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Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:莫利民 工商与公共管理学院.

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Presentation on theme: "Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:莫利民 工商与公共管理学院."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:莫利民 工商与公共管理学院

2 Check-out Services 结账退宿服务 Learning Objectives
Learn how to collect cash, credit card, and check payment; 学会如何进行现金、信用卡和支票结账; Learn how to exchange foreign currencies. 学会如何兑换外币。

3 Dialogue: Paying the Bill by Credit Card
                信用卡结账 J=Jane (Cashier)   S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) S: I’d like to check out, please. J: May I know your name and room number, sir? S: I’m Mr. Nobel. Room 2608. J: Yes. Have you used the mini-bar or other services this morning? S: I didn’t use the mini-bar, and I paid cash for my breakfast. J: OK. Mr. Nobel. One moment while I check the folio. Your bill totals RMB 780. Here you are. Have a check, please. S: Correct. But I don’t have enough cash for it. May I pay by my credit card? J: Yes, we do accept some major credit cards. What card do you have? S: Visa Card. J: Fine. Let me take an imprint of it. S: Here it is. J: Thank you. Just a moment...Please sign your name on the print, Mr. Nobel. S: OK...Here you are. J: Thank you. Please take your credit card and keep the receipt.

4 1. Check Out for Guest 为客人结账
  May I have your room card, please? 请把房卡给我好吗?   I will draw up your bill for you. 我帮您结算账单。   Just a moment, please. The cashier will have your bill ready in a moment. 请稍等,收银员马上会准备好您的账单。   Here is your bill. 这是您的账单。   Would you like to check it? 您要核实一下吗?   Here’s your receipt. 这是您的收据。

5 2. Any Other Charge 询问客人结账当天是否使用客房设施或其他服务
  Have you used the mini-bar this morning? 您今天早上用过小冰箱里的食物吗?   Have you had your breakfast in the hotel restaurant this morning? 您今天早上在酒店餐厅用过早饭吗?   Have you used any room facilities this morning? 您今天早上使用过房间内的设施吗?

6 3. Wrong Account 算错账时   We are very sorry. I’ll check it with the department concerned. 很抱歉,我去跟有关部门核对一下。   There is a mistake. Let me check again. 有点问题,让我再检查一下。   We are very sorry; it is our mistake. 很抱歉,这是我们的错。   I’ll correct your bill; please wait a minute. 我来把您的账单改过来,请稍等。

7 4. Ways to Pay 询问客人付款方式   How do you wish to pay your bill? In cash, by checks or credit cards? 请问您希望以何种方式付 账?现金,支票,还是信用卡?   How would you like to pay your bill? In cash, by checks or credit cards? 请问您想要以何种方式付 账?现金,支票,还是信用卡?   What is your idea to pay your bill? In cash, by checks or credit cards? 请问您打算以何种方式付 账?现金,支票,还是信用卡?   What’s your way to pay your bill? In cash, by checks or credit cards? 请问您的支付方式?现金, 支票,还是信用卡?   What kind of credit card do you have? 您的是哪种信用卡?

8 5. Foreign Currencies 外币兑换服务
  We do offer exchange service. 我们可以提供外币兑换服务。   According to the today’s exchange rate, 100 US dollars is an equivalent of RMB 612. 今天的外汇 牌价是100美元可以兑换人民币612元。   How much would you like to change? 请问您要兑换多少?   Would you like to show me your passport? 请出示您的护照。   Thank you. Please fill in this exchange memo and sign your name on it. 谢谢。请填写这张兑换水 单并签上您的名字。   Here is the change and your invoice. Keep this exchange memo. 这是您的发票和找零。请您保 管好您的兑换水票。

9 6. Certificate of Receipt 出示收款凭证
  Here is your receipt. 这是您的收据。   Here’s the money you overpaid. 这是退给您的钱。   Would you like to sign here? 请您在这儿签单,好吗?   I’ll need your signature here, please. 请您在这儿签单。 7. Seeing Off the Guest 送别客人   Have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快。   We hope you had enjoyed your stay. 希望您在这儿住得愉快。   We look forward to serving you again. 我们期待能再次为您服务。   We look forward to seeing you again. 欢迎下次光临。



12 1. Credit Card 常见的信用卡

13 2. Foreign Exchange Rate 外汇牌价

14 3. Authorization 信用卡授权

15 Exercise 1 Dialogue Completion
Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brackets and then read it in roles. Stephen Nobel comes to check out at the hotel reception desk. J=Jane (Cashier) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good morning! Can I help you? S: ____________________________________?(我要结账离店。请问可以把我的账结一下吗?) J: Yes, of course. __________________________________________?(请问您的姓名及所住的房间?) S: Stephen Nobel. Room 409. J: OK. ________________.(给您账单。)Mr. Nobel. S: This figure looks too big. Perhaps there is a mistake. Could you explain it to me? I’m leaving today. May I settle my bill now May I have your name and room number, please Here is your bill

16 J: Sure. _______________________________________________________________________.(这个数目是您的房间租金。这是您记账的酒钱。这是洗衣费。这是您使用送餐服务的费用。) S: What about this figure here? J: _____________________________________.(哦,这是国际长途电话费。) S: Oh, I see. J: _________________________________________________________?(您要怎么付款?用现金还是用信用卡付账?) S: By traveler’s check. J: OK. But don’t forget to sign your name here. Thank you. Here is your copy of the voucher and this is your receipt and your card. __________________________________________.(我们欢迎您下次来这里时再光临我们的酒店。) This is your room rent, wine charge, laundry charge. And this is your room service fee Well, it is the international calls charge fee How do you wish to settle your account, sir, in cash or by credit card We hope you will visit our hotel again some day

17 Exercise 2 Role-play   一位客人Nobel 在前台退房,他来到收银处(cashier),要求将200 美元兑换成人民币。请按当日国家公布的外汇牌价(foreign exchange rate)为客人兑换外币。请你和你的同学准备该对话,并在班上表演。 J=Jane (Cashier) S= Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good morning. How can I help you? S: Yes. I want to check out and change some US dollars into Chinese RMB. J: How much is that? S: 200 US dollars. Here you are. J: We change foreign currencies according to today’s exchange rate…100 US dollars, an equivalent of RMB 700. S: OK, I’ll take it. J: Please fill in the exchange memo, your passport number and the total sum, and sign your name. S: Here you are. Is that all right? J: Yes, thanks. What denomination do you need? S: Yes, thanks. Give me 40 five-yuan notes, 100 one-yuan coins, and others are 100-yuan notes. J: Certainly. Here is RMB Check it, please, and keep the memo. S: That’s all right. Thank you for your help. J: Always at your service.

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