Centre for Health Education and

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Health Education and"— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Health Education and
Emergency Preparedness for School to Manage Large Outbreak of Influenza 學校面對大型流感爆發的緊急應變措施 March 2008 Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, CUHK 香港中文大學健康教育及促進健康中心

2 For parents/students/staff: 家長/學生/教職員:
Parents should check the temperature of their children daily before school with proper recording duly signed by parent 家長應在子女每天上學前替他們量度體溫,並正式 記錄下來。 Stay at home and consult doctor with fever or feeling unwell. 若有發燒或感冒徵狀,請求醫並留在家中休息。 School staff and students should wear face masks when they have respiratory tract inflection symptoms 若學校職員及學生有呼吸道感染徵狀,必須配戴口 罩。

3 Students should wash hands before meals and after sneezing, coughing or cleaning the nose. They should not share towels or utensils. 學生在進食前或咳嗽及觸碰鼻子後必須洗手。不 可共用手巾或用具。 Consult doctor promptly in case of fever and/or respiratory symptoms. 若有發燒或呼吸道感染徵狀,必須立刻求醫。 School bus drivers and the assistants should not drive/get on the bus if they have fever. They should wear mask if they have respiratory tract infection. 若校巴司機及其助理有發燒徵狀,便不該接觸校 巴。若他們有呼吸道感染徵狀,便必須配戴口罩。

4 Schools should: 學校應該: Clean and disinfect school premises and facilities at least daily with diluted household bleach with disinfectant mats at school entrance. 至少每天以稀釋家用消毒藥水清潔及消毒校內設施 一次,並在學校入口放置消毒地毯。 Provide adequate facilities and cleaning material for hand-washing. 提供足夠的洗手設計及配套。 Maintain good indoor ventilation and wash dust filters of air conditioners frequently. 保持室內空氣流通,及經常清洗冷氣機隔塵網。

5 Flexible break time and lunch time to avoid over crowding 彈性小休及午膳以避免校園太過擠迫。
Notify the Department of Health and EDB of unusual symptoms of infection are noted or large number of students on sick leave. 若有一批學生同時因不尋常感染徵狀而請假,通知衛生署及教 育局。 Encourage students/staff to increase body immunity by eating a balanced diet, taking regular exercise, adequate rest 鼓勵學生及職員均衡飲食、進行適量運動及保持足夠休息以增 強身體抵抗力。

6 Strongly advise students and staff not to attend schools when they have fever. 強烈建議發燒之學生及學校職員不要上學。
Advice them to consult doctors. 建議有感染徵狀人士求醫。 Provide adequate and proper face masks, gloves and other appropriate protective equipment. 提供足夠的口罩、手套等保護裝備。 Develop contingency plan. 預備緊急應變措施。

7 All organisation should have its own practical contingency plan

8 Points for consideration in planning:- 設計措施時要注意的事項:
Identify personnel for designated jobs, i.e., infection control, liaison persons etc. 確定每人負責的工作,如傳染病控制、統籌人員等。 Split into smaller working groups using different access points and reduce number of meetings with greater use of telephone conference. 以不同切入點將同工分為較小的工作小組,減少會議的次數轉 而以進行電話會議。

9 Stock pile personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, disinfectants. 存放一定份量的個人防護裝備,如口罩及消毒劑。
To provide training and briefing for staff on general measures and also specific measures such as use of PPE. 為職員提供有關一般措施以及專有措施(如個人防護裝備)的培 訓及簡報。 Test and review contingency. 測試及檢討緊急應變措施的內容。 Designate deputies of management if become ill. 若管理人員染病,委派管理層的副手負責。 Specify responsibilities of key individual team. 具體指定個別工作小組之職務。 Establish infection control procedures. 訂立明確的傳染病控制程序

10 有用網址 密切留意政府及相關機構所發放的最新資料!!
有用網址 密切留意政府及相關機構所發放的最新資料!! 衞生署衞生防護中心Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health 教育局 Education Bureau 衛生約章 Hygiene Charter 健康校園齊抗炎 School against SARS

11 No one can be responsible for your own health except you.
Crisis can be turned into opportunities with better management 香港中文大學醫學院健康教育及促進健康中 電話 :(852) 傳真 :(852) 電郵 網址 : 地址 :香港新界沙田瀝源健康院4字樓

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