SJTU马来西亚学生会 Malaysian In SJTU (M.I.J.).

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Presentation on theme: "SJTU马来西亚学生会 Malaysian In SJTU (M.I.J.)."— Presentation transcript:

1 SJTU马来西亚学生会 Malaysian In SJTU (M.I.J.)

2 Our community represents the Malaysian students of SJTU
成立宗旨 成立一个马来西亚留学生和中国学生的交流平台 提供学习,娱乐运动与生活上的帮助 提供留学交大的信息 本留学生会代表马来西亚留学生 Who We Are We provide Malaysian students in SJTU a platform for gathering, intermingling, and getting to know each other. Our community offers to escort & assist daily matters, as well as bureaucracy procedures of Malaysian newcomers in SJTU. We provide our members platform to grow and adjust to the international community by conducting regular activities with non-member students. Our community represents the Malaysian students of SJTU

3 成立一个能带给上海交通大学好名声的马来西亚学生会组织
发展目标 成立一个能带给上海交通大学好名声的马来西亚学生会组织 Our Vision & Mission Endorse SJTU Malaysian Student Community across Shanghai Jiao Tong University Foster China-Malaysia business partnership and opportunity in the long term

4 会员规范 Rules & Specification 1.中文名:SJTU 马来西亚学生会 2.所有理事担任期限为一年
Name: Malaysian in SJTU (M.I.J.) Duration for committees are one year. Members are Malaysian International Student of SJTU All committees are appointed through voting from members. Fundraiser: 1. Individual Contributions 2. Sponsors 3. School Subsidy 会员规范 1.中文名:SJTU 马来西亚学生会 2.所有理事担任期限为一年 3.成员须交大马来西亚留学生 4.所有理事由马来西亚留学生投票 选取 5.资金来源: 1. 个人出资 2. 赞助商 3. 学校提供

5 理事表 List of Committee 主席 President:刘鏸骏 副主席 Vice President:宝琪诗
秘书兼财政 Secretary & Treasurer:刘宗湧 宣传部部长Minister of Propaganda Dept:林佩仪 体育部部长Minister of P.E Dept:胡柔彬

6 活动一览Our Activities 新生聚餐Gathering

7 舞蹈表演Dancing Peformance

8 实习机会Job Opportunities

9 旅游Trips

10 与马来西亚驻上海同学聚会 Gathering with Malaysian students in Shanghai

11 与马来西亚官员聚会 Meet up with Malaysia government

12 交大文化节(小世博) Cultural Event (Mini Expo)

13 主题晚会Theme Event

14 Welcome to M.I.J

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