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1 汉英翻译对比练习

2 1.将good在下列不同语境中的含义译出来:
Good example of a case where electricity is changed to power is the electric streetcar. In the absence of an outdoor aerial this telescope aerial will give a good picture if the transmitter signal is sufficiently strong. Milk is good food for children. A good human translator can do perhaps 2000 to 3000 words a day. This set consumes so little power that a good 12 volt car battery can still start your car after you have been watching TV for 10 hours. Rivers provide good sources of hydropower. The factory produces cars with good brakes. 中医与西医治病方法的不同; 春节晚会节目; 国画艺术,

3 3) When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
2.试译下列斜体部分习语的意思. 1) The news that the firm was closing down came as a bolt from the blue to the staff. 2) You pretended that you were helping them out of their difficulty, but you were pouring oil on the fire and making matters worse. 3) When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 4) There will be ice-skating in hell the day, when I vote the aid for them. 5) When you said that what he chiefly lacks was self-discipline, you hit the nail right on the head. 6) The goalkeeper is the hell of Archilles. 7) Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water. 中医与西医治病方法的不同; 春节晚会节目; 国画艺术,

4 3.试译下面的文章,并谈谈汉译英时该注意的问题.
除了我这间房,大院里还有二十多间房呢.一共住着多少家子,谁说得清?住两间房的就不多,又搭上今儿个搬来,明儿个又搬走.我没那么好的记性.大家见面,招呼声 “吃了吗?” 透着和气. 中医与西医治病方法的不同; 春节晚会节目; 国画艺术,

5 4.试译下面的文章,并谈谈汉译英时该注意的问题.
前些年,也就是金钱还没有将文凭彻底打翻在地的那几年,尤其被这么公认。而现任县长和县委书记,除了年富力强等等,更主要和重要的,都正是因为有一中的高中文凭,才作为知识型的干部被推上领导岗位的。而据说他们当学生的时候,不过都是学业平平的中等生。 中医与西医治病方法的不同; 春节晚会节目; 国画艺术,

6 Besides the room we occupy there are twenty more rooms in the same compound. How many families live there, only God knows. Those who occupy two rooms are very few. Besides, they are always on the go (moving in today and moving out tomorrow). I haven’t got such a good memory as to remember all that. When people meet, they pass the time of the day with each other, just to show their good neighborly feelings. 中医与西医治病方法的不同; 春节晚会节目; 国画艺术,

7 A few years before, in the years when money had still not completely wiped the floor with education, this had especially been the case. More than just because they were in their prime, the reason that the present head of the county and the present secretary of the county Party committee had been pulled up to leadership level as intellectual cadres was that they held diplomas from the county senior middle school. It was rumored that they had been very mediocre students too. 中医与西医治病方法的不同; 春节晚会节目; 国画艺术,

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