与居民消费 The minimum wage and average wages
图 —2004各省市最低工资与城市居民消费价格指数年均增长率 Figure 3 Growth rate of minimum wages and consumer price indices in different regions from 1994 to 2004

26 最低工资标准与居民消费 The minimum wage and average wages
这表明在1994—2004的十年间,扣除物价上涨的因素,各省市的最低工资标准几乎没有得到增长,各省市按照最低工资标准领取劳动报酬的低收入劳动者购买力几乎没有提高。 We can conclude that real minimum wages have hardly increased considering of the consumer price , and purchasing power of those minimum wage earners is raised a little from 1994 to 2004.

27 最低工资标准与人均GDP The minimum wage and per capital GDP
本文对最低工资标准的年增长率与人均GDP的年增长率进行比较,以判断各省市按照最低工资标准领取劳动报酬的劳动者是否分享到了社会经济的发展成果。如图4所示,1994-2004十年间各省市最低工资的年均增长率均低于人均GDP的年均增长率。这反映出按照最低工资标准领取劳动报酬的劳动者未能及时分享到社会经济的发展成果。 Figure 4 shows that the growth rate of minimum wages is lower than that of per capital GDP from , and we can conclude that minimum wage earners do not share the progress of economic development.

28 最低工资标准与人均GDP The minimum wage and per capital GDP
Figure 4 Growth rate of minimum wages and per capital GDP in different regions from 1994 to 2004

29 最低工资标准影响因素的灰色关联分析——以北京为例 Grey relevant analysis of the minimum wage and related indicators of Beijing 本文分别选取以下因素与北京市最低工资标准进行灰色关联分析: ①城镇居民家庭平均每人每月消费性支出(元),记为CS;②城镇居民最低生活保障标准(元),记为MS,以①②两个指标来反映城镇居民生活费用支出;③职工月平均工资(元),记为AV;④城市居民消费物价指数,记为CP,以此来反映物价上涨情况; This paper choose some related indicators to make grey correlation analysis as follows: ①Per capita annual living expenditure of urban households (CS) ②Minimum standard of living for city residents (MS) ③Average wages (AV) ④Consumer price indices (CP)

30 最低工资标准影响因素的灰色关联分析——以北京为例 Grey relevant analysis of the minimum wage and related indicators of Beijing ⑤失业率(%),记为UE,以此来反映失业就业状况;⑥平均每一就业者负担人数(%),记为EB,以此来反映职工赡养家属情况;⑦社会劳动生产率(元/万人),记为LE;⑧人均GDP(元/年),记为GP,以此来反映经济发展水平; 最低工资标准记为MW。 ⑤Unemployment rate (UE) ⑥Number of dependents per employee (including the employee himself or herself) (EB) ⑦Overall labor productivity (LE) ⑧Per Capital GDP (GP) minimum wage (MW)  

31 Table2 Grey correlation coefficients
最低工资标准影响因素的灰色关联分析——以北京为例 Grey relevant analysis of the minimum wage and related indicators of Beijing 表2 北京市最低工资标准灰色关联度矩阵表 Table2 Grey correlation coefficients CS MS AV CP UE EB LE GP MW 0.9557 0.9521 0.8361 0.8541 0.7044 0.7176 0.8747 0.9215

32 最低工资标准影响因素的灰色关联分析——以北京为例 Grey relevant analysis of the minimum wage and related indicators of Beijing 从表2中可以看出,最低工资标准的确定更多的考虑到的是满足劳动者基本生存的需要,并在一定程度上随着经济水平的增加而提高,与平均每一就业者负担人数和失业率并不存在紧密的联系。 Table2 shows that the most important indicator which decides the minimum wage is the living expenditure, and the minimum wage is increasing with economic development, but it has little relation with the number of dependents per employee and unemployment rate.

33 最低工资制度执行现状 The enforcement of the minimum wage
最低工资制度在某些地区的执行情况并不理想。一些企业以提供职工食宿为借口,使职工拿到手的工资低于当地的最低工资标准;还有一些企业将加班费也算进最低工资,工人只有加班才能拿到高于最低工资的工资;更有一些企业随意克扣职工工资,职工所领到的工资远远低于最低工资标准。 The enforcement of the minimum wage is not ideal in some regions. Some firms pay their employees below the minimum wage on the pretext that they offer room and board. Some employees will earn less than the minimum wage unless they work overtime. Wages paid to laborers are lower than the minimum wage because some employers deduct their employees’ wage without justification.

34 最低工资制度执行现状 The enforcement of the minimum wage
一些地方政府并没有对企业的这种违法行为进行有力的监察,这很大程度上是因为政府担心对这种违法行为进行处罚会降低资本投资者的利润,影响资本投资者的热情。在使得在这些违法企业工作的工人的处境类似血汗工资制度的情景,这种境况的存在已严重影响了中国社会的和谐发展。 Some local governments didn’t supervise these firms’ illegal behavior because they are afraid that the profit of these firms will be reduced and the passion of investor will be influenced. These illegal firms are just like “blood-sweat factory”, which has influenced the harmonious development of our society.

35 Ⅲ完善最低工资制度以促进社会和谐发展 Ⅲ Improving the minimum wage to promote harmonious development of our society

36 科学测算最低工资标准 Measuring the minimum wage scientifically
我国各省市目前的最低工资标准普遍偏低,最低工资与平均工资的比值要大大低于国际通行水平。应对最低工资标准进行科学的测算,在保障低收入劳动者个人及其家庭成员的基本生活的同时,使他们能分享到社会经济的发展成果。 Minimum wages in different regions of China are generally low, and the ratio of minimum wages to average wages is below the level generally accepted. We should measure the minimum wage scientifically and raise the minimum wage, which can not only secure the basic life of low-income laborers and their families, but also make them share the progress of economic development.

37 强化最低工资标准制定过程中的民主参与 Strengthen democratic participation
在最低工资标准的制定过程中,应加大各种咨询机构和专家、学者尤其是底层直接受最低工资标准影响的劳动者对公共决策的参与力度,并保持这些主体的相对独立性。同时,要将最低工资制度的信息公开,使公众了解制定最低工资的背景、资料和理由、依据等,提高决策的透明度。从而使最低工资标准更为公正、合理,执行过程中遇到更小的阻力。 Consultant Agencies, experts, scholars and low-skill workers should take part in the course of minimum wage measurement independently. Governments should publish the information about the minimum wage, such as the background, warrants, and other information related. These measures will make the minimum wage more fairly and reasonable, which will reduce the resistance in enforcement.

38 强化对最低工资制度实施情况的监察 Strengthen the supervision of implement
我们亟需建设一个严密的包括日常监察在内的监察体系。在各级劳动部门的领导下,构建各级工会及群众监督相结合的法律监督网络,让个人、社会团体充分发挥各自的优势,共同参与这个监督网络的建设。 A supervision system including the daily supervision needs to be built. Under the leadership of labor departments, individual labor and labor unions can take part in the supervision system and exert their own advantage .

39 Thanks!

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