——Teaching for t_______ hinking

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1 ——Teaching for t_______ hinking
构建有意义的英语课堂 ——Teaching for t_______ hinking 盛艳萍 浙江省宁波外国语学校

2 构建有意义的英语课堂 ——Teaching for thinking Meaningful learning(奥苏贝尔,1994)
“语言文字或符号所表述的新知识能够与学习者认知结构中已有的有关旧知识建立一种实质联系。” 学习者表现出一种意义学习的心向; 学习任务对于学习者具有潜在意义。 D.P.奥苏贝尔. 教育心理学——认知观点. 人民教育出版社

3 Be a real listener / reader.
有意义的文本解读 “...a story has as many versions as it has readers. Everyone takes what he wants or can from it and thus changes it to his measure. Some pick out parts and reject the rest, some strain the story through their mesh of prejudice, some paint it with their own delight.” John Steinbeck, The Winter of our Discontent 文本解读意识 Be a real listener / reader.

4 文本解读能力 *了解策略:Top-down and Bottom-up

5 文本解读能力 Diversity Authenticity Narrative Expository Descriptive
*寻找有意义的文本 Narrative Expository Descriptive Argumentative Diversity Authenticity

6 文本解读能力 *记录感受 预测问题 共鸣 温度 困难 素材

7 A Whole New Chinatown Good morning, Chinatown (早安中国城)
We all live in Chinatown (一家五口人) 听爷爷他曾经说过在遥远的地方 有一群和我们一样黄色皮肤的人 我老爸是中国人(你是什么人) 我是一个美国人(有一点矛盾) 为什么我们想回去他们却想过来 我一直不是很明白自己的未来 American-Chinese tell me why American-Chinese Who am I Tell me why Who am I Tell me why

8 有意义的目标设定 课程目标、本册目标、单元目标、课时目标、任务目标 “学生在某种条件下至少能做什么” 与评价相结合
Assessment for A Letter of Suggestion Did you state your purpose clearly? Did you give attractive and practical suggestions? Did you give persuasive reasons? Did you offer a win-win situation? Is your letter formal and polite? Did you use the new vocabulary?

9 有意义的任务设计 Learner-focused *Real information gap
*Prior knowledge/Schemata *Life experience *Motivation Meaning-focused *Real task *Outcome Open Q→A→?

10 有意义的教学对话 T language Questioning(T) &Thinking(Ss) *倾听 *有意义的交谈
*学生的回答-线索→下一个问题 *对话过程-Ss思考过程:已知知识与旧知识的连接 *Ss参与教学对话的结果:学会理解内容,有能力 监控自己的理解过程 *T: Listener & Prompter

11 Core questions Closed and open & How to think Follow-up questions
*How do you know that? *What makes you think so? *What evidence can you find to support your argument? *What example can you give to show …? *What do you mean by …? *Please explain it in another way. *What other … can you tell? *If we collect the answers from A, B and C, what can we find? * … Closed and open How to think

12 有意义的评价 课堂观察与评价 同伴评价 自我评价 终结性评价→形成性评价

13 Highly recommended: Neil J. Anderson
Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies 《第二语言阅读探索:问题与策略》 Francoise Grellet Developing Reading Skills 《英语阅读教学》 Christine Nuttall Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language 《外语阅读技巧教学》

14 Highly recommended: Marylou Danntonio, Paul C. Beisenherz
Learning to Question, Questioning to Learn——Developing Effective Teacher Questioning Practices 《课堂提问的艺术——发展教师的有效提问技能》 David Nunan Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom 《交际课堂的任务设计》 Tricia Hedge Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom 《语言课堂中的教与学》

15 THANK YOU! 盛艳萍 浙江省宁波外国语学校

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