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上馆子 语言功能 (language functions):

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1 上馆子 语言功能 (language functions):
Ask the restaurant host if there are seats available …还有没有位子? Name some Chinese dishes and place an order 糖醋鱼, 酸辣汤, 家常豆腐, 红烧牛肉, (素)饺子, 凉拌黄瓜, 麻婆豆腐, 蛋花汤, 炒面, 宫保鸡丁 Tell the waiter my meal preferences and dietary restrictions 我一点味精都不能吃; 我对鱼过敏; 请别放味精, 少放盐, 多放冰 Ask the waiter to recommend dishes and to rush the order if I’m in a hurry请问, 今天有什么好吃的? 请上菜快一点 Pay the bill after my meal 这是二十块钱, 请找钱。 Get the correct change after my payment.请找钱! 对不起,你找错钱了, 你多找了我一块钱。

2 上馆子 俗语[súyǔ], 俗话[súhuà] (common saying):
天下没有白吃的午餐。 民以食为天。 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。 课外生词: (not listed in the textbook) 吃荤;吃力;

3 主要句型 饭馆的人多得好像一个位子都没有了。 李友告诉服务员家常豆腐不要放肉,因为她吃素。 她还告诉服务员酸辣汤别放味精,少放点盐。
李友说这些菜够了,他们都饿了,请服务员上菜快一点。 服务员说菜很快就能做好。 每个星期四学生餐厅都有中国菜。 王朋问上海师傅今天晚饭有什么好吃的。 糖醋鱼甜甜的,酸酸的,好吃极了。 王朋忘了带饭卡,他给了师傅十块钱。 师傅多找了他一块钱。 A: 这是十块钱,请找(我)钱。B: 找你三块钱。 B: 对不起,我没(有)看清楚,找错钱了。B: 没关系。

4 第十二课课题 1. Write a 3 minutes skit that includes the following features:
A catchy title Ask the restaurant host if there are seats available; Name some Chinese dishes and place an order; Tell the waiter my meal preferences and dietary restrictions; Ask the waiter to recommend dishes and to rush the order; Pay the bill after my meal; Get the correct change after my payment. Include two expressions from the supplementary handout. A surprise ending. 2. Chinese feast Bring a Chinese dish to share with your class. Name the dish Research the dish and report which style and area the dish is originally from (i.e. east, south, north or west) List the major ingredients in Chinese

5 暖身活动 Ask your partner what kind of drinks he/she usually orders in a restaurant. Ask your friend how much he/she usually spends on lunch. Participate in a simulated conversation. You ask your partner (a waiter in a restaurant) the total cost of your order. H/she tells you the price and you pay with an appropriate amount of cash. He/she gives you the wrong amount of change, either more or less than what should be given. Politely explain to him/her how the amount of change is wrong.

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