须提交的申请材料 个人简历 在中国大学就读期间获得的证书/成绩单

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1 须提交的申请材料 个人简历 在中国大学就读期间获得的证书/成绩单
毕业证(本科毕业证;硕士研究生毕业证,如果尚未毕业,则须提交盖有院系公章的预计毕业时间证明) 迄今发布的学术论文 外语能力证明 研究计划 (1.5倍行距,15至20页) 注:以上所有材料均需提供英文稿。 其中第4项已经发表的学术论文,如果是中文的,提供英文摘要即可;如果申请人认为这篇文章很能说明自己的学术水平,建议提供全文的英文翻译。

2 Application materials
Resume Certificates/school report cads in Chinese university Diploma (undergraduate diploma; postgraduate diploma, if not yet graduated, the submission of expected graduation time shall be stamped with the official seal) Published papers Proof of language skills Research Programme (1.5 double-spaced, 15-20pages) Note: All of the above materials are required English version. if the papers have been published in Chinese, English summary can be provided; if you believes that the article is able to explain your academic level, it is recommended to provide the full text in English translation.

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