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Proton and Neutron are compositions of three quarks (uud and udd).

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2 Proton and Neutron are compositions of three quarks (uud and udd).
Pion and Kaon are compositions of a quark and an antiquark.

3 Elementary Particles


5 夸克 三個世代 輕子 三個世代 每一世代有兩個夸克 每一世代有兩個輕子 有強作用 沒有強作用


7 ??

8 And more and more and more …
until they don’t feel fundamental at all…………


10 ….早知道是這樣,當年還不如做個動物學家………

11 Fortune telling diagrams? 八卦圖?紫微斗數?
物理學家是非常實際的! 先學著動物學家作分類工作! 質量相近的重子 質量相近的介子 Fortune telling diagrams? 八卦圖?紫微斗數?

12 Murray Gell-Mann (1929-) U.S.



15 1960年代一個暴風雪的夜晚……

16 Gellman帶了一本法文數學書回家…. Élie Joseph Cartan

17 What is representation?
What is SU(3)?

18 這兩個圖是 SU(3) 的 representations!

19 這不是重子與介子的分類圖嗎? 將性質質量相近的粒子列表 重子與介子是SU(3)的representation! (8) Octet What is representation? What is SU(3)?

20 真是神祕!物理學家先搞清楚了數學結構,但物理還不懂!
Eightfold Way 八正道 正見、正思惟、正語、正業、正命、正精進、正念、正定 This is the noble truth that leads to the cessation of pain: right views, right intentions, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.

21 SU(3) What is SU(3)? 想像u,d,s三個物體性質相近,彼此可以互換而不改變世界:
在量子力學,它們也可以換成彼此的線性疊加! 這個互換的動作可以擴大為由3 × 3矩陣: u d s 三個相似物件的互換對稱: SU(3)

22 What is representation?
在SU(3)互換下不變的世界,所有彼此類似物體都會分類落入一種 SU(3) 的 representations中! 就如同旋轉不變的牛頓力學中,所有物理量一定是純量,向量或張量

23 Fortune telling diagrams?
如果核力遵守SU(3)對稱,此對稱會要求所有參與核力的的粒子,必須可分類為質量相近的群組: 就像牛頓力學的旋轉對稱,要求所有力學量必能分類為純量、向量或張量! 將性質質量相近的粒子列表 Fortune telling diagrams? 這是核力遵守SU(3)對稱的證據 (8) Octet

24 Further Evidence: 自旋3/2的重子,(10) decuplet


26 Ω 自旋3/2的重子,(10) decuplet

27 In 1960s Gellman Said ………… Gellman先搞清楚了數學結構,兩三年後才搞懂物理!
這三個相似物體就是重子及介子的組成成分! 質子和原子一樣是由更基本的成分組成! Let’s call them Quarks 夸克. 就這樣夸克被提出,人類文明又跨了一大步!

28 Three flavors 口味 of quarks:
電荷 因為(10) decuplet是自旋3/2,夸克是自旋為1/2的費米子!

29 簡單地說,representation就是由這三個相似物體的可能組合:

30 Proton and Neutron are compositions of three quarks (uud and udd).
Pion and Kaon are compositions of a quark and an antiquark.

31 Let’s call them Quarks. "three quarks for Muster Mark" in James Joyce's novel, Finnegan's Wake

32 The opening line of Finnegans Wake continues from the book's unfinished closing line
riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.— A way a lone a last a loved a long the / riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.

33 -- Three quarks for Muster Mark
-- Three quarks for Muster Mark! Sure he hasn't got much of a bark And sure any he has it's all beside the mark. But O, Wreneagle Almighty, wouldn't un be a sky of a lark To see that old buzzard whooping about for uns shirt in the dark And he hunting round for uns speckled trousers around by Palmerstown Park? Hohohoho, moulty Mark!

34 後來又發現了三個風味的夸克 6 Flavors 重子 介子 由三個夸克構成 由一個夸克及一個反夸克構成


36 紅加藍加綠等於無色 紅加反紅等於無色,以白代表。 這是最簡單兩種無色的組合 猜想:自然界的夸克組合必須是無色的!

37 假如質子的直徑是1公分,夸克就比一根頭髮的直徑還小,而原子則比30個足球場還大!

38 夸克 三個世代 輕子 三個世代 每一世代有兩個夸克 每一世代有兩個輕子 有強作用 沒有強作用




42 According to quantum field theory:
Every particle corresponds to a field. The field (a number) when quantized (becoming an operator) does not look like field anymore, but more like particle.

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