Vision异象 TEEN CHALLENGE 青年挑战核心价值观 #4 CORE VALUE 4

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1 Vision异象 TEEN CHALLENGE 青年挑战核心价值观 #4 CORE VALUE 4

2 --Seeing beyond the present
TEEN CHALLENGE CORE VALUE 4 青年挑战核心价值观 #4 Vision异象 --Seeing beyond the present 展望未来 T

3 Sometimes vision comes as a burden from God. 有时异象是来自神的一种负担。
Vision is seeing in our mind or spirit something that could happen in the future 异象是用我们的头脑和心灵看见的可能发生在将来 的事情。 God gives Christians spiritual vision. (something God wants to do.) 神赐给基督徒属灵的异象。(神想要做的事情) God gives leaders and staff spiritual vision to know what God wants to do in our ministry 神赐给领导者和员工属灵异象,使我们知道神想在 我们的事工中做什么。 Sometimes vision comes as a burden from God 有时异象是来自神的一种负担。 T

4 Vision gives us direction. 异象给我明指明方向。
Vision gives us passion 异象给我们激情 Vision gives us perseverance 异象使我们坚持不懈 Vision inspires us to grow 异象激励我们成长 Vision gives us hope. 异象给我们希望。 T

5 Seek God for His will, His vision, and His direction. 寻求神的旨意,异象和他的指引。
Realize sometimes the vision comes in small pieces 意识到有时异象一点一点的到来。 The vision may come from different sources: the Bible, other people, times of prayer, or something in our everyday life 异象来源广泛:圣经,其他人,祷告时刻, 或是我们日常生活中的事情。 T

6 Addiction destroys hope. 毒瘾破坏希望。
An addict’s only vision is for more drugs. 个吸毒者唯一的异象就是要更多的毒品。 Addiction limits vision to today 毒瘾使得异象仅局限在今天。 Addiction destroys the vision of family and friends 毒瘾破坏家人和朋友的异象。 T

7 5. How do we develop vision in our students? 我们如何在学员中发展异象?
Instruct them that God has a plan for their lives. Jeremiah 29: 教导他 们神对他们的生命有一个计划。耶利米书 29:11 Teach them the ways God reveals His will for our lives 教给学员神把他对我们生命的旨意启示给我们的方 式 Give them examples from the Bible and today of God’s direction in the lives of His people 把圣经中和当今神给他的子民指明方向的例子告诉 学员。 Encourage them to ask God for His vision/goals for their lives 鼓励他们为自己生命的异象/目标去祈求神。 T

8 T

9 Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 gtc@globaltc
Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 Training materials for this course are available at the following address: 培训教材可以在如下网站查询: T

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