Unit 5 Reading A Couch Potato.

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1 Unit 5 Reading A Couch Potato

2 说课大纲 Part Ⅰ. 教材分析 1. 教材作用,特点 2. 学生水平 3. 教学目标:知识目标 ;能力目标 4. 教学重点,难点

3 Part Ⅰ. Analysis of the Teaching Material 教材分析
FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES OF THE TEXT 教材作用,特点 Couch Potato这篇课文是整个Unit 5的第一部分,由于《希望英语》的每个单元都紧扣同一主题展开,因此第一部分课文教学的效果直接影响到后面听说,翻译和写作教学的开展,在整个单元的教学中起着举足轻重的作用。 这篇课文的话题与学生的日常生活紧密相关,真实性和趣味性较高,很容易激起学生的共鸣。因此能够激发学生的学习兴趣,有利于实现各项教学目标。


5 TEACHING AIMS 教学目标 1. Knowledge Objects 知识目标
To make the students review and get some new knowledge about subjunctive mood as well as the usage of some new words and phrases, and have a better understanding of the text.

6 2. Ability Objects To develop the students’ basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and translating, among which reading skills is the focus. 2) To encourage Ss to work in pairs or teams so as to practice, participate in the classroom activities.

Key Points 重点 传授给学生一些阅读技巧,如Skimming,Scanning ,指导学生进行高效的阅读,使学生能自己分析,提炼文章的主题,概括大意。 Difficult points 难点 Subjunctive Mood The understanding of some difficult sentences. e.g if anything, I was more relaxed.

8 Part Ⅱ. The Teaching Methods 教法分析
1.  Student-centered teaching 以学生为主体的教学 2.  Task-based learning 任务教学 整个教学过程始终贯穿以学生为主体的任务教学方式,摒弃过去的注入式教学法,引进启发式,讨论式等教学方式,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,以提高学生的课堂参与度为主要目标。

9 Part Ⅲ. STUDYING WAYS 学法分析
1. 协作式学习法 2. 自主式学习法 3. 发现式学习法 通过pair work, team work 等形式的协作式学习法,可以使得每个学生都参加到课堂讨论中,树立合作意识。自主学习的引入可以促使学生主动地发现问题,从而激发他们想要解决问题的意识,使学生在听课过程中注意力更加集中,最终达到提高课堂教学效果的目的。

10 Part Ⅳ. Teaching Procedure 教学过程
Ⅰ. Daily Report (10 minutes) Ⅱ. New lesson Step 1 Warm-up and lead-in (20 minutes) Task 1: Ask the students to look at the pictures on page 53 and list words or phrases for them. Then ask them to use the above words or phrases to describe the pictures saxophone, guitar, nightlife , bar, lazy, lonely, couch potato ect. Word bank: alcohol, wine, beer , whisky, brandy, cocktail, champagne saxophone, guitar, piano, violin

11 What do you usually do for fun when at home?
Task 2: Ask the students to work in pairs to ask each other the following questions and make notes. Then invite several groups to report to the class . What do you usually do for fun when at home? How long do you do it everyday ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this entertainment? Possible answers:watching TV, surfing the internet, playing PC games Step 1部分采用启发式教法和协作式学法,为学生创造口语锻炼的机会,以达到提高口语表达能力的教学目标。

12 Step 2 Extensive Reading 泛读 (20 minutes)
Task 1: Ask the students to read the text and fill in the table on P56. Task 2: Ask the students to answer the following questions. Q1. what are good reasons for you to be a couch potato? Q2. why did the author become a more reflective person when he stopped watching television several months ago? Q3. how did the author spend his leisure time after entering the university? *step 2泛读部分以任务教学法和自主学习法贯穿始终,锻炼学生的听力理解,和Skimming & Scanning等快速阅读能力。

13 Step 3 Intensive Reading 精读 (30 minutes)
Task 1: Detailed explanation of some new words and phrases. 1. ban v. 禁止 ban somebody from doing something 2. Imaginative a. 富有想象力的 imagine v. 想象 imagination n. 想象力 3. Quit doing sth resist doing sth Imagine doing sth 4. To one’s + n 令人… e.g to one’s dismay 令人惊讶的是

14 *step 3部分贯穿了发现式学习法和启发式教学法,着力培养学生的阅读和翻译能力。
Task 2: Ask the students to read the text one by one paragraph, then ask some of them to find out the important language points and difficult sentences. *让学生逐段精读课文,自己找出每个段落中的重要语法点,以及不能理解的词,句。教师进行补充讲解,而不是全程由教师讲解的满堂灌形式,这样一方面能使学生注意力更加集中,让全体学生都能积极思考;另一方面让教师 更容易发现学生的薄弱点,从而使讲解更具有针对性,提高了课堂效率。 Take para1 for example: If I had the ability to change one thing about American society, my decision would not be a difficult one. I would ban television. 学生能够指出这个句子运用了虚拟语气的表达形式,在此可以让学生复习一下已经学过的这一语法结构。 *step 3部分贯穿了发现式学习法和启发式教学法,着力培养学生的阅读和翻译能力。

15 Step 4 Summary (10 minutes)
Browse and summarize the language points once again. Listen to the tape. * 教师带领学生把本课的重要知识点再次梳理一遍,以防学生有遗漏。在已精读课文的基础上,让学生听课文的朗读,训练学生的听力理解能力。 Ⅲ . Homework Review what they’ve learnt in this text. Finish Task 2 and 4 after class.

16 Thank you!

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