STM 神学主日 STM Sunday 2018.

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1 STM 神学主日 STM Sunday 2018

2 Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
EK(STM) 26/4/2019 Founded on 6 January, 1979 创院于1979年1月6日 Seminari Theoloji Malaysia 马来西亚神学院 STM Sunday 2015

3 2019年1月6日 Good news 周年


5 Inter-Denominational Seminary 跨宗派的神学院

6 新生New Students of 2018: 20

7 2018 Full-time Students: 72 全时间学生
New Academic Year Annual Retreat 新学年退修会 6/1/2018

8 STM Mission Statement使命宣言
EK(STM) 26/4/2019 STM Mission Statement使命宣言 Vision: God’s people equipped for ministry and mission. 异象:装备上帝的子民, 去参与事奉和宣教。 STM Sunday 2015

9 STM Mission Statement使命宣言
Mission: To help both full-time workers and lay people to grow in Christian maturity and to train them for ministry and service in and through the Church. 使命:协助全职同工和信徒在基督里 成长,并训练他们参与教会的事奉。

10 STM Training Principles 马来西亚神学院培训原则
Knowing 知 Being 是 Head Heart Hand Doing 行 Holistic Training 整全的培训

11 STM Training Ideal - holistic: 3H 全人训练
学者头脑 (Scholar) Head: academic excellence and innovative learning 卓越的学术 牧者心肠 (Shepherd) Heart: spiritual formation and a sense of self-giving; character 属灵、 formation and personal growth 品格塑造 仆人手 脚 (Servant) Hand: commitment to mission and ministerial skills 委身宣教与事奉 Knowing 知 Being 是 Head Heart Hand Doing 行

12 STM Study Programs神学课程
本科课程Basic Degree Programs 神学文凭Diploma of Theology (2年) 神学学士Bachelor of Theology (4年) 道学学士Bachelor of Divinity (4年) 道学硕士Master of Divinity (3年) 教牧进修课程Advanced Ministerial Studies 教牧学硕士Master of Ministry 教牧学博士Doctor of Ministry 研究院课程Postgraduate Studies 神学硕士MTh (STM) 神学博士DTh (ATU)

13 神学延伸课程 (TEE) Theological Education by Extension
Part-time studies部分时间 English英语 Chinese华语 Tamil淡米尔文 BM国语 CTEE in Luther Center, PJ 思迪神学中心(信义楼)

14 BM in-campus Programme Started this year. 今年开始

15 First Batch of f/t BM Students 国文部

16 敬 请 恳 切 代 祷 !! 祷告

17 Theological Education is costly!

18 奉献

19 “Friends & Partners of STM” 《STM挚友和伙伴》



22 Coin box for Friends of STM. Sign up now and get one free!
赠送给挚友的扑满。 今天就成为挚友。

Welcome gift 迎宾礼品 Membership card 会员卡 Quarterly Berita STM 马来西亚神学院季刊 STM series book 马来西亚神学院系列丛书

24 Purchase books with discount (min 5% from Su Fes Bookstore & Eternal Wisdom Bookstore)
至少95折买书折扣(书花书局&永恒智慧书局) 2 free audit courses for TEE Courses 2 个免费旁听神学教育延伸课程

25 STM Endowment Trust Fund 《神学教育信托基金》
五万零吉以上 RM50,000 and above

26 STM Endowment Trust Fund 《神学教育信托基金》
五万零吉以上 RM50,000 and above

27 STM Website:

28 For your prayers & support Be blessed! Stay blessed! Be a blessing!

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