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Leadership —Psychodynamic Approach 俞露 杨文悦 陈晓隽

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1 Leadership —Psychodynamic Approach 俞露 0517126 杨文悦 0517128 陈晓隽 0517133
俞露 杨文悦 陈晓隽 张宇一

2 课堂表演

3 明君之道,患不知人; 明君之德,莫大于知人。

4 案例一 Vs 曹操 袁绍

5 许攸

6 案例二 纪昀 Vs 和珅

7 乾隆

8 Psychodynamic Approach 心理动力理论
——“知己知彼” Know your subordinate and know yourself

9 Two central themes: “知己知彼”的两大要义:
Leaders obtain insight into their own personality characteristics. 领导者洞悉自身心理特质 Leaders understand the personalities of their subordinates.领导者了解下属心理特征 High efficiency 高效率的工作

10 Important Concepts 心理动力理论的重要概念
家庭因素 Family of origin 家长式管理 Paternalistic Management 成熟化/个体化 Maturation/ Individuation 依赖与独立 Dependence & inpendence 压抑 Repression 自我阴影 The Shadow self

11 Family of Origin 家庭因素 Baby 孩子 Parents 家长 Control 控制 Cry 哭
Respond with food 找食物 Control 控制

12 Family of Origin 家庭因素 Subordinate 下属 Leader 领导
“Ultimate Version of Paternalistic Management” 极限家长式管理模式 Subordinate 下属 Leader 领导 Control 控制 Control 控制

13 Maturation /Individuation 成熟化/个体化
Children become more independent of the parent, drifting farther from the parental home. 孩子们越来越独立于父母,逐渐远离象征父母的家庭。 A process of maturation in the life of a child going into adolescence and then adulthood. This is termed individuation by psychologists. 当孩子变为成人而进入青春期时总会有一个“成熟化”的过程。心理学家把这个过程称为个性化。

14 Two Key Issues Come up in the Process 在此过程中出现的两个问题
The first is the relationship to authority figures. 同权威人物的关系 The second issue concerns intimacy and openness. 第二个问题涉及隐私与公开

15 Dependence & Independence 依赖与独立
A leader’s style results from the models of leadership exhibited by adults during the maturation process. 领导者的风格受到其成长过程中身边成年人的领导风格影响

16 Individual Reaction to the Leader 单独个体对领导的反应
Dependent manner 顺从型 Counterdependent manner 逆反型 Independent manner 独立型

17 Repression & the Shadow Self 压抑和自我阴影
Repression: Thoughts and feelings unaccepted by society are put into deep recesses of the mind. 压抑:将不被社会接受的想法和感情埋藏到大脑深处

18 Repression & the Shadow Self 压抑和自我阴影
The shadow: The personality unacceptable consciously and existence of which is denied. 自我阴影:自我意识中不接受并否定其存在的部分个性特征

19 Repression & the Shadow Self 压抑和自我阴影
Connection 两者的联系 The evident shadow to the others is denied by the person. 自我阴影是被本人否认而他人很清楚的性格特征

20 An Interesting Game 一个有趣调查问卷
问卷内容 Hypothesis:You are a people manager... 假设:你是一名领导 Method:Complete the questionnaire 形式:完成一份的问题测试 Aim:Know yourself 目的:认识你自己 Explanation:Completed in advance 说明:事先已经给在座的同学完成 详见另附的问卷文档。

21 Pros & Cons Advantage优势:
Transaction between leader & follower 领导与下属的互动与交流 Universality 普遍性 Leader’s tolerance of follower’s action 领导对下属的宽容 Leader is encourage to persue his personal growth & development 鼓励领导者追求个人发展

22 Pros & Cons Disadvantage缺点:
Originally it was based on clinical observation and treatment of persons with serious difficulties 初衷主要针对心理疾病患者 The individual may has his biases and predispositions. 主观性易引致偏见和倾向性 eg. Cultural biases 文化的偏见 Don’t take into account organizational factors 忽略对团队组织的关注 Hard to obtain from conventional training 难以在惯常的培训中习得

23 Application 具体应用 Consultant,Doctor or Expert 顾问、医生或专家
Academic researches, special studies and books 学术讨论、专题研究和书籍 Assessment & Evaluation 测试和评估

24 Thanks!

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