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Immune Organs & Tissues

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1 Immune Organs & Tissues
免疫器官与组织 主讲:肖 健

2 本章编写者:司传平教授

3 Immune organs Immune cells (免疫细胞) Immune molecules (免疫分子)
Basic Components of the Immune System (免疫系统构成) Immune organs (免疫器官) Immune cells (免疫细胞) Immune molecules (免疫分子)

4 Central lymphoid organ
中枢淋巴器官 Where maturation of lymphocyte takes place bone marrow(骨髓), thymus(胸腺) Peripheral lymphoid organ 外周淋巴器官 Trap antigen and provide sites for mature lymphocytes to interact with antigen. Spleen(脾), lymphoid nodes(淋巴结), MALT(粘膜相关淋巴组织)

5 Bone Marrow 1 hemopoiesis (production of blood cells,造血)
2 the site of B & NK cell maturation(B、NK细胞成熟) 3 the site of secondary humoral response(再次体液免疫应答场所) 法氏囊 骨髓

6 造血诱导微环境HIM

7 thymus 胸腺 Ageing is accompanied by a decline in thymic function.the thymus reaches its maximal size at puberty and then atrophies(萎缩), with a significant decrease in both cortical and medullary cells and an increase in the total fat content of the organ. 曹谊林的人耳鼠

8 structure 结构 Cortex(皮质):outer compartment, is densely packed with immature T cells, called thymocytes. Medulla(髓质) :inner compart-ment,is sparsely populated with thymocytes.

9 thymocytes(胸腺细胞)+ thymic stromal cells (胸腺基质细胞)
microenvironment of Thymus胸腺微环境 thymocytes(胸腺细胞)+ thymic stromal cells (胸腺基质细胞) Peripheral lymphoid organ

10 T细胞分化成熟的场所;分泌细胞因子与激素;免疫调节与耐受
functions of Thymus(胸腺功能) Promote the differentiation of immature T lymphocytes . Secrete various cytokines and hormones Immune regulation Set up the tolerance T细胞分化成熟的场所;分泌细胞因子与激素;免疫调节与耐受

11 精氨酸、赖氨酸、天门冬氨酸、缬氨酸、酪氨酸
胸腺肽(又名胸腺素 、Thymosin)是胸腺组织分泌的具有生理活性的一组多肽。临床上常用的胸腺肽是从小牛胸腺发现并提纯的有非特异性免疫效应的小分子多肽。 精氨酸、赖氨酸、天门冬氨酸、缬氨酸、酪氨酸 胸腺分泌物的一种胸腺生成素Ⅱ的有效部分。胸腺生成素Ⅱ是从胸腺激素中分离出来的单一多肽化合物,由49个氨基酸组成,而其中由5个氨基酸组成的肽链片段,却有着与胸腺生成素II相同的全部生理功能,所以就把这个五肽片段称为胸腺五肽。

12 DiGeorge syndrome Low set, notched ears, Fish mouth, Hypocalcemia due to defect in parathyroid, Congenital heart defects

13 Compare scale with next slide
lymph nodes From 1 mm Compare scale with next slide

14 structure Cortex(皮质): 浅皮质区 -B cell 副皮质区 –T cell, DC, HEV
Medulla(髓质) :髓索-B cell , 浆细胞 髓窦-巨噬细胞.

15 成熟T、B细胞定居场所;滤过抗原;免疫应答;淋巴细胞再循环
functions of lymph nodes功能 Where T cells and B cells live in. Act as sieve and removal of 99% of antigens Immune response Serve for recirculation of lymphocytes 成熟T、B细胞定居场所;滤过抗原;免疫应答;淋巴细胞再循环

16 spleen T Cell B Cell T/B 边缘窦

17 T、B细胞定居场所;过滤作用;免疫应答;合成分泌
functions of the spleen Where the lymphatic cells live in. detects and responds to antigens in the blood. destroys worn-out RBC’s and acts as a blood reservoir. Synthesize Ab, complement, IFN, CK , etc. T、B细胞定居场所;过滤作用;免疫应答;合成分泌

18 Mucosal immune system,MIS
tonsils Peyers patches MALT 粘膜相关淋巴组织 appendix 功能:黏膜免疫应答;合成分泌型 IgA

19 GALT肠相关淋巴组织 Peyers patches

20 肠 粘 膜 淋 巴 组 织 的 结 构 Mucosal epithelium 上皮内淋巴细胞 M cell 引流淋巴管
肠 粘 膜 淋 巴 组 织 的 结 构 上皮内淋巴细胞 Mucosal epithelium M cell 引流淋巴管 Germinal center Mucous layer plasma cell B cell T cell efferent lymphatic Muscle layer

21 tonsils

22 appendix

23 Recirculation of lymphocytes
淋巴细胞再循环 Both T (>80%)and B cells continuously circulate and recirculate, blood to lymph to blood. Approximately 1-2% recirculate every hour. NK cells are only found in blood, spleen and liver.

24 Bone marrow、Cutaneous Intestinal lymphiod tissue
Lymph node (12 hr) spleen (5hr) efferent lymphatic 52% rest lymphocyte 45% 42% Blood circulation (30min) 10% afferent lymphatic no-recirculation of lymphocytes 10% Activated lymphocyte Other tissue Bone marrow、Cutaneous Intestinal lymphiod tissue

25 归巢受体与地址素 CCR7 not CCR7 LFA-1 CCL21 CCL21 Weakly interact
CD34 CCL21 Glycam-1 CCL21 Weakly interact CCR7 and CCL21 tightly bind This binding induces a conformational change in the LFA-1 molecule causing it to bind tightly to ICAM-1

26 thanks a lot

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