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Presentation on theme: "皮米衛星系統工程 PICOSAT SYSTEM ENGINEERING"— Presentation transcript:

網路教學課程 課程規劃協調:林穎裕 國立成功大學航太系

2 組織 主辦單位 –1.國家實驗研究院太空中心 2.國家高速網路與計算中心 參加課程學校 – 淡江、逢甲、虎尾、成功。

3 課程宗旨 以皮米衛星為研究發展目標,利用網路設備,進行系統工程與設計模擬之教學,期能做到資源共享,校際觀摩比較的學習環境。

4 課程內容(1) 日期 上課內容 備註 1 (四) Topic 1: Overview and design project of the course Instructor: 林穎裕老師 連線1 2 (四) Topic 2: Introduction of satellite and picosat projects referring to NSPO Instructor: 林穎裕老師 (assignment –1 search and study a picosat) 連線2 3 (四) Topic 3: Introduction to satellite system and engineering procedure Instructor: 徐超明老師 連線3 4 (四) Study of mission objective and system requirements for selected picosat Instructor: 各校指導老師 Off- Line 5 (四) Topic 4: Review-1 mission objective and system of selected picosat Instructor: 徐超明,陳啟川老師 連線4 6 (四) Topic 5: Satellite configuration and structural design basis Instructor: 祝飛鴻老師 (assignment-2 box structure design) 連線5 7 (四) Structure design study and preparation of box structure 8 (四) Topic 6: Satellite thermal control design basis Instructor: 周榮華老師 (assignment-3 box thermal design) 連線6 9 (四) Break for midterm exam and thermal control design of box (may be rearranged depending on actual situation) Off - 10 (四) Topic 7: Review-2 of structural and thermal design practice Instructors: 祝飛鴻老師,周榮華老師 (Review assignment-2 & 3) 連線7

5 課程內容(2) 11 (四) Topic 8: Introduction to picosat system and subsystem Instructor: 莊智清老師 (assignment-4 picosat conceptual design) 連線8 12 (四) Tracking, telemetry, and command design practice-team work Instructors: 各校指導老師 Off- Line 13 (四) Topic 9: Review-3 of picosat mission objective and system design Instructors: 莊智清,林煥榮老師 連線9 14 (四) Topic 10: System engineering introduction and procedure Instructor: 莊哲男老師 (assignment-5 picosat system engineering) 連線10 15 (四) Conceptual design of a picosat in the form of system engineering line 16 (四) Topic 11: Review-4 Picosat system engineering Instructor: 莊哲男,馬德明老師 連線11 17 (四) Topic 12: Review-5 Discussion on final project and final contest Instructors: 林穎裕老師 連線12 18 (四) Final contest items review by team advisors, 1. Structural design, 2. Thermal control, 3. Final picosat project. 19 (五) 期末報告 Referees: TBD 逢甲

6 研習方案(1) 以期末皮米衛星設計計畫競賽引導教學 競賽內容: No. 1: Creative structure Box
Design and make an impact absorbing metal cube box of 10cm side that can hold a raw egg inside without cracking it when the box is dropped from second floor to the carpeted first floor of a building. No material shall wrap around the box during the test.

7 研習方案(2) No. 2: Thermal Box Design and insulate the metal cube box in No.1 that keeps the temperature inside the box from rising when it is placed in a 100 oC oven for at least 5 minutes. No material shall wrap around the box during the test.

8 研習方案(3) For No. 1 and 2 problems, you are encouraged to use any mean to achieve best possible and affordable engineering design. List the cost of each item used in your final product. Also, analyze quantitatively or qualitatively what elements in what way make your design either fail or pass your own test.

9 研習方案(4) No. 3: Conceptual Design of a Picosat
Define a mission objective and related picosat system specifications and design a picosat with weight no more than 3kg and size no more than 10cm x 10cm x 30 cm metal cube box to achieve your mission objective. The picosat system design shall include no less than necessary subsystems, their functions, and the interactions and procedures among the subsystems to satisfy the mission.

10 Not Yet Specified Item 各隊六至八人,選出一隊長及決定隊名, 並將名單送成大課程助教。
無指定課本,視授課老師講義而定。 實驗經費包括文具、紙張、金屬材料等,請向各校指導老師申請。

11 課程網站 本學期之FTP為 位址︰ 帳號及密碼︰student 連接埠︰21
網站: 信箱:

12 成績考核 期末競賽另選評審委員評分之。 學期成績由各校指導老師負責, 參考項目 出席率 參與率 個人報告 隊長評等 期末比賽成績

13 Q & A Egg.

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