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enago英論閣 |產品暨服務簡介| 飛資得醫學資訊 業務專員: 郭姿伶 Lynna

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11 Example : 標準編修 What came first the DNA or protein? Discovery of ribozymes and the hypothesis of RNA world has given this question another dimension. Enzyme was the only known natural catalysts until the discovery of ribozymes. Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman were the first to discover ribozymes during 1980s and went on later to investigate theircatalytic properties. What came first,  the DNA or protein? The Ddiscovery of ribozymes and the hypothesis of an RNA world haves  given a different dimension to  this question another dimension. Enzymes waswere  the only known natural catalysts until the discovery of ribozymes. Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman were the first to discover ribozymes during the 1980s and later went on later  to investigate their catalytic properties. Punctuation: Since this is a question a pause is required here. Hence a comma is used. Language correctness: “Another” is replaced with a formal word “different. Language correctness : The sentence has been edited for orderly flow of information and better readability.

12 Example : 高級編修 Grammar:
The QT interval on the ECG is measured from the start of the QRS complex to the end of the T node. It represents the duration of activation and recovery of ventricular myocardium. The normal duration of QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc) is up to 0.44 seconds. QTc is calculated by the method of Bazett formula as: QTc = QT/square root of the R–R interval. The QT interval on the electrocardiogram (ECG) represents the activation and recovery durations of ventricular myocardium. [Remark 1] Thise QT interval on the ECG is measured from the start beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T nodewave . It represents the duration of activation and recovery of ventricular myocardium. The normal duration of QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc) is up to 0.44 seconds. QTc is calculated by the method ofusing the Bazett formula as follows: QTc = QT/square root of the R–R interval. [Remark 1]: Note that the placement of the highlighted sentence has been changed for appropriate flow of information and transition. Grammar: When referring to a subject introduced in the preceding sentence, it is preferable to use a pronoun. Subject-related technical enhancement: Technical word choice revised for accuracy

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