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Margaret Chan 將購物年金融入生活 總顧問經理級 National Supervising Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Margaret Chan 將購物年金融入生活 總顧問經理級 National Supervising Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Margaret Chan 將購物年金融入生活 總顧問經理級 National Supervising Coordinator
Daily Life with the Shopping Annuity™ Margaret Chan 總顧問經理級 National Supervising Coordinator 四個佣金週期共賺取HK$76,600 HK$76,600 in 4 Commission weeks 本簡報中提到的收入等級純屬舉例說明,無意代表美安香港超連鎖™店主的一般收入,也無意表示任何超連鎖™店主皆可賺取同等收入。美安香港超連鎖™店主的成功與否,取決於其在發展事業時的努力、才能與投入程度。The income levels mentioned in the following presentation are for illustration purposes only. They are not intended to represent the income of a typical Market Hong Kong UnFranchise ™Owner, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent UnFranchise ™ Owner will earn income in that amount. The success of any Market Hong Kong Independent UnFranchise ™ Owner will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent, and dedication which he or she devotes to building his or her Market Hong Kong Business.

2 甚麼是年金What is an Annuity
「年金」是指你在等額、定期的系列收支。An “Annuity” is a process by which a fixed payment is made to you at specified intervals for a specified length of time. 建立「年金」時,你必須在有收支前先投入一筆固定的資金。To fund the “Annuity” you must contribute a fixed sum payment before payouts to you may begin. TRAINERS NOTES: Again, this is a popular investment and/or retirement strategy. The benefit is that by paying into your annuity over time, you can expect to be paid back payments at retirement in monthly, quarterly, yearly or even lump sum payments based on your specific arrangements. The downfall is that in order to fund the annuity, you need discretionary income to pay into it with. Most Americans have little to no discretionary income, therefore, cannot participate in an annuity program as part of their retirement strategy.

3 What is Shopping Annuity?
甚麼是購物年金 ? What is Shopping Annuity? 美安香港的「年金」和普通的「年金」大致相同,但最大的分別是超連鎖™店主要先投入的並不是資金,而是︰ 投入時間 改變購物習慣 Market Hong Kong’s Shopping Annuity is more or less the same as the concept of annuity, but the main difference is that UnFranchise™ Owners do not need to inject huge amount of capital. All you need to do first is: Commit Your Time Change Your Shopping Habit TRAINERS NOTES: The Shopping Annuity is a revolutionary concept which levels the playing field. Because of how it works, anyone can enjoy the same major benefits of an annuity (receiving income as a result of funding) but with One Major Difference!

4 投資收入Investment Income
儲蓄收入 Saving Interest 股市基金 Stocks &Funds 打工收入Salary 儲蓄Savings 銀行Bank 投資Investment 2至3年計劃 The 2-3 Year Plan 支出Spending 超連鎖™事業 UnFranchise™ Business 永續收入Ongoing Income MPCP 管理業積紅利計劃

5 在今天的銀行匯率下,你有這麼多現金作出投資嗎?Will you have this cash invested in the bank at today’s rates ?
超連鎖™永續收入 UnFranchise™ Ongoing Income 4%的投資法則Equivalent Investment earning at 4% $4,600 / Month (經理級Executive coordinator/ 主管經理級Master) $1,380,000 $34,500 / Month (專業經理級Professional coordinator) $11,040,000 $76,600 / Month (總顧問經理級National supervising) $24,512,000 $138,000 / Month (高級顧問經理級Director) $44,850,000 $276,000 / Month ( 副總裁級Field Vice President) $92,000,000 超連鎖™收入 UnFranchise™ Income vs. 4%的投資法則 The 4% Rule Investment Celine: Figures have been changed to HK amounts. TRAINERS NOTES: The 4% Rule is a popular investment-income strategy that says as long as you withdraw no more than 4% of your initial portfolio, adjusted for inflation, on an annual basis during your retirement years, you shouldn't run out of money. Take a look at what it would take to create a $4,600/month payment to yourself at retirement, following this rule. It would take $450,000 in the bank! Would you have that money saved up by retirement? Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings. How will they get it done? The answer is that most won’t, and therefore will never have the 4% rule as a viable retirement option. With Market America, you could create a $4,600 / month asset as an executive coordinator or master coordinator. And even more, after 2-3 years of following our proven plan you could create a residual income of $1,420,000 / year. That is the equivalent of living off of 4% of a $5MILLION asset in the bank! Think even further – if you built the UnFranchise as a way to enjoy residual income because you didn’t have the savings to participate in the 4% rule, now you can create the savings and earn both – the Residual Income from your UnFranchise and the 4% off the income you save!

6 你本身已不斷消費You’re Already Spending It… 何不將你的消費轉為收入﹖
TRAINERS NOTES: Again, we are hitting this point! You are not funding this Shopping Annuity with discretionary income, but with money you are already spending. Everybody spends money to live. You can either find a way to make that money work for you or you can continue to do what you’re doing and everything stays the same. 你本身已不斷消費You’re Already Spending It… 何不將你的消費轉為收入﹖ Why Not Convert Your Spending Into Earning?

7 Planning Your Spending ~ Shopping Annuity Assessment
定位Positioning 消費者Consumers(慳$Save$) 經營Running Business(賺$Earn$) 規劃消費 ~ 購物年金評量表 Planning Your Spending ~ Shopping Annuity Assessment

8 4 Steps for Earning Shopping Annuity
購物年金四步驟 4 Steps for Earning Shopping Annuity Switch to use mhk exclusive products (Purchase) Switch ALL your shopping to HK.SHOP.COM (Purchase) Make 10~15 customers change their shopping habit (Share) Improve 2 customers’ financial status (Teach) 轉換成獨家代理商品 (買東西) 所有消費透過HK.SHOP.COM 網站 (買東西) 讓10~15位顧客改變消費習慣 (分享買東西) 改善其中2名顧客的財務狀況 (教朋友在那裡買好東西)

9 購物年金Build Shopping Annuity
一般人想做的購物年金 Most People Think this is the Way to Build Shopping Annuity 購物年金Build Shopping Annuity 零售 Start Retailing 有顧客Gather Customers 有團隊 Built their Team 招募 Recruiting 成功Success

10 事實上 (註定失敗的做法) The Way Doomed to Failure 不做購物年金 沒有顧客 No Customer
無法經驗分享Cannot Share Experience 不做購物年金 Without Building Shopping Annuity 沒有顧客 No Customer 無法零售Cannot Make Sales 沒有名單 No Preferred List 招募不順 Difficulty with Recruiting 沒有發展 No Development 財務壓力 Financial pressure 負面情緒Negative Emotions 放 棄 Give Up

11 註定成功的系統 成 功Success Follow the System with Proven Success 做購物年金
Build Your Shopping Annuity 經驗分享 Share Experience 服務顧客 Serve Your Customers 成功零售 Succeed in Retails 建立形象 Develop Your Image 吸引人才 Attract Potential Partners 發展通路Develop Channels 成 功Success 團隊合作 Team Work 複製經驗 Duplication

12 在今天的銀行匯率下,你有這麼多現金作出投資嗎?Will you have this cash invested in the bank at today’s rates ?
超連鎖™永續收入 UnFranchise™ Ongoing Income 4%的投資法則Equivalent Investment earning at 4% $4,600 / Month (經理級Executive coordinator/ 主管經理級Master) $1,380,000 $34,500 / Month (專業經理級Professional coordinator) $11,040,000 $76,600 / Month (總顧問經理級National supervising) $24,512,000 $138,000 / Month (高級顧問經理級Director) $44,850,000 $276,000 / Month ( 副總裁級Field Vice President) $92,000,000 超連鎖™收入 UnFranchise™ Income vs. 4%的投資法則 The 4% Rule Investment Celine: Figures have been changed to HK amounts. TRAINERS NOTES: The 4% Rule is a popular investment-income strategy that says as long as you withdraw no more than 4% of your initial portfolio, adjusted for inflation, on an annual basis during your retirement years, you shouldn't run out of money. Take a look at what it would take to create a $4,600/month payment to yourself at retirement, following this rule. It would take $450,000 in the bank! Would you have that money saved up by retirement? Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings. How will they get it done? The answer is that most won’t, and therefore will never have the 4% rule as a viable retirement option. With Market America, you could create a $4,600 / month asset as an executive coordinator or master coordinator. And even more, after 2-3 years of following our proven plan you could create a residual income of $1,420,000 / year. That is the equivalent of living off of 4% of a $5MILLION asset in the bank! Think even further – if you built the UnFranchise as a way to enjoy residual income because you didn’t have the savings to participate in the 4% rule, now you can create the savings and earn both – the Residual Income from your UnFranchise and the 4% off the income you save!

13 習慣Habit


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