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1.當主詞的用法 2. 當受詞的用法 當需主詞的用法

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Presentation on theme: "1.當主詞的用法 2. 當受詞的用法 當需主詞的用法"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.當主詞的用法 2. 當受詞的用法 當需主詞的用法
不定詞與動名詞 1.當主詞的用法 2. 當受詞的用法 當需主詞的用法

2 不定詞 什麼是不定詞: to+原形動詞 什麼是動名詞(Gerund): 長相 V+ing
分辨: I am teaching now.(現在分詞) 不定詞及動名詞的功能: 當作主詞,當作受詞 可以互換 To surf the Internet is interesting. Surfing the Internet is interesting. It is interesting to surf the Internet.

3 不定詞當作主詞的用法 不定詞可當主詞,視為第三人稱單數,須配合單數動詞。 To be an NBA player is his dream.
To see is to believe. To get up early is difficult for me. To study in the daytime and to work at night are tiring. 兩個不定詞用連接詞連接當主詞,視為兩件事情,則視為複數主詞。

4 注意! 原形動詞不可當句子的主詞,會變成祈使句。祈使句省略主詞 you,才會用原形動詞開頭。
(You) Get up early, or you will miss the bus. Study hard, or you will fail the test. To study hard is important. To help others is important.

5 it當主詞的用法 真主詞 使用時機: 主詞太過冗長 To chat with friends on the Internet is interesting. It is interesting to chat with friends on the Internet. To travel with my parents is wonderful. It is wonderful to travel with my parents. 虛主詞 真主詞 To+V..+be 動詞+形容詞…= It +be 動詞+形容詞+to V…

6 許多與事物相關的形容詞習慣用虛主詞it寫,表示對某人而言,用for +
It +be 動詞+ possible/ easy/ important/hard/difficult +for++to V…. 1. It is impossible for me to get up early. 2. It is not difficult for you to get good grades. 3. It is important for you to exercise regularly.

7 與人格特質相關的形容詞,也會用it當作虛主詞,但表達 “某人是…” 需以 “of+ ” 表示
It +be 動詞+ nice/kind/bad + of+ +to V… 1. It is kind of you to help me. 2. It is nice of you to chat with me. 3. It is bad of you to yell at your sister.

8 不定詞當受詞 英文的句子當中,只能有一個動詞,如果動詞後面接一個動詞,第二個動詞必須以不定詞或是動名詞出現。
S+ want/ would like/ plan/learn/ hope/ decide/need +to +V. 1. I want to drink some milk. 2. Sarah hopes to be a singer. 3. Mia decided to take the job.

9 常用的不定詞當受詞補語 S+ ask要求/tell 告訴/teach 教導/invite 邀請+受詞+ to V…(受詞補語:補充說明受詞的狀態) 1. I ask him to leave. 2. Sam invited Judy to come to the party. 3. My father taught me to swim. 受詞 受詞補語 受詞 受詞補語 受詞 受詞補語

10 不定詞補充 I tell him not to be late again. 不定詞的否定是在 to V,前面加上not
I decided not to play soccer with John. 我告訴他不要再遲到了。 不定詞也可用來表達目的,動名詞不行 To get to school on time, Sam gets up early. To get good grades, Sandy studies hard every day. 用 and 或or 連接兩個不定詞時,通常省略to,and 和or 後面的不定詞通常用原形動詞表示。 I want to be like her and help people, too. I tell him not to be late again.

11 動名詞 長相: V+ing 動名詞: 有名詞的功能,可當主詞、受詞
enjoy/keep/practice/finish/mind/suggest/ avoid/feel like/ give up /consider 後的受詞必須是動名詞 1. She enjoys reading comic books. 2. I practice playing the piano every day. 3. You should avoid making mistakes again and again. 4. Do you mind opening the door?

12 但是 有些動詞很和善 love/ like/hate/start/begin/try 後面可以加不定詞(to+原形動詞) 或是動名詞 (V-ing) 1. I like going shopping with my mother. I like to go shopping with my mother. 2. My sister hates doing housework. My sister hates to do housework.

13 有些動詞很雙面 remember/ forget/stop後面加不定詞( to+原形動詞) 或是動名詞( V-ing),意思會改變。
remember+ to V:記得去做(未做) Please remember to close the window. remember+ V-ing: 記得做過(已做) I remember sending him the letter.

14 forget+ to V: 忘記去做(未做) I forgot to close the window. forget+ V-ing: 忘記去做(已做) I forgot giving you this book. (我忘記我給過 你這本書) stop +to V: 停止一個動作去做另一件事情 I stop to take rest. stop+ V-ing: 停下正在做的事 You should stop smoking.

15 動名詞當作主詞 動名詞V-ing當作主詞,和不定詞一樣,視為第三人稱單數,但若是兩個動名詞當作主詞,視為兩件事情,為複數。
1. Playing the piano is difficult for me. 2. Visiting foreign countries is my dream. 主詞 主詞

16 are Both singing and playing the guitar are Jay’s favorites.
Eating right and exercise regularly _____two keys to keep healthy. are

17 不定詞、動名詞、需主詞 三句互換 To help others is easy. Helping others is easy.
It is easy to help others. To travel abroad is interesting. Traveling abroad is interesting. It is interesting to travel abroad.

18 練習 Playing video games is relaxing.
To get good grades is never easy for Jenny. It is difficult for Dan to buy the house. Visiting my grandparents in America is important for my family.

19 寫出五個句子(和朋友相處) …對我而言是重要的 …對我而言是不可能的 …對我而言是困難的 …對我而言是有趣的

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