New Heart Music Ministries

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1 New Heart Music Ministries
成長 Maturity 新心音乐 New Heart Music Ministries

2 How could the sky be clear and blue if there are no storms washing it?
沒有狂風暴雨的洗禮, 藍天怎會呈現一片清澄? 沒有世間人情的冷暖, 生命豈能綻放一季繽紛? How could the sky be clear and blue if there are no storms washing it? How can life bloom colorfully if there are no coldness and warmth from human beings? Maturity 1-1

3 苦難原是一份化裝的祝福, 引導我們一步一步成聖
Suffering is a blessing in disguise, Step by step, it guides us to sanctification Maturity 1-2

4 主耶穌,主耶穌, 你是我救主,是我良朋。 你的恩典夠我用,雖經患難过幽谷,你的話語是我腳前的燈。
Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, You are my Savior, my friend. Your grace is sufficient for me. Even when I’m in times of trouble and when I walk through the darkest valley, your word is a lamp for my feet. Maturity 1-3

5 主耶穌,主耶穌, 你是我安慰,我的牧人。 你的杖必保護我,你的竿必堅固我,一生恩惠慈愛紧紧跟。
 Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, You are my comfort, my shepherd. Your rod will protect me and your staff will strengthen me. Your grace and love will follow me all of my life. Maturity 1-4

6 沒有熬煉人心的患難, 我們怎能學習時時堅忍? 沒有千錘百鍊的品格, 我們怎能與主性情有份?
How can we learn to be persistent all the time without suffering hardship? How can we be like the Lord without the character that has been repeated hammered and refined? Maturity 2-1

7 因為聖靈不斷澆灌的慈愛, 內心盼望才會存到永远。
Because of the love that is constantly watered by the Holy Spirit, the hope in our hearts can last forever. Maturity 2-2

8 主耶穌,主耶穌, 你是我救主,是我良朋。 你的恩典夠我用,雖經患難过幽谷,你的話語是我腳前的燈。
Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, You are my Savior, my friend. Your grace is sufficient for me. Even when I’m in times of trouble and when I walk through the darkest valley, your word is a lamp for my feet. Maturity 2-3

9 主耶穌,主耶穌, 你是我安慰,我的牧人。 你的杖必保護我,你的竿必堅固我,一生恩惠慈愛紧紧跟。
 Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, You are my comfort, my shepherd. Your rod will protect me and your staff will strengthen me. Your grace and love will follow me all of my life. Maturity 2-4

10 Your grace and love will follow me all of my life.
你的杖必保護我,你的竿必堅固我,一生恩惠慈愛紧紧跟。  Your rod will protect me and your staff will strengthen me. Your grace and love will follow me all of my life. Maturity - end

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